♥Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often♥  ••○•○•○ 11. HISTORY OF MAGIC ○•○•○••  Yawn.. When was Binns gonna finish his droning? Draco wondered.
Bored, Draco pulled out a piece of spare parchment, quill, and ink from his bag. And began doodling. Eyes, a nose, a mouth, hair, face... face like.. Merlins! Hermione!
“Psst!” I whispered, “Malfoy, you’re supposed to hate Granger!”
Draco gasped and then glared at me. “Its all YOUR fault!” he said pointing fingers at me.
“ME?” I glared back.
"Yep! YOU! You made me fancy Herm... the-that Granger!"
"Stop it you two" came a voice. Hermione's. "FYI, Its History of Magic class... not History of Love Story class!"
Last edited by Enigma; 05-01-2012 at 08:00 AM.