Originally Posted by
Dances_With_Potter Sutton raised her hand meekly. Clearing her voice before speaking, she responded, "Is it Galileo, Professor?"
Well, that certainly did not take long for the first hand to be raised. Oh! Look at that. The hand was attached to a Hufflepuff. Looooooovely.
Oh, I'm afraid not dear. But no harm in venturing a guess. This is not Galileo Galilei," Whose name was aaaawfully fun to say though.
Originally Posted by
Bazinga Alexa had no clue who this person was. She put her hand up anyway, "Ummm.. were we suppose to read something before class to know who this old person is? What is he looking at in this picture it can't be stars, because stars are in the sky." she couldn't figure out what this person was looking at. Why was he not looking in front of him like normal paintings and pictures. She was about to tell him to look at her when she was distracted by another students hand. WOW there was many students in this class that she did not know. Was there this many students in this school she thought, soon she forgot all about the guy they were asked about..
Marion staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaared at the girl again. THAT one from the opening feast who had showed such appalling behavior. Pinching the bridge of her nose for a moment, Professor Burbage tried to contain her emoooooootions before she spoke. "
Darling...that will be 10 points from Hufflepuff for insuuuuuuuuuuuuulting perhaps the greeeeeeeeeatest and most influentiaaaaaaaaaaal scientist who ever lived."
Hooooooooonestly. OLD.
What a horrible thing to say about a person. This one better not say that word to HER.
And no, there was no require reading prior to attending my lesson."
Originally Posted by
HaRoHeGiNeLu It was his FIRST class at Hogwarts! He was going to LEARN stuff!!
No longer was he confined to what his parents managed to teach him at home. Or even his home surroundings. He was out and at school and got to learn new things and it was all extremely exciting!
Aidan walked into the classroom and shouted a "HI!" at the professor before seeing the soda.
...He'd never had that stuff before! And, OBVIOUSLY he made for the GREEN one. Which was SO cool. A GREEN drink AND the teachers FED you.
Hogwarts was AWESOME!
Aidan poured himself some soda...most of which made it into the little cup and filled in a square for himself on the seating chart where the front row would be.
Then went over to his new seat, sipping and sloshing the bubbly beverage as he walked.
AHEM! Clearing her throat as the young man entered the classroom, her eyes boooooooooooooore into his features. He. Was.LATE! At least he had greeted her
informally and followed instructions, so that saved the young thing SOME grief from her.
Some, mind you, not all.
Hello dear, 5 points from Ravenclaw for arriving late. But dooooooo enjoy the soda and be careful not to spill."
Originally Posted by
HazelStone101 Jayden smiled, raising her hand slowly. "Professor, is that Sir Isaac Newton?" She answered after being called upon.. She couldn't be sure, but during the summer she had looked at a few muggle history books... although maybe she was wrong... it could be someone from the wizarding world.
Ugh. And they REALLY needed the house points!
Exactly right, dear!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands together loudly. Now, where had she put her wand so she could give the girl a proper congratulations? It was here in one of these pockets...
Originally Posted by
Presley Black So she stared at the photo. She knew this guy from somewhere, but she couldn't remember where. She mentally ran through every textbook she'd ever read, and came up blank. Now it was Presley who felt stupid. Who was this guy?? Besides her new professors crush.
Giving up on looking for her wand for now, Marion looked back up and noticed the now proooooooperly dressed Ravenclaw deep in thought. Good good. Thinking was good and it was peeeeeerfectly alright not to know the answer. This was school for a reason after all.
Ho ho ho!
Originally Posted by
TakemetotheBurrow The third year eyed the picture carefully and tried to think of the people she knew that had to do with astronomy in some way. There was Galileo...but didn't he have a big burly beard thingy? Oh! There was also another guy...who COULD be the man in the picture. "Professor, is that guy Newton...or erm...Sir Isaac Newton?"
He is indeeeeeeeeeeed!" she beamed at the young Hufflepuff.
Originally Posted by
AuroraQuinn Aurora glared at the girl who had just lost them points before looking back to the picture. She raised her hand, "Is it a famous astronomer..?" Okay, lame... but it was all she had. She unscrewed the top from her bottle and took a sip - she actually hated fizzy drinks but she supposed she should drink this - it was in the instructions after all...
She nodded at the Slytherin. "
Yes, that is one thing he is known for." The rest, well, she would know soon!
