Thread: Harry Potter: Hermione's Battle - Sa16+
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Old 04-06-2012, 11:58 PM   #75 (permalink)

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Chapter Ten: Part Three
The Wedding Ceremony

The newest Mr. and Mrs. Weasley grabbed hold of each others hands as they walked down the aisle, being showered with confetti and rose petals. They were smiling and laughing, and being strangled with hugs of congratulations by their friends, families and old teachers who had come to see their highest achiever get married. Harry and Ginny followed right after, then Luna and Neville, and Idina and George, with Lucy crawling after. The couples crammed in the back of the Limo where Stan drove them, and their photographer, to another garden where they would be having their reception. Their parents met them there a while after, and Hermione felt the familiar ache in her face as she smiled for so many photos. Only this time it wasn't a fake smile. Ron hugged her and kissed her, told her how much he loved her, but none of that made her feel as good as that ring did, or her newly inherited family.

After only an hour of photos, they all made their way over to the reception venue where their guests were enjoying food and drink. Their muggle guests were bewildered at the Pumpkin Juice and Firewhiskey being served, and similarly their wizarding guests were repulsed by the beer and wine, and soft drinks going around. Hermione and Ron clinked their butterbeer glasses together and drank it whole, before they were announced yet again as "Mr. and Mrs. Weasley," as they entered the dining area. They took their seat in the middle of the bridal table and the night began. Music played for hours, and guests had such a good time. They had family and friends giving speeches, and toasts, and every five minutes someone was clinking their glass for another kiss. Their entree was simple; Pumpkin Pasties. Hermione and Ron loved them, and so they chose them for part of their first meal as a married couple. Dinner was a banquet on each table, with all different roasts, vegetables, salads, sauces, breads, types of potatoes, savoury puddings and bakes. Hermione and Ron spoke the whole way through dinner, about how incredible their night was going. They shovelled food into each others mouths and linked arms to drink. They already knew what an amazing cook Molly was, and they were so happy she agreed to cook them their Reception meal.

Next on the list was speeches. Molly and Arthur stood up and expressed how grateful they were to have such an incredible woman join their family. Harry and Ginny stood as Best Man and Maid of Honour to congratulate their two best friends, and then Ron stood to give his speech to Hermione.

"Hermione and I have been friends since we were eleven. We didn't exactly have the closest friendship," he said with laughs, "but somewhere amongst the way we fell for each other and now, finally today I get to call her my Wife. It's funny how things in life happen, and what makes people realise how close they are. Hermione I promise to always love you and take care of you. Err I just wanted to thank everyone for coming and for all your support over the years, we both really appreciate it," he finished and sat down, turning a bit pink.

After the main speeches full of laughter and tears had come to a close, dessert came, which was again a banquet of sorts. All their favourite cakes, sauces, bakes, puddings, ice creams, chocolate bars, teas, coffees, biscuits were there. But it wasn't separate deserts at all, but their towering wedding cake. The bottom, and biggest layer, was a Chocolate Fudge cake, with hard chocolate in the middle that melted when you ate it. There were seven layers all together, with a small tube on the top which erupted with melted chocolate, dribbling down the entire cake. Perched on top were two small figurines of Ron and Hermione, spot on with what they looked like today on their wedding day. They cut the cake together, and Hermione smeared a big piece on Ron's face.

"Oh this has been such a good day, Ron," Hermione said, overcome with happiness.
Ron took her face in his hand and kissed her on the nose, saying "I love you Hermione, I couldn't imagine this day being any better."

They walked hand in hand onto the dance floor to have their first dance as a married couple. It was pure bliss, they were both in the only place they would want to be. And now they were going to spend the rest of their lives together. It was incredible. Once the song ended, everyone else joined in the dancing. Soon the night was left with the young ones dancing all over the floor and the older ones cleaning up. The night ended with Ron carrying Hermione over the threshold of their house.

always on the move

Last edited by Jessiqua; 01-08-2013 at 11:44 AM.
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