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Chelle was watching Professor Lafay rip off the plimpy's mouth and toss it into her tray. As she started ripping the meat up in pieces, Chelle quickly squeezed her eyes shut. She decided she didn't want to watch it anymore. But the pathetic sounds that the creatures were making made it impossible for Chelle to get the picture out of her mind. It was disgusting. SO disgusting.
Chelle felt a bit wobbly in the knees. She felt really sick, but she tried to stay strong. "Remember that the professor said it's just the last two steps," she muttered under her breath, as if trying to reassure herself. As she opened her eyes, she lifted the plimpy and grabbed its mouth between her index finger and her thumb. She applied little force and the mouth seemed to come off with a terrible sound.
I can't do this anymore.
Poor, sensitive little Chelle collapsed right in her spot.
One down... she thought it'd be more. One wasn't bad. She went to her desk and pulled out smelling salts. "
Someone use these to bring her back" she said placing the vial on her desk for anyone to get.
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Dumbstruck. Thats what Vickers was.
He couldnt believe his ears, wondering if maybe he had misheard. But he saw the Professor RIPPING the JAW out like it was nothing. But the worst was when she got to the muscles.
That sound! Like painful, blood curling cries! He thought this thing was dead!
The cacophony of sound echoing in the dungeon walls was too much for him to bear. He was gonna collapse. Yes he was. And retch out his breakfast.
He wasnt even conscious that his own feet has tried to bring him to the back of the class before he slammed head first into the bucket. And just slumped there, not moving.
Not a bad count.
And the boy wasn't out... he was just ill. She retrieved a few peppermint leaves and went to assist the boy.
Originally Posted by
Magical Soul
Now came the barbaric job. "How come they make that sound if they're...dead." Louisa asked curiously, eying her purely flesh Plimpy. Unless.. they weren't dead!!! and all this was pure torture?!!! Pfffffft, right. They were dead. They harvested everything from them. They had no hearts, lungs or anything to be considered alive.
Convinced, the girl started ripping off the meat, wincing at every sound the Plimpy made. She took advantage of the time she spent on altering the piece's size into the one Lafay told them... rip.. rip.. ri-
-p.. rip.. THUD! Louisa raised her eyebrows before turning her head to the source of the sound. Gasping she paused in her work, "Vickers!" She frowned, concerned, and looked up at the professor. She would've pointed out that he probably just fainted... but that made Lafay highly sarcastic and annoyed the last time anyone pointed out something to her, so Louisa just looked at the Dragon lady expectantly.
...she could sprinkle some water in his face? Like she did to that girl? Only this time, it was needed and not childish.
Stay at your desk and finish harvesting." She said and as she made her way to the back of the class, she added "
It's how they are made, I guess. It's the reason why merpeople don't eat them. Probably to deter you from doing just this. Some people use earmuffs, but I think your first time, you should experience the whole thing."
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Kurumi blinked several times at the woman's choice of vocabulary. Couldn't she have used a more passive word? Rip was just so...grotesque sounding. Not to mention the sound was one of the worst things she had ever heard.
Couldn't they wear earmuffs for this portion?
Her finger shaking, Kurumi interested her finger into the mouth of the plimpy and shut her eyes tight as she tugged on it. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end at the noise that was made and her entire body shivered. Don't worry about how it rips? No worries. Kurumi didn't even look at it before she dropped it into her tray.
There it was again. The term ripping. WHY did they have to rip the meat into pieces? Wouldn't it make sense to just use their scalpel and slice the meat up? That way it would be in clean pieces instead of looking like something the cat just dragged in. It was totally barbaric and disrespectful to the plimpy.
Slowly and nervously, Kurumi tore off a piece and the scream that the meat made brought tears to her eyes instantly. This was horrible. Cruel even. Reluctantly, Kurumi tore off another piece...and another...and another until her ears couldn't take it anymore and she had to put the remaining meat down for a moment.
Which was when she saw a flash of blue robes out of the corner of her eye and her violet gaze followed.
Oh no...that wasn't good. Not at all.
Kurumi left her seat as quietly as possible and made her way quickly over to Vicker's side where she placed one hand on his shoulder. "Vickers...you going to be alright?"
Hollingberry, back to your desk... or do something about the Adam's girl. She's a first year." She said in a mean tone.
Vanderbilt." She said offering the boy the peppermint leaves. "
Chew on these... it'll stabilize your stomach."
She left the boy's side and addressed the whole class. "
Set the meat in the tray without passing it through the water. The tray will separate the excess blood and the meat and then disappear. This completes the Harvesting. Before I assign homework, questions?"