SPOILER!!: yeah first reader lol
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Welcome to the HSV!
I'm really excited about your story! I can't wait to see what happens with Elena! PAMS!
Aww thanks! I hope you like the next chapter, but it's a little short.
Chapter 2:
"I'm positive these are the people who were after you," Tante Elisa said as she argued with the stubborn girl who was bent over her trunk gathering the last of her clothes and packing them neatly into the trunk. "I'm quite positive. And what about your life. You never wanted to leave dance did you," Tante Elisa held up a pair of pointe shoes. These were Elena's oldest most worn shoes that she treasured. The girl took them quickly and packed them on top next to her stacks of books. Her real education was going to actually happen. No matter how much she missed her old life she was excited.
The boy she had met at the meeting, Draco, had introduced her to a bunch of people. They were all fun and nice. It was great to be in the wizarding world where everyone was like her, and everyone wanted her company. Tante Elisa had reluctantly joined Elena for she feared for her. But Elena was happy where she was. "I'll be fine Tante, these people sympathize for me," Elena said with a laugh as she checked her trunk to make sure she wasn't forgetting anything. "These are the people I'm supposed to be with. I will miss everyone, Will, Jane, Piper, everyone. But I'm excited."
Tante Elisa just stared at the girl as she sat down on Elena's bed. "But you remember that day…at the studio…when the people came."
Flashback 4 years earlier:
"Allongé, arabesque," Miss Caroline, Elena's teacher said as Elena danced around the room feeling free. It was her life, how she truly expressed herself. "Good, good El. Now attitude. Point your foot, your doing wonderful."
A crash sounded through the studio. Elena stopped in the middle of her pirouette. She ran over to where Miss Caroline was standing what was going on. Who was creating that sound? There was a pounding on the door. What was out there? Faint murmurs were heard from the door before another crash and the door feel. People in black stood in the doorway holding wands. Miss Caroline of course didn't know what was going on, but Elena was fiercely squeezing her locket. The locket Tante Elisa said to squeeze when something bad was happening. Suddenly Tante Elisa appeared in the doorway holding her wand and shooting spells at the people. More people arrived this time they were fighting the first people. Suddenly they all disappeared. The first people being dragged off by the second.
"What is going on here?" Miss Caroline said. She was a Muggle she had no idea what was wrong.
Tante ran over to Elena and grabbed her hand. "No time to explain ma'am, obliviate," she said as she pointed her wand at Miss Caroline's temple. Miss Caroline's eyes went blurry as she lost her memory. "Hurry Elena we must leave here now. Grab your stuff and we will go."
"I remember," Elena said as she sat on her bed next to Tante Elisa. "But Tante, they could have been the good people…or the bad. And right now I'm lead to believe that they were good. They treat me respectfully. They understand what I'm going through. I want to believe them. They all seem nice enough to me." Tante looked at the floor tears in her eyes. "Don't worry Tante. I'll miss you, but I'll write and I'll be back at Christmas. Don't worry Cissa promised that she would take good care of you and Draco would take good care of me. It will all be fine."
"Your right, now go, get ready for school. Your train leaves in an hour," Tante Elisa said as she left the room. Elena stood and stared at the walls of the room that she was staying in at the Malfoy Manor. This place had become her home for the past two weeks she had been there. It would be sad to be leaving yet another place. But she knew she had to attend school and she wanted to attend it also. It would be fun wouldn't it.