Blast-Ended Skrewt
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 15,697
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sebastian Price First Year | The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde Quote:
Originally Posted by Vanillasweetheart Chelle entered the Potions classroom, again. The room was pleasant smelling, and as she had been dreading, there were unfrozen pimplies on the loose. She wouldn't admit to anybody, but it had taken a lot of Ravenclaw spirit to come back here after the first lesson. Magical creatures were not her cup of tea, and she had come to realise that over the past few months. But here I am, again.
Chelle took a deep breath and walked up to her place. She had survived Potion-making the first time around. She was sure she could do it again. All it needed was a stronger heart. And lots and lots of patience. " Miss Adams, I understand you are a first year, and you don't know how I work." She said glaring at the girl, " but you should always greet the owner of the room you enter. It's politeness." Vindictus just didn't teach his kids manners. Quote:
Originally Posted by Rosa Chispa Princessa Oichi was s bit shocked when she saw the memo on the message board that potions class was to resume even after all the craziness of the last class. She reluctantly made her way down at the posted time and entered the classroom. All looked as it did before minus frozen students and she hoped it would remain that way. She passed the professor and said, "Good day professor, glad you decided to resume class", the moment she said that she wondered why she had? Her nerves were really getting the best of her. She quickly took a seat and tried to calm down a bit. " Hello Miss Paulidine," she said and nodded her head. Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 Alyssa returned to the Potions class and greeted the Professor. "Hello Professor. I'm glad to see that we're going to finish harvesting the Plimpies"Alyssa told the Professor
before heading to her workdesk, taking out her potions journal and writing materials and opened her journal and turned to the page where she had written the last steps that they had completed.
Then she sat back and waited for further instructions. " Yeah yeah yeah... I'm sure you do, Miss Potter." She said glaring at the girl. Quote:
Originally Posted by nogoodforyou Ugh.
For the first time, Nora really didn't want to show up at the Potions lesson. Were they going to do what they didn't get the chance to do during the previous class? Torture those... dead plimpies? It was DISGUSTING. She was glad, though, that professor Lafay seemed to have used something to cover the awful smell.
"Hello, professor," the girl said with a rather grumpy look on her face as she wordlessly sat down where she sat all the time. Already regretting bothering to come to the lesson. " Hello Miss Reed," she said in greeting. Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner Nigel walked into potions ready to finish whatever they were doing with the plimpies last time.
He hoped nobody else freezes in class today, because then maybe the Headmaster would have to close Hogwarts and nobody wanted that. "Hello, Professor", Nigel said as he went to sit down where he did last time. " Master Barrington," she said greeting the boy. Quote:
Originally Posted by verbain Here we goooooo...
So, the frozen students were okay now, apparently. Finally. They were kind of interrupting everybody else's learning there. But they were back. Theodore dragged himself to the potions classroom, ready to continue getting mucky with his plimpy.
"Hi, professor Lafay." He said, taking the same seat that he took last lesson. " Hello Master Kinsley," She said and nodded to him. Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen Merlin knows how many times the Ravenclaw doubled back and forth along the corridors and the stairs towards this class, not really wanting to continue what he feels is desecrating a corpse, and also still incredibly paranoid that the contagion was still hanging in the air and clinging to the walls of the Potions classroom. Had he been a little less studious and a lot more stubborn, he wouldnt find himself crossing the threshold of the dungeons once again.
He entered the clasroom with his lips pressed tightly together and gave a curt but still respectful nod at the Potions Mistress. No he wasnt being rude... more like, he was trying not to breathe too much of the air down here.
He made his way to his last seat and may have quickly scourgified every conceivable surface area of where his body will make contact. Finally he sat himself down, lips still pressed together, tense blue eyes trained elsewhere other than the splayed stiff on the table... She nodded back to the Ravenclaw. Quote:
Originally Posted by hpfan18 Annabelle walked back into the potions classroom. She was ready to start harvesting her plimpy. She wanted to finish the work she started. "Hello Professor Lafay." she said as she sat down in her seat from last time. She hoped no one froze like last time. She didn't want to repeat that again. " Hello Miss Lecium," she said. Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Ella entered the potions classroom a bit nervously. So things were back to normal now, right? That meant that no one would be unexpectedly freezing or anything...hopefully. She gave the professor a small smile as she headed to find her seat. "Hi Professor."
Sitting down, the second year pulled out her notes, some fresh parchment, and a quill. She was ready to finish this disgusting interesting lesson. " Hello Miss Bishop," she returned. Quote:
Originally Posted by AuroraQuinn Aurora walked into the potions classroom feeling... different. Usually she'd be excited about potions but... well... considering what had happened over Christmas she wasn't exactly looking forward to being back in proximity of any sort of cauldron. "Good day, Professor." she greeted, sitting in her usual seat. So they'd be finishing the plimpy harvesting... that was alright she supposed. At least it wasn't brewing... It hurt that she couldn't enjoy potions at the moment... " Miss Stewart-Quinn, Good day to you." She said. Quote:
Originally Posted by natethegreat Once again Nate found himself in the potion classroom for another day of potions. Hopefully it wouldn't end up like last time with all the yelling. "Hello Professor. How have you been so far?" He asked. Then he found his seat across from Alyssa. He looked at her and said "Hey Alyssa." " Hello Master Jones." She told the boy. Quote:
Originally Posted by Macavity Potions class round two.
Gideon made his way down to the dungeons with his supplies minus his cauldron seeing as the notice had mentioned finishing up what had been started the last time. The last time...when two of his friends among others had been frozen and needed to be taken to the hospital wing.
