I'm so sorry everybody! I graduate high school in 3 days and with final exams, things have been incredibly hectic!
I figured since it was Draco's birthday, I might as well put in a new chapter! Again so sorry!
Dear Rupert,
we've made it through the summer. Well, not exactly we, but she. I spent the summer being bullied and annoyed, but mostly unscathed. Luckily, Hermione managed to stay out of trouble. I get to see her today for the first time all summer. We've written once or twice under very strict circumstances and rather coded letters. I pretended to be Victor Krum, seeing as they were rather chummy over the past year, and she was my Pansy Parkinson. It wasn't ideal circumstances, and it only was for a few letters, but it was enough to know that she was well, and that she still loves me. We also planned to meet in one of the empty compartments under the pretense of Prefect duties, as we both made it. I knew she would, there's not many girls that can be quite as persuasive to follow the rules as her. I mean, look at what she's done to me! I'm feeding information to Dumbledore, what else could you ask of me!?! This summer was incredibly scary. Every moment worried what He was going to do next, who would be next up on the chopping block. Luckily, Auntie Bella has been in his favors, helping us a little, and seeing as He's staying at our house, He really has been kind. Well, not kind, I doubt he's capable of that much, but i've stopped flinching whenever he comes into the room, which is quite an improvement, if you ask me. Granted, that snake still freaks me out. The way they talk to eachother. I've woken up a number of times of nightmares from it. I suppose I should finish packing we'll be heading to the station in a few minutes, and I want to double check that everything is perfect...including my hair.
-Snake Hater

P.S. The fact that i'm in Slytherin and hate snakes...the irony has not been lost on me.