Join Date: May 2007 Location: Gotham
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Hogwarts RPG Name: TBD Gryffindor Hogwarts RPG Name: Zara H. Bunbury-Foster Slytherin Fifth Year | last call for ya'lls participation =) Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB All right, so they were back in the barn, they were safe, and... oh shooooot, William had left the pygmy puffs outside, all penned in on their own. Ooops. They would be all right out there for the next five minutes though, right? He was just going to talk to the students, give 'em their homework, and then....
Pass the puffs back to those who wanted to keep 'em? Quote:
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF Daichi knew he hadn't helped much. His wand arm hung by his side as he continued to stare in to space. He wasn't aware of the impedimenta spell being used and that the FIRE blasting Skrewt was gone. Nor that a fellow Slytherin student had run up to it to save it and that a moment later he was tied by another spell.
Only when he heard a faint voice somewhere in the distance that they should retreat to the barn did his legs automatically move. Entering the barn , Daichi's face was still pale white. His brown eyes were wide open as though they were re-living the past. Tears sprung in his eyes and a second later they glided over his cheeks.
Where was Mr.Duckles when he needed him?! ...or maybe not. "Daichi?" Williamson voiced nervously, eying the crying kid and looking COMPLETELY clueless as to what he should do about him. He moved over to stand by the boy and put a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay? It's not... we're safe here now, bud, no more dangerous creatures around."
He SHOULD be OKAY. Damn, were all of Willy's classes THAT traumatizing?! Maybe he should go back to teaching dragons instead of children... Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Laura looked at the Professor. "I'm sorry Professor, I just thought that if the Creature knew we were friendly it would leave us alone, but I think after class I'll come to your office and I'll have a little chat with you." Laura smiled at the Professor as she went to where the Professor told them to go.
Laura was happy that she had been praised for tackling her classmate, normally she would have been in trouble, but well she had seen first had what the Blast-Ended Skrewt could do and so she had decided she wasn't going to let the silly boy get hurt. "Professor I think I should have listened to you and not tried to talk sence into the Blast-Ended Skrewt." Laura sighed. Good, she was even apologizing. William nodded to show he'd heard and exhaled, moving back to his bale with a heavy sigh.
"I think you're right, Laura, that would have saved us all some trouble." He smiled back at the girl anyway. Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 Alyssa still feeling ashamed and embarassed over the incident in the Forbidden Forest, didn't even feel like volunteering an answer but she knew that she had to finish out this class before she could leave, so she slowly raised her hand,"I think the main thing that we ALL didn't do, was to work together as a team. Some people were freaking out, while others were giving orders when there should only have been one person. YOU!!. Then of course some of us wanted to help out, like I did but all I got was yelled at. Anyway, I think that entire situation could have been handled a lot better. We should all have stayed calm and stuck together and made sure that we had brought our wands."....and that was all she was going to say. "Well said, Alyssa, except for the yelling part." He gave her a stern look. "You didn't get yelled at for 'trying to help' but because you forcefully shoved me down without giving me a chance to react." In other words, he could have saved his own skin, thank you very much.
"Next time, everyone," he directed this bit to the whole class and not just Alyssa, "let's remember to listen to the adults around and heed their advice, eh?" So when he said DO THIS, NOT THAT, WORK TOGETHER, maybe they would. Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥ Oooh, it was question time. Amelia raised her hand before she answered him. "We could have worked as a team better. Some of us were level headed and didn't panic, and others did. And we should have all listened to your instructions. Basically we could have worked together as a unit better." A lot better. :/ Another good answer from a Hufflepuff. "Thank you, Amelia. Sometimes wizards have to think like a unit. A team. A team of soldiers trying to combat a common creature enemy." Sometimes that was sad but true! Dangerous creatures were dangerous for a reason, after all. Quote:
Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose No, Thank you Professor. He responded, as he pocketed his wand back in his robe. Would you like some help looking for your wand later?
As he walked back to the barn with the rest of the class. Oakey responded quickly to Professor Williamson's question. I think what could have been done differently would be that we listen more carefully to your instructions, Oh and not throw things at the Skrewt! They're dangerous creatures that are short-tempered, I think the attitude comes from it's Manticore blood. "Nah, I'm sure it will turn up." Despite having just faced a highly dangerous creature nearly unarmed, William shrugged off the case of his misplaced wand without another thought.
"Good! Yes now we all know to NOT throw things at Skrewts." He had certainly learned his lesson, anyway: he did not know everything there was to know about every creature. Especially not about Skrewts. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Taking a deep breath, Kurumi raised her hand. "We just need to keep in mind that creature behavior can be unpredictable and to look for warning signs of animal aggressiveness and fear...because we were given them, but many ignored them." There really was no other way to say it. All the screaming, flailing, and diving to the ground had only frightened the creature and agitated it...and the candy throwing had been a bad idea. "As the Headmaster is always saying, we need to practice constant vigilance." Because, well, when creatures had been appearing on the grounds...students really hadn't acted much different than they had in this lesson - herself included when it came to the vegetable patch incident. William found himself nodding quite a bit as Kurumi spoke, agreeing with her on all her points. "Practice constant vigilance, right, and don't panic when confronted with an ornery creature." He smiled at the Prefect. "I hope everyone walks away from this lesson knowing that."