Originally Posted by
DaniDiNardo "Ooo, I know, I know!" She said as her hand flew into the air. Yup. She knew who is was. "That, dear Professor, is the man with white hair that did something sometime ago and now is very famous for doing it!"
She nodded with a satisfied smile, glad she was able to answer. Good 'ole white haired man. According to her old teacher he did wonders and made great styles...or was it strides...well he made something, she was sure of that! She gazed at white haired man for a bit longer. "Yup, that's him. He's even got the same white hair too!" There...some extra, extra details. BEAM.
Ahem. Yes...well...not that this one was wrong or anything. Not exactly. More details would have been appreciated of course. The young Gryffindor earned a small smile and nod of the head for her, erm, efforts.
Originally Posted by
Dances_With_Potter Her face blushing slightly, she half-raised her hand again, "Sorry, Professor. I think that Ravenclaw girl is right, isn't she? It's Newton! And a fact about him is... he discovered a lot of important things about physics..." Sutton's brain worked in hyper-speed as she tried to remember those silly Bill Nye science movies her parents would play when they were kids. "Something about... objects in motion..." she trailed off, looking up at the professor with true terror in her eyes for first getting the answer wrong and then for not being able to stop talking... "Ooh! No... it's... objects in motion stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force!"
Oh dear...this poor child was having a panic attack already. Maybe she needed to slow down on her soda drinking? It seemed to be making the poor dear rather jittery.
It is indeed Sir Isaac Newton and we will come back to objects in motion in juuuuuust a moment."
Originally Posted by
Macavity Offering a smile at the greeting in return, Gideon sat back and quiet until the professor drew the classes attention to her once more. Then his full attention was to the class as he listened to what was being said as well as the picture that was shown to them. The prefect raised his hand and spoke to answer. "That would be Sir Isaac Newton the man who discovered gravity."
"Preeeeeeeeecisely," she nodded at the Gryffindor prefect. Although she did not use the word discover herself, more proved gravity's existence. But those were probably the musing of an elderly women.
Originally Posted by
AlwaysSnapesGirl ...Studmuff? That was...an interesting thing to call someone. And apparently Professor Burbage really liked him. And his hair. Which Penelope supposed was...nice, but she didn't think his hair was THAT lovely. And of course, Penelope had no idea who the guy actually was, but she decided she was gonna try to answer anyway. Raising her hand, she asked, "Is he your husband?" The professor did seem to like him an awful lot, after all.
Professor Burbage's face
erupted into a wide smile. Oh! Look at that! She had found her wand! Which she promptly used to shoot a round of gold sparkles into the air over the girl. "
Ooooooooh were I so lucky," she giggled girlishly. "O
nly in my girlish fantasies did I marry such a studmuffin with such a briiiiiiiiilliant mind. 2 points to Gryffindor for such a chaaaaaaarming answer!"
Originally Posted by
GanymedeCraft17 Everyone else was guessing the obvious. Ganymede decided to just observe for a while. ::
Hmmm? No paper throwing this time? Good.
Originally Posted by
siriusly_demented Isabel shot her have up .she was a hundred percent sure she didn't know the answer.lets see the hair and the clothes indicate that he is a really old guy did I get it right?!?!?!?
.................................................. ........
5 points from Slytherin."
Didn't students know that it was ruuuuuuuuuude to call someone old?! Especially right to their
portrait face?!
Originally Posted by
SilverDragon "Professor," she said, "is it ... Isaac Newton?" She thought she remembered seeing a similar picture in a science book once.
It is," she nodded towards the Ravenclaw.
Originally Posted by
Presley Black "He discovered the laws of motion. He said that "An object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an outside force, and an object at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon my an outside force."" Not that she'd memorized it word for word or anything....She put her hand down, satisfied with herself.
Very good," she nodded. Even if she had said to just share ONE fact and this Ravenclaw had just shared, well, more than that. "
We will be coming back to those laws in juuuuuuust a moment."
Originally Posted by
Raising his hand to offer an answer, he made very clear that HE was, "Elijah Wilde, Professor. I think the man in the picture could be Redderick Uranus." Of course, the Hufflepuff had NO clue whatsoever if this man actually existed, but it sounded wonderfully astronomical (although, he did like her appreciation of good hair). The point was: HE was Wilde, not that ODESSA!
