76. Zap Vine|| Erin Heyman <3 || Tagalog Forum || RonMione forever || ENGR <333 I'M A VAMPIRE 76. Zap “I was running swiftly so that the vampire won’t reach me. I ran so fast. I ran for my life. When I reach the house, the vampire almost caught me. He caught my neck, like this…” Erin demonstrated how the vampire held her neck, ready to cut through her veins and drain her system of blood. “…I was scared to death, Lily. And then…” Erin paused catching up her breath, “ZAP!”
“Aaaaaah!” Lily quickly jolted. “What? Are you a vampire now? Tell me!” Lily shook her friend so hard.
“Who knows? I was bitten.” With that, Erin laughed so hard. |