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Nell listened to the two boys with a mixture of confusion and worry. Was this about splinching then? She bit her lip in thought while they bickered. Time was running out and they had to get Ed through the wall. The look of panic in his eyes made her heart clench. She had another idea but did she have the courage?
Taking a deep breath Nell leaned in....and kissed him. Nell slowly straighten so that he would be forced to stand with her. It was difficult to remember what her plan was exactly....kissing him was amazing! Slowly she took two steps back taking him with her. At this point Nell was completely oblivious to there audience.
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"There is, your experience was completely different. Mine was caused by one of these." He scowled once more. This was why his dad had been vague about how they got to Hogwarts. Feeling a rush of anger, Edmund decided to send an angry letter from the train - if he ever got on it, that was.
"Then they can come and get me. I'm not going through that." In his own mind, he knew he sounded crazy, but he had an irrational fear instilled in him and he couldn't help it. He lifted his head to tell them to go without him, but was silenced by Nell's unexpected kiss. His eyes widened in surprise and as he finally wrapped his mind around what was going on, he realised he was now standing.
Yes, this kiss was kind of relaxing and TOTALLY unexpected, but he was too aware of the wall. He broke the kiss off what felt like a couple of seconds too early and wrapped his arms around her, holding her where he was stood. "I can't, I'm sorry." he shook his head and ran his hand over his face in frustration as he moved back a step in case she was mad.
Now was his chance! She'd gotten him to his feet and he'd even moved forward a bit just enough to give Isaac a bit of room to get in there. He knew his friend would probably be mad and never speak to him again, but he wasn't going to let him miss the train because of his irrational fear. Hissing to Nell to move he came running at Ed, full blast and kept moving towards the wall going through.