Join Date: Apr 2004 Location: Vaes Dothrak
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Takeru Asakura Third Year
x5 x7
| ★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★ SPOILER!!: All you right people!!!! Quote:
Originally Posted by kayquilz
O___O Elliot was NOT AMUSED. What she said totally wasn't rude of him. And to think that Elliot had been somewhat a fan of Scabior before this time...
She grudgingly...stood up, shooting a glare at that weird puff boy(the one who had been shirtless in Transfiguration...great.) and tried her veeeerrrryberry best not to roll her eyes. Nope. No trouble for 'Miss Morganzo.'
She brought her notebook along with her...since, you know, she was a Ravenclaw and had to take notes. Perhaps Professor Scabier though he was embarrassing her...well, he wasn't. He was just making sure everyone now knew exactly who she was...thank Merlin she was good looking...
She copied down all of those little bullet points, making a mental note to fiiiind the stupid train section in her textbook...
And when could she sit again, Professor? Hmmm?
And then he asked another question...Elliot thought for a minute...guesses..."Well, Professor, perhaps the charms set on it backfired or something..." Or something. Because she really didn't know... Quote:
Originally Posted by jujune29th Sophie smirked. Yeees, she smiiirked when Elliot was called up to the front of the classroom. Bwahahaha! The badger didn't even care if evil Elliot saw her smirking. Suppressing a chuckle, Sophie started copying down the list from the board.
She couldn't help but giggle when she noticed Theodore's answer was also there on the list. Professor Scabior did have sense of humor! That was cool! Sophie smiled and listened to him speaking and asking another question.
Hm... they mentioned a snow bank when the train stopped the second time? She raised her hand. "It was snowing in September?" That wasn't very... normal, was it? "Maybe it had something to do with the strange weather?" Why would it be snowing right after summer break? Weeeird... Quote:
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl The second time the train stopped, it actually crashed? Whoa. Penelope was glad that hadn't happened this time. Even if the sudden stop had technically made everyone inside it to crash into things. But what could have made it crash? Hmm... After a few moments of thought, her hand went into the air. "Did someone make it crash?" she asked/answered. That seemed possible. Why would a train just crash randomly? Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen As he scribbled down the list on the board he noticed the dates... doing a few number crunching on his parchment he realized it was exactly 30 years prior when the train malfunctioned the 2nd time, and 55 years from the first time. The first malfunction was well documented of course, the second one he didnt really know about. For all his family's connection to the railway system he wasnt want to peruse the archives for accidents.
Anotehr thing he scribbled down was the weather-- winter mustve come strong and early for snow to accumulate enough to cushion a derailed train. He heard Alyssa mention the icy tracks, which makes a whole lot of sense. Up goes the hand "Professor, was there any magical or mechanical trouble? Brakes failed or something?" He knew well enough that certain Muggle made machines-- even those retrofitted magically-- would start showing flaws during inclement weather. Quote:
Originally Posted by Tegz West put his hand up. "It was Voldemortist. You know, Professor Lainey's boyfriend." Well. Something like that anyway. Quote:
Originally Posted by Surya Raju Maybe Surya has to speak out his feelings now. It is of no use to sit in a classroom without joining in the discussion. He put up his hand, stood, cleared his voice and began, "Professor, I have read it somewhere that the train crash in the above mentioned year was not a naturally occurred incident but a planned one. Students had to walk from there all over to school by following the train tracks. They say that a "DARK MARK" was actually conjured and students were struck with fear on what was about to happen. I have even read that a professor named, Golden Luigi on that day has died who was with the students at that time. I strongly believe that Voldemortist was behind it." Quote:
Originally Posted by DecemberMoon Eliza hadn’t realized the train had stopped several times during transit. It made her a little less comfortable when thinking about going home for the summer. “Maybe I should have my parents pick me up in Hogsmeade…” she pondered.
She wasn’t really sure what could’ve caused the second crash, as she didn’t really know the details surrounding it. She gave it a shot anyway though, “Maybe the train crashed the second time because someone cursed it so it would come off the tracks?” A guess was better than no effort at all, she decided. Quote:
Originally Posted by xXxPandora Wondering why the persons who mentioned color in relation to the Hogwarts Express' history were asked to join the Professor in front, Beezus brought her elbows on the desk, intertwined her fingers and rested her chin on it. Was Professor Scabior having the two of them on a debate or something like that?
