*Blue Jay* *Newbie Slytherpuff*
80. Author's Choice - Birth ※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※
She would kill the woman if she asked her to push one more time. “Come on Mrs. Weasley…PUSH!”
Gritting her teeth Molly braced herself on her hands and growled through the pain. With the last of her failing strength she pushed with everything she had. Arthur swept her sweat drenched hair behind her shoulders and planted a kiss on her forehead.
An ear piercing wail split the air. “Congratulations Weasley’s……It’s a girl.”
Utterly spent Molly collapsed back onto the bed. The nurse came over and deposited a squirming bundle in pink into her arms. “Ginevra Molly Weasley.” She whispered.
__________________  ... TRICKSTER ... RAMBUNCTIOUS ... STUBBORN ... |