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eek. hai people! so, I realize how late this is - and I'm super duper sorry
I'm also really sorry if it's lame, I wrote it at five o' clock this morning and my brain's seriously slow because I'm on my holidays. Anyway, I felt bad because I haven't done Luna in AGES so...here you go! 
I don't approve of the Wizard Games.
That's why I didn't go and watch Neville. I think we should be mourning. Not brushing it off till later. They think the pain won't be so fresh and raw in a few months. That's not the case. I fingered the lace of the hem of a purple dress and half a sad smile spread across my face. I lifted the dress to my face and breathed in my mother's scent. It lingered in the fibres of her clothes.
I bring a trunk full of her stuff to Hogwarts every year.
I lifted up a knee-length, baby pink, silk dress and a proper happy smile spread across my face. I closed my eyes at the memory.
Evangeline Lovegood looked up and held out her arms for me to jump into. Despite the fact I was seven-years-old and getting big, my mother held me like I was still two.
She nuzzled my cheek and plucked a flower from a near-by vase and tucked it behind my ear. “What is wrong, my little star?”
I rubbed tears from my grimy cheeks and tugged at a lock of dirty blond hair, wrapping the lock around my finger.
“The ch-children down at the Village were m-making f-fun of me again.”
And I couldn't help it, I burst into tears.
My mother chewed her small, lower lip before lifting me off her lap and taking me hand, walking me to the vegtable garden.
She tugged an onion out of the ground and held it out for me.
I just stared at it till she sighed in frustration and indicated for me to take it and start to peel it.
I did as she said, but kept pealing. And pealing. And pealing. Till it was basically gone. I looked up at my mother and she was smiling down at me. “Any time you feel angry or upset, just peal an onion. It'll distract you.”
I smiled widely at her. She had to be the most beautiful thing in the world. Her pale pink, silk dress, splattered with mud stains, silhouetted by the setting sun, giving her the look of an angel. The light danced of her golden hair that was slightly clamped to her head with sweat and her silver eyes looked at me with such love I knew whatever those kids in the town told me, my mother would always love me.
She beamed at me and brushed my dirty, blond hair over one shoulder and stroked my cheek affectionaly.
“You are so much more beautiful when you smile, my little star.”
I pulled the dress over my head and smiled at my reflection in the mirror.
I was almost as beautiful as my mother.
I found myself at the Lake, running a hand over the memorial, tracing names of those we lost. The big bolder is hard to miss, but that's the idea, I guess. My finger stroked the name, 'Colin Creevey'. The name brought tears to my eyes.
Colin and Ginny were my first friends at Hogwarts. And probably my only till fourth year. I was standing in front of a mirror, pealing an onion, crying (not because of said onion, but because once again I was called 'Looney' and being picked on) when Ginny Weasley walked in and silently handed me my books that I'd left in the classroom.
I thanked her and smiled and she smiled back and we left the bathroom together. As we were walking out, a flash dazzled my eyes and I burst into tears again. Colin Creevey panicked and Ginny looked shocked and they both sat me down on a bench nearby where I told them everything about my mother's death.
How she had made me watch from underneath the table in case anything happened. How she had waved off my concerns about her new spell being too dangerous and how a white flash, like the one from the camera, had dazzled my eyes and a scream rang through my ears and still did at times, waking me up at night.
Since then, they stook up for me, ate lunch with me, asked me to tell them about wrackspurts even though their eyes glazed over or they were doodling.
I used the sleeve of my mom's dress to whipe at my wet cheeks.
Where was an onion when you needed it?
I spun around and pulled Neville into a hug.
He hugged me back awkwardly, shuffling his feet.
“I have something to tell you. It's about...Hannah Abbot.”