Oh! Were there two students with the same name in her class? How unusual! She glanced over at the young Slytherin boy from earlier and then back to the studmuffin in the making before adjusting her glasses and looking at her seating chart.
Oh goodness gracious hEAvens me," she laughed. She was looking at it upside down. Oh hohoho. Yes, this boy was Mr. Wilde. "
Redderick Uranus? Would you care to enlighten the class on who that is, Mr. Wilde?" She herself hadn't heard of him, but she too was always eager to learn new things. Simply loooooovely that students could teach their teachers, wasn't it?
Originally Posted by
Harry174 Laura looked at the picture. "Professor is it Captain Kirk in a judges wig?" Laura really had no idea who the guy was, she wasn't really good with putting names to faces, but she had seen this person on this show, what was it called trecking across the galaxy, nope that wasn't right, star trecking, nope, oh yeah star trek that was it.
Laura smiled. "He's wearing a judges wig because he's been called up for duty, he's having to tell the people from mars they can't come live here because they don't have the right papers?" That happened once on Men in Black right, that was a good film and it was all too do with Astronomy right, they were.
Ignoring the whole Mars part of this one's answer, Marion tapped her lower lip for a moment with one of her delicate fingers. "
You must tell me, dear. Who is Captain Kirk?" Because he wasn't the man in the picture.
Originally Posted by
JennyWeasley06 Everyone was pointing out All the obvious as to who it was so Ariana just sat back and chuckled at the picture in her head. that guy looked soo funny and the fact that the professor was all googley eyed over him was even funnier
Another student deep in thought it seemed. Very good. Thinking was exceeeeeellent exercise for the brain.
Originally Posted by
sweetpinkpixie S
"I believe that is Sir Isaac Newton," Kurumi answered after raising her hand. "He also has a unit of force named after him. The newton to be exact."
Yes and yes! Force shall become important a little later in our discussion as well," she nodded in reply to the Gryffindor prefect.
Originally Posted by
FireboltAvis88 "Professor that distinguished looking man in your photo is Sir Isaac Newton. Not only was he a famous Mathematician, physicist, alchemist and natural philosopher, he was also a famous astronomer."
"With a simple throw of an apple up in the air, he discovered the law of gravity. If I'm not mistaken he was also the person who built the practical reflecting telescope."
"I guess, Professor, Sir Newton can be considered a man of many talents."
Oh how she did wish that some students would not simply read from there textbooks. No matter, this poor girl seemed nervous....hence the speaking much more than had been asked. "
All true," she said with a nod. "
A very VEEEEEEEERY talented man."
And studmuffin.
Originally Posted by
Meizzner "Professor i also think it is Captain Kirk. He is wearing the wig because he is hiding from some dangerous aliens. He uses his awesome voice to tell people his wig is real even though it is just a wig."
Aliens? Oh goodness gracious hEAvens, dear...perhaps you need to slow down on all that soda drinking for a moment..." The sugar seemed to be getting to him.
Originally Posted by
Cassandra Taylor raised her hand, "Professor isnt that Sir Issac Newton, the one who found out gravity or whatnot from an apply falling on his head when he was asleep?" She wasnt too sure but it looked like the one...
He is rumored to have shared that story with others to explain how 'discovered' gravity, yes," she nodded. But it may very well just be that, a rumor. These sort of thoughts do not just simply POP into existence after all.
Originally Posted by
Squishy ♥ Logan was happy when he saw who the Professor was asking them to identify. He was pretty sure he knew who the man was, and he did want to get points for Hufflepuff. Raising his hand, he said, "That is Sir Isaac Newton and he discovered gravity."
Very good," she nodded.
Originally Posted by
MyPatronusIsaMoose Oakey took a quick look at the image that was enlarged then shown to the class. He couldn't place it as to who this man was, but he looked just like someone from his History of Magic Text Book. He put one hand under his chin and laid it's elbow onto the table as he inspected it some more. "Professor"...He paused to take another sip of the Orange soda from his cup. "Is that Xenophilius Lovegood?"
well okay, maybe it wasn't him, what did Lovegood ever do that was Astronomy related? At least there were similarities to each other, like the hair."I think it's him? It looks like him anyways."
Oh, no dear, I am afraid it is not," she said with a small shake of the head. "
Although, I am curious as to why you thought it might be him." What sorts of thoughts did this young Hufflepuff have in regards to Xenophilius Lovegood and astronomy?
