72. Vex Vine|| Erin Heyman <3 || Tagalog Forum || RonMione forever || ENGR <333 BACK TO HOGWARTS 72. Vex “Erin?” asked Mrs. Rhodes. After the emotional incident of Erin being reunited with her biological family and leaving the adoptive ones, it had been such a hard time to cope with the situation and the different environment. Erin was sent into a private wizarding school where she continued her magical studies from Hogwarts.
“Mother,” Erin managed to speak up. She was too tired and upset to even argue about Hogwarts to her real mother.
“What seems to be the problem? You look… vexed.”
Erin looked her mother in the eye, “I wanna go back to Hogwarts,” Erin uttered with conviction. |