Welcome Witch | Blue Galactic Hand Slytherin Graduate Chapter One An Unexpected Trio “Salvio hexia, Repelleo Muggletum” Neville waved his wand in a arc so his spells would cover as much of the street as possible. He continued casting protective spells as he walked down the quiet street. It was twelve o’clock midnight, and Schirmish was supposed to be here waiting for Neville, with the plant in his hand. Some operative he turned out to be. Neville chose a park bench to sit on while he waited for his co-agent to show up.
Not long after, a cloaked figure slunk across the road in front of Neville's. They were carrying what looked like a small tree; but the figure was too far away for Neville to be sure. “Schirmish?” Neville called, standing up from the bench and walking towards the figure. They kept on walking as if they had not heard him. Cautiously, Neville walked behind the figure “Expelliarmus” he said. A wand flew out of the figure’s cloak, catching him off guard. He dropped the plant and it shattered into a heap on the ground. “D-don’t touch it!” yelled Neville. This was the plant he had been after, but this man was defiantly not Schirmish. “Don’t touch it” the man mimicked “why would you think I’d touch it after it’s become charged?” he gestured to the pile on the ground which was now glowing a faint but menacing green. “What I’d like to know is what you were doing with that plant” Neville reached into his cloak and removed a badge, he held it out to the man, the way an FBI agent shows their badge to a criminal. “Neville Longbottom, dangerous plant and fungus agent”. “Is that so Longbottom” said the man, he removed his hood to reveal bleach blonde hair, and a smirk. “Malfoy?” Neville said in disbelief. Draco darted to pick up his wand and stood behind the plant as is he were guarding treasure. He aimed his wand at Neville, “Stupify!” he said. Neville was spun backwards onto the ground, he bravely stood up and cast stupify back at Malfoy. Their duel was interrupted by a dumbfounded voice “What in the name of Bloody Mary is going on here!”
Malfoy and Neville spun around to see a large man dressed in Muggle clothing. “Did you forget to cast anti muggle charms Longbottom?” Malfoy said to Neville through clenched teeth. “No, uh, I didn’t” Neville exclaimed. “You there” Draco said, pointing at the man “Are you a muggle?”. “My name is Dudley Dursley and I am not what you are calling a muggle” Dudley replied. “He has to be a muggle, he doesn’t know what a muggle is, something must have gone wrong with you’re anti-muggle spell” Draco said. “It didn’t, honest, I was very careful” Neville explained, sounding exasperated. “Then he has to be a wizard, it’s the only way he could have seen us” Draco concluded.
During their conversation, Dudley moved into the street and was picking at the charged plant. “S-stay away from that” Neville warned him, but it was too late. Dudley was zapped by a purple light and he fell onto the ground, shaking uncontrollably . “He’s either going to die, or become a very powerful wizard.” Neville told Malfoy. “I don’t think he’ll survive more then a minute” Malfoy said. Neville shook his head at Malfoy’s comment.
Dudley suddenly stopped shaking and lay still on the ground. Draco and Neville peered over him too see if he was okay. “He’s alive” Neville said “Because of the plant’s charge, Dudley will have absorbed a great deal of it’s power” Neville informed Malfoy. Dudley began to wake up, and open his eyes. “Power?” he mouthed, as if he were a character in a superhero movie. Neville explained to him what had happened, and that he had received a great amount of magical ability from the plant. “So that means I am a wizard, just like Potter. I knew it all along, but I can’t believe Potter was the only one allowed to go to that school. Why couldn’t I have gone, did they think I was not good enough? I’ll show them”.
Dudley stood up from the ground and started collecting the plant’s branches, apparently he could touch them now without getting zapped again. “Wait” Neville said “You have to learn how to control your magic. And put the plant down, I have to destroy it” Dudley didn’t listen. “No, I’m not giving you this plant back until you show me how to use my magic” Neville speechlessly protested as if he were calling himself stupid inside his head.
Draco pushed passed Neville and held out his hand for Dudley to shake. “Sounds like we have ourselves an agreement” he said with a dark glimmer in his eye “We, will teach you how to use magic”.
__________________  ... ATHLETIC ... SPUNKY ... GRACEFUL ...
Last edited by CJP; 12-19-2012 at 07:09 PM.