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Old 04-27-2012, 04:09 PM
FireboltAvis88 FireboltAvis88 is offline
Default 100 Drabbles for Alyssa Potter - Sa13+

Hiya I'm FireboltAvis88 aka Alyssa Potter or Pearl in RL. This is my first venture into the 100 drabbles, so I hope that I don't embarrass myself here too much. My problem will be trying to keep my drabbles down to 100 words. For those who've seen my posts will know that it's going to be a tough feat, but I'm determined to see whether I can do this. So here goes.

Disclaimer: Although I would love to claim the works of the HP world were mine, they all belong to the truly Awesome JK Rowling

The Following Characters and whom they belong to will be added to the list as I move along:
Aaron Roberts - MissMUDBL00D
Jory Stonewall - FearlessLeader19
Minerva Wheatborn - Bazinga
Penny Laughgood - Trish
Janice Trewhella - Cheesestrings
Oakey Gunter - DJ_ExpelliarMOOSE
Milton Shacklbolt- Sarahloo
Kurumi Hollingberry - SweetPinkPixie
Professor Vindictus - demented_death_eater
Professor Cerulean - LezleighD
Alec Summers - Hermionesclone
Professor Elwood - DanialRadFAN1
Nessie Dixon - Talikins

SPOILER!!: 100/100 Drabbles completed

25. Sorting Hat

This was it. The Sorting Hat. Even though Alyssa was coming in as a Second Term student, this would be her first time getting sorted by the Sorting Hat. She was anxious to know which house she would end up in. 'Please let it either be Gryffindor or Hufflepuff' Alyssa thought to herself. 'At least it will either be Dad's or Grandma's house.'

The Hat was placed on her head and Alyssa closed her eyes and prayed. Then the magical words were spoken.


Alyssa breathed a sigh of relief, jumped off the stool and joined her fellow housemates.