Role Play and Classroom Tips YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers 1. Respect your teachers and classmates. Just be nice. Sometimes it can be hard to bite your tongue, but it's much easier to avoid a fight then to get detention, lose house points, and have a lot of people upset with you. Just a little common courtesy can go a long way.
2. If you come online while the class is already going on, do not announce that you are late. Simply act like your character’s been there the whole time, otherwise teachers will deduct points from our house.
3. Likewise if you have to leave before the end of the lesson, do NOT announce it, or more points will be lost.
4. Keep OOC comments to a bare minimum. Sometimes it is unavoidable, but if you can, PM the member you're RPing with to chat.
5. Likewise, unnecessary chatting in the classroom will not be tolerated. Professors are here to teach you, and your character is here to learn. You don't need to tell your character's buddy at THAT MOMENT that "they won't believe WHAT JUST HAPPENED!" ;D
6. When the teacher asks a question, feel free to raise your hand and offer an answer. The quickest answers, as well as the most creative answers are generally rewarded with house points.
7. Please be patient if the professor doesn’t answer you straight away. We all live in different timezones and have other responsibilities in real life, so it is possible the teacher had to leave for a few minutes/hours.
8. Be realistic. Don't RP in two different places - if you're injured and carried to the Hospital Wing, how could you possibly be carrying on another conversation in the Charms Classroom uninjured?
9. Try to use proper spelling, grammar, etc. It makes what you've typed look much more attractive and also easier for others to read. Try to avoid posting one-line role plays. It looks a bit tacky, and it's a lot better to go into detail about what you're character is doing. Despite keeping things realistic, it also gives you more to talk about, as well as more for others to respond to!
10. Make new friends! If anything, having lots of friends in the RPG spices things up. It makes things a lot more fun.
11. Be creative and have fun!
__________________  ___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem ✯ |