But that had to wait for the man was now on the list of what was supposed to be the historical background of the magical train. Beezus nodded. Muggles, yes, it was constructed by those non-magic folk. And yes, it had broken down at least three times. Dementors on the first time with Dementors feeling a bit too friendly and decided to visit the students before they arrive at school. But really, Beatrice knew the Azkaban guards were looking for Sirius Black that time.
When Scabior asked for guesses on the second time the train broke, the Ravenclaw couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. The answer to that one was mentioned by one of their peers already. Quickly, she put her hand up. "Professor, I believe Sierra Greigoth had already given a starting answer to that. As she said, during the journey to the school, it suddenly started snowing. It wasn't a usual occurrence because it was September," Snow in September? Yeah, that was just weird. "The train then ran into a snow bank, and got stuck and the students were forced to continue their way to Hogwarts on foot." Right Sierra? "..And in connection to what West Odessa said Professor, it was indeed assumed, uhh..well, actually it was proven thereafter that the wreckage had something to do with Lord Voldemortist killing a Professor and," *Head-shaking* "...a powerful book? I can't really remember. It was also reported that a dementor also made an appearance during that time."
Yes? Yes? She DID read Hogwarts, A History, quite a few times actually. Quote:
Originally Posted by hjhm Was it just her or is this class going faster than she thought? Because part of her really thought that since this is History of Magic, there would be you know, a stop in time.... literally. Meh, Guess Professor Scabior proved her wrong with her almost sane theory. Juliet sat there and listened to the professor as he started the lecture. From time to time however, her eyes would still go back to the toy train. Yup, she wanted to play with the train.
As the lesson progressed a bit, they're now discussing on the 3 events in history that the train broke down and/or was stopped. Juliet knew about the 3, read or had possibly heard it from an adult but nothing much in particular. The details is a bit blur to her.
If she had to base her answer with the 1993 reason, which is the dementors stopping the train, then Juliet can come up with a basic answer as well. Her hand rose up "Someone evil or dark stopped the train... again" she said. Maybe not those dementors, maybe just something else. Something powerful and evil and dark and creepy.
Who knows. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie wasn't the answer for the question? That was really all Kurumi could fathom. Train back in Japan would stop and derail whenever there was a heavy snow storm of visibility was too low, so other than what her classmates had already offered up....the Gryffindor was lost. Which is why she went back to her parchment for the time being and jotted down notes - including the list that Professor Scabior had put on the board.
She did end up raising an eyebrow in Elijah's direction for a moment. Purple? Really? Distracted for a moment from the rest of the discussion, it was actually Beezus who managed to bring the seventh year back in.
And hand went up. "Are you talking about the Book of Mysteria? Wasn't that the year that Hogwarts was entrusted to keep it safe?" Quote:
Originally Posted by xXxPandora Beezus had barely sat back down when Kurumi sent a question towards her direction. Book of Mysteria. Yeah, that was it. The Ravenclaw nodded, "It could be a rather dangerous book if it falls into the wrong hands." For inside were numerous powerful spells and potions. And well, the bearer would most likely transcends others. "It was said that Lord Voldemortist had an undeniable interest on it." And that it was why he crashed the train in the first place. Quote:
Originally Posted by Princesspower Sarah wrote down her notes, yet at number 11, Sarah did not approve of the language used so she changed it.
She scanned the list to see how she could answer the question, snowfall and trains, " maybe some Dark Magic..." that was usually the answer when things went wrong in Hogwarts Quote:
Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife What did cause the Train to crash? Kat had asked herself that question a long time ago. But.... what, really? Kat pondered for a moment until she remembered a conclusion she remembered.
"It could be a malfunction, Professor," Kat said. "But it may have been other... uhmmm... another Dark attack." Kat bit her lip. Just hopefully, it wasn't THAT. Quote:
Originally Posted by DeathEater1 "It started snowing just out of the blue, right? Someone must've conjured up a snow spell to freeze the train up, or cloud it's field of vision so it couldn't move on. It does seem quite thought out, come to think of it." Based on everyone else's answers, that one was pretty correct. The first one, at least. The second one she kinda guessed on.
