aaaww thanks girls and guy. Hehe. So I've been super lame and I've been distracted.. but fingers crossed I'll be able to write a good long chapter at some point in the near future. Thank you all for reading! x
She hated herself. Without having to see her reflection, she knew what she looked like. Ellouise only had to close her eyes to see the man that she now resembled. The lines that were etched in his face, the grey hairs sprouting from his ears and nostrils.
Shuddering, Ellouise roused herself from her thoughts. It was time to get going. Working swiftly, and with a new found grace, Ellouise/Karkaroff checked the tethering binding the Karkaroff/Ellouise to the chair and pocketed her wand in her suddenly well fitting robes.
"Ciao," she mused under her breath as she was about to apparate to another location. It was about time to set the wheels in motion.
Before she had time to so much as blink, there was a loud cracking noise and two men she didn't recognise apparated beside her.
"Karkaroff," one of them greeted, nodding.
Ellouise wasn't sure how she ought to respond, so she settle with a curt nod, her eyes fixating on the other man who seemed to be taking an interest in the limp body tied to the chair. Her body.
"Leave her be," she growled, eyebrows narrowed dangerously. "She'll get what's coming to her later. Right now I have business to attend to."
Ellouise was rigid with fury, but was both surprised and impressed at how well she seemed to be taking on the role of greasy, stupid, death eater.
"Yes... sir," replied the man, inching away from the chair.
Even with her new found confidence and bravado, she still had to proceed with caution. How much of her 'business' did two men know? How well did they know the real Karkaroff? A small voice in the back of her head nagged at her,
'you're in too deep'.