Originally Posted by
pottermore08 "
"Sir Isaac Newton?" Faye said hoping she was right. She had to be, she had seen him before...but what did she know about him. Did she really remember anything he's ever done.
She sighed and gave it a whirl. "Didn't he discovery Gravity?" Faye asked hoping that she was right and was not making a fool of herself.
Very good," she nodded. This one was lucky that Marion couldn't read minds. Hmmmm.
Originally Posted by
Yourenodaisy "Thats Sir Isaac Newton, and besides all the normal things muggles know about, we know that he was an alchemist, or well, know that he studied it." like the ye old timey alchemy stuff.
Well, she was pretty sure that muggles knew very well that Newton had delved into alchemy, but the girl was still correct. "
Very good, darling."
Originally Posted by
"Isn't that Sir Issac Newton? He discovered gravity when he was writing in his diary and an apple fell on his head. He also discovered the three laws of Nature." She hoped that was right, becuase if not she looked like an idiot.
Ah yes, the apple story again. Professor Burbage nodded as the girl spoke, raising an eyebrow as two facts had been mentioned instead of one, but she was still in a good enough mood not to comment. "
Yes yes, very good. We will be coming back to those laws in a moment."
Originally Posted by
Magical Soul "I agree with the ones that said this is Sir Isaac Newton. I've seen another picture of him, though. Shabbier hair. He's the famous man with the story of the apple." She looked up every Isaac there is in history when she was looking up her dad so... no messing with the girl in that department.
Shabbier? That word earned the girl a swift and pointed eyebrow raise. She truly was lucky that she had not said said word about this particular picture. Shabbier implied showing signs of wear and tear which implied OLD.
It is indeed Sir Isaac Newton," she nodded as her eyebrow lowered. "
Of course, he is not just famous for apples." Cue a small wink towards the girl as she moved on to the next student.
Originally Posted by
the fastest seeker So back to the Professor and that picture. Cassia squinted her eyes at the old dude and her face had a blank stare. Was they supposed to recognize him or nod saying oooh sure that's....... Well, Cassia doesn't remember seeing the man before in her life. But she was going to try and guess. Raising her hand, "Well, he is an old man," Cassia started , "A former professor at Hogwarts perhaps?" she offered . And he wasn't really handsome, she wanted to add. But Professor said only one fact, so probably she'd get to share her thoughts on the man's lookings later. And what were other students saying? Weird names...mugglish names actually. Cassia shook her head..could that man be a muggle. She stared at the man questioningly as if he might just answer that. Could he?
....................THERE WAS THAT WORD AGAIN!
Her seeminly innocent answer afterwards somewhat softened the woman's mood, but also raised another question. "
Are you implying, dear, that professors at Hogwarts are all old?"
Originally Posted by
Anna Banana However... "That's Sir Isaac Newton," Sierra said, raising her hand. "...and he came up with the idea that something only moves if you cause it to move, and it'll stay moving until...well, something stops it."
Professor Burbage nodded in the girl's direction. "
Excellent point, doooooo keep that thought in mind for just a little longer, dear."
Originally Posted by
Gary paid attention to the Professor who showed them a photograph of a man. "Can anyone tell me whoooooooo this studmuffin is?" Well, this Professor was a bit.. weird. But he ignored how weird the Professor was and paid attention to the lesson. Yes, he did knew the man at the photograph. "That's Sir Isaac Newton, Professor." said him as he raised his man. "The man behind Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation."
This one also got a few gold sparkles sent into the air for his answer. "
Very good, darling." Not the law they would be discussing today, but a noble one nonetheless!
Originally Posted by
THE Govoni Well...Dylan didn't know but he figured he could contribute something to the discussion. *le raising of the hand* "A muggle with great hair?"
Yep. Not a follower. We get that it's Isaac Newton, people.
You are half right, son," she laughed. "
He DOES have great hair."
Originally Posted by
Mad Eye Touz
That earned a toothy grin towards the real Wilde in the room. Grrriiiiiiiin.
SIIIIIIIIPPING on soda, Aspen lightly chewed on the rim of her glass, being sure she was in view of Elijah. But her thoughts were drifting to Gary and his apples. Maybe he was a direct descendent of Newton?
Was she...still wearing those THINGS in her mouth?
