Alyssa watched as the Professor demonstrated the last two steps...'
Or so she says' Alyssa thought to herself...where she showed how to remove first the poor creature's mouth and then later on how to 'demolish' the rest of the plimpy's body.
Alyssa picked up her quill, hopefully for the last time in this lesson and wrote down the steps in her journal.
Alyssa was so glad when she heard what the Professor had told them to do next because that meant that they were done with the lesson. She picked up the handful of meat, all 2 inches in length, that she had ripped apart and placed them in the harvesting tray and watched as the blood and meat seemed to separate from themselves before disappearing. They were FINALLY DONE!!
Alyssa wiped her hands on her robe to clean off as much blood that she could before she picked up her wand and cleaned her hands by using the cleaning spell, "
Scourgify". Then she picked up her quill with her fingertips and tossed it into her robe pocket. That was one quill that wouldn't be used again.
Looking down at her robes, she was glad that she had another pair because this one really needed some major cleaning before she would wear them again. Picking up her wand, Alyssa pointed it at her work desk and said, "
Scourgify" to clean it up. Once it was her workspace was clean, she packed up her journal into her bag and all the writing materials.
Then she remembered something and raised her hand to ask the Professor. "
Professor why didn't this Plimpy have any bones? I mean most fish like creatures do except for Sharks"