*Blue Jay* *Newbie Slytherpuff*
6. Divination ※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※ “Bloody..” “…Hell!”
The door flew open to reveal two very baffled pudding drenched twins. They stared across the hall at the red haired woman and her triumphant smirk.
Molly couldn’t help but giggle at their expressions. At only six years old they were pulling pranks and causing more trouble than children three times their age. They needed to learn though that you don’t mess with momma. “How did..” “..you know?!”
She rolled her eyes and smiled. “I don’t have to know Divination to know what my own children are up to.”
Feeling rather cheery she sauntered back down the hall.
__________________  ... TRICKSTER ... RAMBUNCTIOUS ... STUBBORN ... |