Hmmmmmmm-ing some more as she tapped her chin with her fingers for a moment, Professor Burbage paused for a moment when the girl began to CHEW on her cup. "
Dear, it is not polite to chew on one's cup in public."
Originally Posted by
Steelsheen Now up goes the hand to answer the question "Professor, that Englishman is named Sir Isaac Newton, and he was one of the astronomers who supported the idea of Heliocentrism-- which today is the accepted astronomical model of the Earth and our Solar System."
Very good Mr......" she paused to look at her seating chart for a moment. Was she holding it right this time? She certainly hoped that she was. "
Mr. Vanderbilt, very good."
Originally Posted by
mellamaet Cass raised her hand to answer before saying "I think that Sir Isaac Newton, Professor." Right? Well, he did resemble Newton in most of his pictures - so she was pretty sure. And since everyone was already saying that he was the one who came up with the three laws of motion and what not, she wasn't going to answer that "He is the first scientist ever to be knighted!" She answered simply, throwing out that bit of trivia out there.
And you think right," she replied with a wink.
Originally Posted by
PhoenixStar She raised her hand. "Professor that is Sir Issac Newton." hmmm... what about him? "He's supposed to be the greatest scientist that ever lived." Whatever! He was a muggle and Hannah didn't care. She only wanted a good grade.
Professor Burbage covered this girl in gold glitter from her wand as well. "
Brilliant answer darling."
Originally Posted by
fanficfanatict So she rose her hand and answered the question to who SHE thought he was,"Excuse me, ma'am. That right there is Jacopo Peri." Yes it was... because who ELSE would it be?
No...no cookies... In fact, that comment was just going to be dismissed. Poor darling, clearly not sane. Tisk tisk.
Oh, no dear, afraid it is not him," she said shaking her head. "
Although I dooooooo love the opera."
Originally Posted by
Cassirin Vivi hmmphed a bit at the claims that the man in the painting had discovered gravity. Discovered it, hmm? "Discovering gravity is a bit like falling over and insisting you've discovered dirt. He may have developed the first theories about it, but he didn't find gravity glued to the bottom of his apple. People didn't go spinning off to the moon before Sir Isaac came along."
There was grumbling for sure, but she also had a factoid of her own. House points, please? "Sir Isaac also studied optics, Professor. His use of reflecting mirrors in his telescope was a vast improvement upon the lens systems in the versions other astronomers were using."
I coooooooooouldn't have said it any better!" Professor Burbage beeeeeeeeeamed at the
somewhat famous girl as she showered her with gold glitter from her wand. "
2 points to Ravenclaw! I myself do not like to use the word discover." Even if her tone had been a bit, well, rude. Without the rudeness she may have earned more. Too bad they would never know. "
And he did study optics, very good."
Originally Posted by
Tegz The most important question. West put his hand up and again spoke around teeth. "What's a studmuffin?" Paaause. "He was a wizard that was born and grew up before the International Statute of Secrecy was established in 1692. Obviously, that is why he's wearing robes in that portrait.There's lots of people like him that were famous to muggles as well, and when the statute got made and stuff, all that had to get explained and covered up too." West had a book, in fact. "He was even in muggle parliament the same year that the statute first got signed, and only for that year, because he was keeping an eye on things, you know, on account of the King and Queen not accepting the wizard delegation?Anyways, Isaac Newton was totes a cool dude and real awesomesauce at transfiguration, he even disguised himself with magic so he could interrogate counterfeiters, cos he was doing alchemical research, see?" West, iin his enthusiasm, hit his desk with the flat of both hands, making cup and bottle jump, and then put one back up in the air again, "But the moooost important thing is ROCKETS, professor, which he figured out you can make stuff happen because of natural laws, and without using magic." Because Newton's laws totally related to those. It was IMPORTANT.
Marion began to giggle rather girlishly, perhaps a little toooooo girlishly for a 70-year-old woman. NO MATTER!
Well dear, a studmuffin is a man who is very VERY VERY attractive to women. They can also be described as being extremely cute and cuddly." Much like he was. She just wanted to scoop the eager little darling up and squuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuish him.
Oh siiiiiiiiiiiimply marvelous, dear!" she applauded loudly, showering him with ridiculous amounts of gold sparkles. "
Sir Isaac Newton was indeed a wizard, and a very talented one." Hopefully his classmates were taking notes, because she wasn't going to repeat the historical context again. She DID have other things she needed cover and a very brief overview was more than enough for now.
