♥Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often♥ ••○•○•○ 88. SWEET TOOTH ○•○•○••  It was a hogsmeade weekend! Finally!
“What do you want my warrior princess?” Draco softly asked Hermione. Maybe she would like some chocolates and treats, to indulge her sweet tooth? Or butterbeer…
“You’re coming with me right?” he asked. Or most probably not. Oh yes, she was 1/3rd of the Golden Trio! That Potter and Weasley would get her company.
Draco sulked. And heard soft giggles. “You look cute when you’re sulking!” Hermione grinned “Of course we’ll be together!”
“And yeah… I want an ice-cream, no, two!” Hermione said.
“We can share too….” Draco winked..
Last edited by sweetpinkpixie; 04-29-2012 at 01:48 AM.