The prefect hoped everything would be getting better, especially as Anya joined them in the ward and so he was looking neutrally as he entered the classroom. Not happy or sad just simply himself, probably appearing much like he had his first three years at Hogwarts where he lived mainly in the shadows. "Good day professor." Gideon greeting the woman politely as he made his way to a workstation and set his belongings and himself down to be ready for the begining of the lesson. " Good day, Prefect Gert." She said to the boy. Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Why did it strangely feel as if she'd missed several classes in between this class and the last Potions class? Sierra usually had quite a few classes scheduled in between Potions, but for some reason, she didn't remember attending any of them.
...but at least this classroom, and the professor, were both very familiar. "Hello," Sierra said, trying to smile despite how odd it felt to address this woman so formally. She took the seat front and center, right where Lafay usually stood. Normally Sierra wouldn't be so close to any of the professors. She liked to sit in the middle, where it was not too close but not so far that she looked like a slacker. For Lafay, though, she'd make an exception.
She cracked open her Potions textbook and decided to read a little while she waited for the class to start. She smiled at the girl, " Welcome back to potions, Prefect Greingoth..." Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger After the last lesson, or partial lesson, Stella had almost convinced herself that she was never going to go to potions lessons again. Almost. She was stubborn enough that she wouldn't let herself realy give up, even if she was still paranoid that someone, or even herself, was going to freeze and add to the body count from this classroom. Not counting all the dead plimpies, which was the first thing she'd noticed upon entering. They were still there, of course, and nothing for brewing. So they were continuing the plimpy organ donation then, not having to create some evil potion that might make her cry. She could handle that, even if she still really didn't want to be harvesting the poor unfortunate plimpy whiel paranoid that she'd stop moving at any time.
"Hello Professor Lafay," she said to the professor, last seen ordering all of them out of the last lesson, or half-lesson, as she carefully sat down in the seat she'd had last time. Since they were continuing the harvesting, this wasn't really a new lesson, and she usually tried to sit in the same seat anyhow. And then a voice spoke, and she glanced over to see Sierra tucking her head inside the Potions textbook. Not frozen, which startled her for a moment before she relaxed. Maybe that means whatever happened is over with now, she thought. At this point, anything that could help her focus on dissecting plimpies and not worrying about getting infected by anything was welcome. " Hello Miss Gardiner," she replied to her. Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Minerva walked in quietly and smiled at the Professor, "Hello Professor Lafay, hope you are well." She looked around and found an empty seat in the front. She was feeling a bit better about sitting in the front. She made it through well at least part of a lesson without having any issues so hopefully the professor was over everything and this lesson would go just as smooth as her other classes usually are. " Hello Miss Wheatborn, and yes I am." She said. Quote:
Originally Posted by jujune29th Hm... that felt... strange. Almost scary... maybe. Sophie entered the room and looked around anxiously. "Hello, professor." She greeted with a small nod.
She felt like sitting with someone she knew today. Quickly spotting her best friend evaaaa, Sophie rushed in her direction and sat down next to Ella. "Hey there." She whispered as she placed her bag under her seat.
Not wanting to aggravate professor Lafay, she decided to just stay quiet and look straight ahead. Who knew how the Head of Slytherin House was feeling today... " Hello Miss Campbell," she said with a nod. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Making her way to the Potions classroom, Kurumi had simply gawked at the calendar in the common room when she had seen it. Why were so many days missing from her memory and why had she woken up in the hospital wing? Nothing made sense and the Gryffindor was beyond confused, but the best thing was to try and get back into a normal routine, right?
Memories of the previous Potions lesson still rather clear in her head, for the most part, Kurumi entered the room and found her usual seat. The one that was usually next to Jonathan...only she had the suspicion that perhaps he wouldn't be sitting next to her this time...
And she really needed to speak with him. Actually speak with him.
"Good day....Professor," Kurumi said nervously. She still wasn't entirely convinced that the woman hadn't hexed her into the hospital wing, but managed to keep her expression neutral. " Nice to see you back, Hollingberry." She said with a nod. Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverDragon Silvia made her way down to the Potions classroom. She wasn't looking forward to more plimpy dissection, though this time, maybe, hopefully, they would get it finished so they didn't have to do it again. Hopefully this class wouldn't be as crazy as it was last time; they didn't need any more freezing students and unfinished lessons. "Hello Professor," she said as she entered the room. Silvia took her usual seat and looked around. Was that the Slytherin Prefect, and the Gryffindor prefect as well? The ones who just sort of froze up last class? It was. Good. Hopefully the Healer fixed whatever was wrong with them and things could get back to normal... once they finished with the plimpies that was. "Hello Miss Talbot." She said to the Ravenclaw. Quote:
Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose Oakey entered the class ready for a fresh start. Today he was NOT going to sit behind Sierra, today he was going to sit as far away from her as possible. looked around for a seat and saw that Minerva was sitting in the front with an empty desk beside her. As he moved to this spot he gave Professor Lafay a nice enough smile and sat down. Heya Minerva, long time no see.
Oakey greeted his Hufflepuff friend as he removed a parchment that had notes from the previous potions class. She glared at the boy.
" Alright... you have removed the fins and the legs." She said levitating her plimpy up to the board. " Now the next step is to cut from the bottom of the tail, down the stomach, all around the top, slicing it in half." She said and butterflied it open. " Go ahead... you do it."
Last edited by Droo; 06-23-2012 at 07:48 PM.