And then the little darling was back to rockets. "Yes, yes dear, rockets," she added with a wink in his direction.
She then turned her attention to the
fanged girl sitting next to him. "
Dear, perhaps you should finish off the rest of his soda? I doooooooo believe the young man is about to blast off into orbit all on his own."
Originally Posted by
kayquilz and now a STUDMUFFIN?! He was old for Merlin's sake! "Since everyone has already said his name, I suppose it's safe to say it's Sir Isaac Newton." she said dryly, raising her eyebrows at the woman. "Ma'am." She added, for good measure. And since most people had said the things she would have said, she merely added, "Didn't an apple fall on his head?" Or was she crazy....which was very likely as well. "And Professor, what does he have to do with..Astronomy?" she asked, curiously...
Hmmmmmmmmm....sOOOOOmeone had a bit of an attitude, no?
That is how the story goes," she nodded. As to the other half of her question... "
THAT is precisely what I would like you all to think of as the lesson progresses."
Oh ho ho ho ho!
Originally Posted by
Bubbles Still, he raised his hand and said, "That's Sir Isaac Newton," and that was about it since others were already volunteering what the man did.
It is indeed, Mr. Escalaaaaaaaaaante," she sang. Oh, he had a fun name to say as well.
Originally Posted by
nups21 Stifling back some giggles, she raised her hand up and answered her part, though much of it had already been said, "Professor that stu..." She had actually meant to say studmuffin, but choked it down, "I mean, that is Isaac Newton I think, the one who discovered gravity and developed its theories. He is also said to be a great alchemist." Yeah, a great alchemist with looooooovely hair!
Perfectly acceptable to call him a studmuffin yourself, dear," she said with a wink. In fact, it was probably encouraged. Tehehe.
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“Um… is it Isaac Newton ma’am?” was it Sir? She didn’t know… maybe she’d be corrected… Professor Burbage had to tell them who it was sooner or later…
Very good, darling."
Originally Posted by
FearlessLeader19 He raised his hand. "It's Sir Isaac Newton,'' he said. "He's one of the most famous scientists.''
Some might even say theeeeeeeeeeee most famous," she winked.
Originally Posted by
xXxPandora "That Professor, is Sir Isaac Newton, a famous muggle astronomer." Though his titles weren't limited to just that. "Some of his noted contributions would be the Law of Gravity," her classmates have already given that answer, "..in relation to the said law, he was able to formulate an explanation to the structure of the solar system." Was was it called again? The helio---something. "He also invented the first reflecting telescope." Yup, that studmuffin sre discovered a lot.
More nodding and smiling from the elderly astronomer. "
I believe the word you are searching for is Heliocentrism, dear." As Mr. Vanderbilt had mentioned earlier, which earned the boy a quick wink.
Originally Posted by
jujune29th While her classmates responded and some of them kept on being weird, as usual, Sophie played with the drops of water that ran down the soda bottle, only half listening to what was being said.
Excuse me, dear, I would appreciate it if you would be so kind as to pay attention to your classmates and their answers." Instead of staring at your cup. Odd little Hufflepuff.
Originally Posted by
verbain Theo didn't know who the man was, but with the way he was posing, he'd take a guess cos it was ssooooooo obvious. "Is he an astronomer?" Cos this was Astronomy so, duh.... And a fact? WHAaaaaaaaaat. To be honest, he looked like a part time model, too. "He obviously had a good shampoo cos even though he is old in that picture, he hasn't lost his hair." Theo giggled, not meaning that to sound so stupid. Always best to laugh at yourself. He listened as everyone said it was Isaac Newton, but that still meant nothing to Theodore.
Isaac Newton, the astronomer and part time model. Yup.
Well, the boy had also said that the man had good shampoo and had complimented his hair, so the negatives and positives balanced out. "
Perhaps of his own invention," she winked.
Originally Posted by
CassiopeiaAKTF Taking another sip from the orange colored soda he looked at the picture of the man and listened to his classmates saying that it was this Newton dude. Seriously, who on earth was he? "He must be an astronomer right? Because we are at the Astronomy lesson now he can not be a potioneer right??" he asked after raising his hand...he was so smart.
Slowly, he raised his hand for a second time and pushed it in the air before lowering it back down. He thought for a second and then scratched his head. Everyone had told the mans name now so..."Professor? What's a stud? I know what a muffin is but not a stud..." he asked after raising his hand a third time.
