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Old 09-01-2012, 11:28 PM   #287 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Charlie Smedley
Sixth Year
w.a.m.s|♩♫♪♬|sour gummy snakes| "DNA doesn't make a family, Love does"

Originally Posted by Hermione Lily Potter View Post
Text Cut: All the stuff happening

Lily was busy chatting about her summer when the lights flickered. The third year Ravenclaw stopped talking and stared up at the lights. "What was that???" she asked her friend, pulling her feet up onto the bench. Her head shifted to look out into the hall, just in time to see some adult walking along telling people to stay sitting.... And then the train stopped completely and suddenly, causing Lily to topple off the bench, onto the floor. "Oof!" She muttered, pushing herself off her side so that she sat upright.

Rather than talking, she just sat on the floor staring out into the corridor, holding her right wrist. What was with all the adults on the train?...well, the two adults she had seen so far. And the second guy was talking about portkeys and what they were supposed to do. Lily carefully got up off the floor and slipped her pack onto her back and grabbed her broom with her left hand. "I guess we should go now..." she said taking ahold of the rubber duck and preparing herself to be taken to the station.
Cardigan happily listened along to Lily, glad to find someone she knew, as a friend. After a whole summer in her mum's hometown visiting relatives, she had pretty much lost all connection with the "outside world", seeing her family was pretty isolated. What a drag! Suddenly, the lights began to flicker, then going back to normal. "Huh?" was all she could manage to let out. This REALLY scared her. Some ministry guy walked down the aisle, telling everyone to stay in their seats, just as the train came to an abrupt stop. She hit the wall hard, bruising her face quite a bit. Geez did that hurt! Well, it'd just have to be dealed with at Hogwarts.

What happened with the train?!?! Did it break down?!? Well, it must've, because the ministry guy came by again, talking about how they would have to take portkeys to get to Hogwarts this time. Well this scary, she thought, hoisting her bookbag onto her back, her broom sticking hazardously out. She'd fix if when she bottom the station. She really didn't have tine right now. "Yeah," she said, grabbing a hold of the rubber duck Lily had grabbed. Did she know hoe a portkey worked? Not really.

Last edited by klexos24; 09-02-2012 at 12:08 AM.
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