Why would someone wanna do that? It sounded kinda stupid. for starters, she disliked snow quite a bit, so she couldn't see why anyone would ever want to make it just, "pop out of the ground"! A little was okay, a lot was NOT. Not in any way, shape, or form. But she couldn't control it, right? Why would anyone want to? Quote:
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
.... munchmunchmunch..... Louisa continued to lightly bite her fingernails, not that she was nervous from being stared-at non-stop without any reason, nope. She just had to pretend that Odessa was not sitting a couple of feet away from here and would so coldly shave Louisa's hair off, make it into a Gryffindor scarf since it's ginger now, and use it in one of her illegal deeds. GULP.
Thankfully Scabior's class had a lot of chatter in it, the Ravenclaw tried to focus on every silly and made-up reply the kids gave, and Merlin those professors were patient to put up with all this way-out-of-the-box minds of the younger generation.
As for his question... well, that was hard. Louisa heard of that but she never really dwelt on the subject. She could assume, though. Clearing her throat and raising her hand, " Maybe some gangster wizards attacked it. They could be doing it for fun, as a dare, or were looking for someone important that's rumored to be on board." Like that part of the Anastasia story. Louisa had no idea, really. She was just interested in talking every once in a while to give the impression that she was very unfazed by the sparkly starey vamp. Quote:
Originally Posted by natethegreat How did it stop the second time? Oh come on Scabior!!!!! Give me more of a challenge here! At this rate I won't learn anything new!!!!!!!! Nate simply raised his hand and stated. "The cause wasn't natural causes that's for sure. Even though that there WAS a freak snowstorm, but in Hogwarts, a History it never said anything about the tacks being frozen. So I say that I was man-made, and by a man who wanted something powerful.......that man was Lord Voldemortist. He was after something called the book of Mysteria......." Nate trailed off. That's all that Nate had to say about that simple question. Quote:
Originally Posted by Edge Emil is still trying to wrap his head around magic, so he was really glad he attended this class. Professor Scabior brought up the incident in the train ride to Hogwarts. He almost forgot about that due to being more home sick than worrying about things that are currently happening to him. He found out from the other students that the train has been stopped twice before, and the event yesterday was the third time it happened. And now the professor is inquiring everyone on why it stopped for the second time. I think those people who were perplexed with snow on September is correct... why would such a thing happen? ... he thought to himself. Other than that, he couldn't really think of any other reason. He also heard a few students mention someone named Lord Voldemortist. Such an odd name ... he thought to himself. Although, he remembers his mother mentioning a similar name, when she was trying to bring him up to date to the Wizarding World just as he was preparing for his trip to Hogwarts. My mother said they called that guy, um, You-Know-Who, and someone named Harry Potter was able to overpower this dark lord. He was writing all of these things down on his parchment, as well as whatever the professor has written on the board. He's trying to connect the dots in his head.
So far, nothing is connecting, and he doesn't like it. He is very argumentative, but in this current scenario, where he is still totally in the dark, all he can do is sit quietly and tongue-tied. Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Sierra nodded. Snow assisting the train in the middle of a wreck seemed legit. She just wasn't alive back then, so she wouldn't be able to say for sure. She looked around the room as the others chimed in, and she raised her eyebrows when Scabior said something to Vivi about the Ministry.
...but the Ministry was filled some really awesome people, too. Like Sierra's father, for instance. ...and, wasn't Scabior dating one of the department heads? Hmph. Sounded like somebody was a little full of himself.
...and, why that second train crash happened?
Seemed right. "I'm going to agree with those two," she said, raising her hand then gesturing in the West and Beezus's direction. "Could have been a powerful wizard, or it could have been the snow. Or both." One would think, though, if it had been just the snow, a magical train would have been equipped to handle that.
Again, she raised her eyebrows. Powerful wizard? Dead professor? Mysterious book?
Yeah. She agreed with all of the above being the answer. Ravvie Girl seemed to know what she was talking about, at least. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lockhartian
Not really. Though, thanks for pointing out they needed some form of babysitting. The way he said it was almost funny...if he hadn't continued and mention her attitude. She didn't have an attitude, you know? The smallest of smiles was growing on her face.
