7. Care of Magical Creatures Vine|| Erin Heyman <3 || Tagalog Forum || RonMione forever || ENGR <333 SPUNK 7. Care of Magical Creatures Aside from Arithmancy, Erin was so sure that Care of Magical Creatures subject would not be her forte in the near future. Even the smallest of creatures were hated by her, how much more the entire creatures family? She even cursed butterflies for their mere existence. And the fact that she adored the new CoMC professor makes her think twice about her priorities in life. That's how Erin was. She was easily influence by outward forces and usually, she gives in. Sneaking in at the staff room was not allowed but she'd done it many times. Erin Heyman was spunk.
Last edited by WitchLight27; 08-07-2012 at 04:09 AM.