4. Ancient Runes Vine|| Erin Heyman <3 || Tagalog Forum || RonMione forever || ENGR <333 BLOOD 4. Ancient Runes With the Algiz protection rune carved onto the fence, Erin offered drops of her blood to make it powerful - she was good with blood now. Thanks to the previous Healer, Madame Brookes who willingly gave her a private therapy. Also, thanks to her parents who consistently gave her assurances that everything's going to be all right. Well, she was talking about the biological ones, not the adoptive ones.
And before she could continue on making the ritual, she couldn't resist but eavesdrop from the conversation of two older Slytherins about the points. Ravenclaw won't say no too easily. Pffft!
Last edited by WitchLight27; 07-05-2012 at 06:16 PM.