*Blue Jay* *Newbie Slytherpuff*
57. Goblin ※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※
Fidgeting with the many folds in her dress Molly looked at herself in the mirror for the umpteenth time. The cut was flattering however if the day didn’t call for this particular color she would have been wearing anything but. “Stop fidgeting girl!” Aunt Muriel burst in. “Now straighten up.” Obeying she held still as something was arranged into her hair. “There. Nothing like a little sparkle on your big day.” She left just as quickly.
Her mother walked in beaming. “Now wasn’t that nice of my sister. She doesn’t lend her goblin-made tiara to just anyone.” “It’s time dear.”
__________________  ... TRICKSTER ... RAMBUNCTIOUS ... STUBBORN ... |