22. Kneazle Vine|| Erin Heyman <3 || Tagalog Forum || RonMione forever || ENGR <333 INNOCENT ELY 22. Kneazle Erin was with Jasmine at the Magical Menagerie to purchase a new pet. She’d already lost Laila from Enya but she had fully understood her shortcomings and she’s all fine with the older Ravenclaw. Ely, Jasmine’s four year old son was tagging along with them.
“Mum! I want a kneazle!” Ely demanded.
“Ely, don’t you know how a kneazle looks like?” Erin mentioned to her nephew. He didn’t know what he was putting himself into.
“Why? They’re cats, right? My friends tell me that I should get one.”
“They’re small tigers. Rawrrrr!” Erin said scaring her nephew. Oh, innocent Ely. |