*Blue Jay* *Newbie Slytherpuff*
38. Patronus ※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※
Wind blew in her face as Molly banked to the right and caught the Quaffle from her father. Speeding down the pitch she dodged both her brothers and came into the clear. Quickly, she pulled back her arm and let the ball fly. SCORE!
Smiling from ear to ear she sailed back to her father who was cheering like crazy while Gideon and Fabian mopped behind him. They had won. “Expecto Patronum!” Her voice rang clear as the memory filled her mind. Silver mist emitted from her wand and coalesced into a tall she-wolf. The red head smiled proudly.
__________________  ... TRICKSTER ... RAMBUNCTIOUS ... STUBBORN ... |