Please let them have learned something today. Please. Quote:
Originally Posted by Hayden The problem with Hades is he tends to blur the differences between being single-minded and stubborn. Williamson's words won't be much of a use to this nutcase. Albeit three words caught his attention; Can't. Train. Them. "So, you're saying they're XXXXX classified?" his blue eyes widen as Hades stretches his body after he was untied. Did they just dealt with a very dangerous creature? If only the others hear this...
Detention? Pfft!! "Detention is my middle name," he smirks. Practically. His actual middle name is Severus, one of the finest Hogwarts headmasters. He was thrown into detentions more than he could remember. At least five times a term. This term however, Hades has broken a new record for not getting even one detention. He sort of missed it, the cold and depressing place. "Yeah probably.... whyyyyyyy?" William was HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS of this kid. Not just because his name was Hades, not just because he was a Slytherin, but mostly because he weirdly reminded him of himself at that age.
"Keep talking like that, and your middle name will become your permanent home." He rolled his eyes at the boy. Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger It seemed the professor wasn't exactly about to test that theory either, as he'd ordered everyone to reconvene inside the barn. Presumably a safer place, and she followed everyone after grabbing her school bag and making sur eit wasn't damaged from the water and fire and everything else. Settling on a haybale once she'd gotten inside, she raised her hand as a question had been asked. "We probably should have assumed the skrewt wasn't going to be convinced to go back to the forest on its own," she suggested. "Dangerous creatures can't be bribed with candy, or scared away by things being thrown at it or past it, and we should have used magic to neutralize the situation and get it back to its home from the start." And I should have remembered the Shield charm instead of wasting time ducking when Alyssa had suggested it, she added silently in her head. "Also well said," William nodded at Stella. "Thanks for your contribution and participation, Ms. Gardiner." Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Jory raised his hand. "We could have gotten rid of the Shrewt earlier, faster and with less risks if there was less panic,'' Jory said knowing it was true though he could understand why students panicked. The thing wanted to kill them, no doubt they'd make a good meal. "I agree 100%," William nodded at the Hufflepuff. Hear that, panickers? Your classmates are calling you out now. Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen Now what could they have done better with regards to that Skrewt incident? He raised his hand slowly as he gathered his thoughts for his answer "Sir... Blast Ended Skrewts have a tough armour that deflects most spells, but thats not what makes it so dangerous, its the fact that it shoots out fire. It essentially doubles it range and therefore the danger zone around it. Since shooting spells onto a Skrewt can be very tricky to be effective, I thought perhaps the best course of action was to contain it first-- cast a shield bubble around it or conjure something to "cage" it so that its blasts are neutralized. Once its contained, we could have either gotten it to calm down or sent it to sleep temporarily before moving it back to its own habitat." Hmm here was an analytical Ravenclaw answer. William wasn't used to having very many of THEM participating in his lessons.
"That's a good idea, Vickers, you should have spoken up sooner," he remarked dryly to the boy. So what if Willy never used logic when dealing with the creatures? Soooooooooo? Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Ella sat on her hay, bouncing her knees. She was thinking about the question and a ton of answers popped into her head. "Professor Williamson, I think that we could have been less impulsive and more patient...easier said than done of course but it would have been less chaotic that way." Ella hadn't liked all the panic, it made her feel like she was going to faint and she definitely didn't want that. "I agree, Ella," Williamson smiled over at the little Puff. "The chaos and panic make it hard for anyone to focus and try to handle a dangerous creature." So clearly panic only added to the problem. Quote:
Originally Posted by affy7ann Tayla had remained quiet most of the class and quite stunned, too. She followed the professor and students back to the barn. "Erm..." she began, shaking her head and trying to compose herself. "We shouldn't have panicked so much. We should have...thought about what to do first...before acting impulsively and making things worse." Tayla nodded and was silent again, feeling a little dizzy. "All right, well said." Pretty much everyone was having the same answers now, so Willy nodded to those who hadn't spoken up.
"I actually had other plans for this lesson, believe it or not, where we were going to encounter a dangerous creature in a controlled setting, but since the Skrewt showed up...." William shrugged. He'd have to send an owl to Medea explaining how his class had ended up going and that they'd reschedule for next term.
So! That just left two things. "Would anyone else like to share their thoughts or ask any questions? If not, I'll assign your homework for today's lesson... and I just want to say, despite all the panicking and not following directions, you are a very impressive group of students and I'm proud of all you."
There. A little positive motivation for them. He meant it, too, every word.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |