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After Isaac had gotten her seen too she'd gone to the Girls Dormitory to get changed. Much as she'd loved her outfit this morning by now she'd decided that it wasn't something she'd wear again. Well she'd wear the individual pieces again, but not wear them at the same time. Because that was just asking for bad luck.
Changed into ballet flats, tights a singlet top and an oversized cardigan Amelia made her way down to the Common room, hoping to see Isaac, and sighing in relief when she saw he was sitting near the fire.
"Are you sure you weren't hurt at all?" she asked as she made her way up behind Isaac, having spotted how he was moving his shoulder. To her it seemed that he may have actually done something to it and just been a boy about admitting he was injured. Which wouldn't really surprise her since he'd been all heroic on the station. And he'd carried her. Which if he'd injured his shoulder had probably been a really stupid thing to do.
"Hey!" he said grinning as he saw Amelia enter the room reaching his hand towards her, offering for her to sit on his lap like they'd done a few times if she wished. Quickly moving his shoulder like it was a normal movement and just relaxing it. Wrinkling his nose he realized she'd probably seen him stretching his shoulder when she spoke he shrugged biting back a wince. "Maybe a wee bit."
"I kind of had te force Ed through the 9 3/4 platform, 'cause he was afraid te go through the wall, and was refusing. So I umm...charged him when he wasn' expectin' it and got 'im through." Yep that was part of it, "But being thrown inte the side of the door as the train stopped kind of didn' help either." Yep, there he'd said it he'd gotten just a VERY tiny bit hurt. But hey he'd had worse right? Like when he'd been shove through the middle hoop during last terms first quidditch game. Or when he'd slid across the ice when he'd failed to catch the snitch?
Yep, much worse positions then he was in right then. "I think 'tis jus' bruised is all, with te crashes in the same spot." And carrying them hadn't been an issue whatsoever, he'd not even noticed his shoulder til later.