Nodding and smiling gently as the boy as he answered, she laughed softly at his return question. "
Ooooooooh," she gushed over the boy. "
A stud is a man who is popular with the ladies, dear. If I may so myself, I doooooo believe that your Flying and History of Magic professors are priiiiiiiiiiiime examples."
Ho ho ho ho ho ho!
Originally Posted by
Bumblebee The young English girl, looked up at the picture and wrinkled her nose as she was trying to figure out who the 'studmuffin' was. Her brain was definitely getting a work out. Many students answers suggested it was Sir Isaac Netwon. Yet Eleyna still didn't know who that man was, let alone where he was from. Therefore she remained quiet, in efforts to obtain as much information as possible.
Nothing wrong with not having an answer. Professor Burbage gave the young girl an encouraging nod before moving along.
Originally Posted by
Team ronmione At least he was trying, "Professor, that's Isaac Newton. He discovered the three laws of motion." He stopped there.
Preeeeeeeeeeeeeeecisely!" More golden glitter and sparkles for this boy!!
Originally Posted by
MissMUDBL00D She raised her hand too, 'that's Isaac Newton.. and he's super clever because he did lots of smart stuff..' She frowned as she tried to think up something that hadn't already been said... 'He has investigated the refraction of light. Something to do with changing white light into... colours.'
Oh yes, very good and neeeeeeeew information of sorts. "
Very good. Isaac Newton is also known for using a prism to demonstrate how white light can be decomposed into a spectrum of colors."
Originally Posted by
Dan and Emma<3 "He would be Mr. Isaac Newton,"she replied, recalling the content of her science textbook. "He created the law of motion, and that's why people measure the every kinds of forces, like friction in Newtons." She nodded as she took a sip of her drink. "And one more thing, professor. What do you mean by Studmuffin? What is that?"she asked. She really had to have a clearer idea of what it was indeed.
Sir Isaac Newton," she corrected gently, nodding at the rest of her answer. "
Well, he iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimply divine to look at. You don't see many men like him these days!"
Originally Posted by
Raising her hand to answer when she finally sort of remembered him, she opened her mouth "Uhhhh. Newtone? Newt--Ne.... Newton!" she squeaked at the latter when she fully remembered his name. Last name. Part of his name. Whatever, it's his name. "He's the person with the gravity contribution to muggles" and clearly one that needs to take a bath.... or a haircut. "He's famous" she added.
Well, I think we all - wizarding and muggle alike - benefited from his research on gravity," she said with a wink at the young Slytherin.
Were there no more hands raise? Good good. Time to move on!
Very good, all of you!" Minus those who had called the studmuffin OLD. "
This is Sir Isaac Newton who has maaaaaaaaaaaaany fabulous contributions to the scientific world, but the ones I want to focus on today are Newton's laws of motion, which some of you have already mentioned and some have even explained." She paused for a moment to acknowledge each student with a polite nod of the head. "
Oh, do keep on sipping on your sodas by the way darlings. You will be needing those bottles soon."
Now...where was she? Oh yes! Newton's laws of motion.
Turning towards the blackboard now, Marion flicked her wand at it to make some writing appear.
Originally Posted by the board
Newton's laws of motion Law 1. The Law of Inertia:
“An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion.”
Law 2. The Law of Proportionality:
“The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force and inversely proportional to its mass.” This can be expressed in equation form:
Force = (Mass) x (Acceleration) Law 3. The Law of Action-Reaction:
“For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
Source: Space Flight Systems Mission Directorate Once this was written on the board, she turned back to the class and eyed them all for a moment. "
Please write these down on your parchment," she instructed, pausing just long enough to give them time to do so. "
Now, I would like you all to keep in mind what Mr. Odessa mentioned earlier about Newton showing the world that you can 'make stuff happen because of natural laws.'" She said, using the boy's own words. It WAS best to learn from your peers in some cases. Youth had a way of relating to each other like she could never do. Siiiiiiiiigh.
BUT, before we get into that...I have one more studmuffin to introduce you all toooooooooo," she hummed as she levitated the second picture off the desk and enlarged it as well. "
Now, who can tell me who thiiiiiiiiiiiiis is?!"
After this man was identified aaaaaaaaaaaaall would become clear - even though certain daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlings had already pinned the tail on the abraxan.