And Lottie was thinking on her reply to that when he LOUDLY to her announced which House she was in. Wrinkling-nose. No fair. Not the points, she could care less about those, how many points you earned and lost was never an indication of what a great wizard or witch one was...but...UGH. Being referred to as a Hufflepuff, she mentally shook her head.
Miss Morganzo?
Elliot? That sparked her interest at the moment. Her eyes did follow the board. "It was exactly 30 years ago...," she almost whispered, but then raised her hand, points and the Hufflepuff bit forgotten for now, "Dark forces, perhaps?" because the Headmistress did seem to be in a hurry to get them off the train into Hogsmeade, so maybe she'd heard the story of what happened 30 years ago? "It seems it's the one time it did crash, compared to the other two. Something else might've been in the tracks." Or maybe someone was inside and dark wizards wanted to get rid of said person or something.
Now she wanted to ask...something that was probably off-topic...and she didn't want to be called 'Hufflepuff' again, so she'd better not ask anything and LIMIT herself--no, she wasn't limiting herself. Hand raised. "Where there any casualties back then?" did anyone die? If so, was that relevant, exactly? Uuuuh. "Technically? Yes." He nodded. The Puff that had a slight attitude problem possible was not that bad. Maybe she really belonged in Ravenclaw? Quote:
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
.... munchmunchmunch..... Louisa continued to lightly bite her fingernails, not that she was nervous from being stared-at non-stop without any reason, nope. She just had to pretend that Odessa was not sitting a couple of feet away from here and would so coldly shave Louisa's hair off, make it into a Gryffindor scarf since it's ginger now, and use it in one of her illegal deeds. GULP.
Thankfully Scabior's class had a lot of chatter in it, the Ravenclaw tried to focus on every silly and made-up reply the kids gave, and Merlin those professors were patient to put up with all this way-out-of-the-box minds of the younger generation.
As for his question... well, that was hard. Louisa heard of that but she never really dwelt on the subject. She could assume, though. Clearing her throat and raising her hand, " Maybe some gangster wizards attacked it. They could be doing it for fun, as a dare, or were looking for someone important that's rumored to be on board." Like that part of the Anastasia story. Louisa had no idea, really. She was just interested in talking every once in a while to give the impression that she was very unfazed by the sparkly starey vamp. "If you have ever seen any gangster wizards i'd encourage you to take a picture of them so I can actually say they exist." Take a picture and then run. Or she would most likely be in trouble. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Odessa says WHAAAAAAAT? Vivi turned on West and fixed him with an icy look. One didn't speak against Aunt Anj, even if one was West and knew her first hand. "You know that isn't true. Professor Lainey would never consort with the likes of that Dark Wizard." DONOTGOTHERE. Oh man, he was interrupting an important converstation with his lesson. How could he do that? "It's true." Dash started dully. "Started when she was a ghost." No. It didn't. But what kind of seventh year let a second year student get to them? Back to the whole class. "Many of you are correct. Or on the right track at least." Which was good. As long as they were along the right lines. "Voldemortist was the person behind the train tracks. In attempt to cover up a Professors death. A Professor whom he had killed because he was trying to get the Book of Mysteria." They would focus on that another day though. The book of Mysteria would be good content. "Unlike that incident, the most recent stopping of the train did not end in a crash." Sadly. If some students had been injured more would be in the hospital wing instead of his class. And he had a handful that he wanted out. For example, one had a last name that started with an H and ended with ollingberry. "Neither does it match up with the first because of the Dementors." No guards of Azkaban had entered the train this time. "I want you all to keep in mind that although the express was created by Muggles, and appears to be a strictly Muggle device, it is and has been for a very long time, a magical unit of transportation. What first two incidences do have in common generally is that they were stopped by some form magic or something in the magically world." With that said, "From knowing all these facts-" Everything that they had said previously, and everything he said now. "-I believe it is safe to say that some form of magic must have stopped the Hogwarts Express recently as well."
And exactly WHY were they going into this? He wold explain that later but they all rode the train right? IT was important to them was it not? But he was going to venture off course just a bit. "Everyone tell me one spell or charm that you think Ottaline Gambol had placed on the Hogwarts express to get it running on magic." OOC:The lesson will continue in approximately 16 hours.
__________________ {act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure}  {i'll show you} |