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Old 03-16-2012, 02:43 AM   #18 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Felix Greenwood
First Year
Default Chapter 8- Mosquito Street's Dilemma
DivaDivaDiva ||Candy Cane Mama||

Rita was not going to cry. She was not going to shed a tear. She was not going to let them get the best of her. Rita was better than this. She gripped the table to calm herself.

Rita took a few deep breaths to calm herself. Her resolve crackled around her like a halo of electricity. If they thought they were going to make her cry and run they were going to be in for a surprise.

Once she was sure her face wasn't burning anymore she finally looked down at the schedule Professor Slughorn had given her.

Rita saw that Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays she had history of magic first followed by potions. Next was transfigurations and defense against the dark arts and then thank Merlin lunch. The last half of the day was potions and then flying. Tuesdays and Thursday she had herbology first then care of magical creatures. That was followed by artimancy and lunch. The last part of the day was ancient runes and astronomy.

Her eyes were crossed by the time she got a good look at everything. How on earth did they expect an 11 year old to retain all that information? How was she going to retain everything. It was pure madness. She had no idea there was this much to magic. Rita shook her head and she gathered her things to head up to her first lesson.

She had no idea where she was going but she figured following all the other first years wouldn't lead her astray. Rita grabbed her bag and headed off to class. The hallways were humming with excited voices and a thick layer of magic. Well more like spells gone wrong. A few kids rushed past with smoking ears and it brought a small smile to Rita's face as she tried to followed the trainers of the boy in front of her. He was a Ravenclaw that had been sorted last night. His blue and silver tie was flying behind him like a a standard on a ship. They weren't headed toward the stairs, but the hallways were twisting back on themselves as Rita hurried behind the Ravenclaw eye in the storm of Hogwarts. She nearly ran into Bobbi who was leaning against the wall waiting for the doors to open.

“Watch it,” she snarled snatching her precious foot back before Rita could trod on it. “How did you get sorted into Slytherin anyways,” Her green eyes flashed in the streaming sunlight.

Rita tried to keep her face from burning. She was tired of letting them get to her, and this was only the first day! She had to put up with them for six more years. But it was hard with Bobbi and all the other Slytherins glaring at her for daring to be sorted into Slytherin.

“Now, Bobbi dear. We mustn't let the riffraff see us fighting.” Bellatrix said laying a porcelain hand on Bobbi shoulders. The Asian girl quickly simmered down and flicker a stray hair out of her face with a practiced ease. Something Rita would never learn to do. But with industrial hair gel she would never need to learn. Some of the Ravenclaws heard Bellatrix's comment and they bristles at the snarky remark, but none of them seemed bold enough to toss something back at her.

Bellatrix was a dark cloud with the power of mother nature brewing under her polished nails. Her lidded eyes hide dark secrets that Victoria had better be keeping. Getting on her bad side this early in the game was a life long mistake everyone was sure Bellatrix would make you pay for for the rest of your life and none was willing to take that chance.

It was too early on to take on that sort of task. “Margarita here didn't mean to scuff your new shoes. Did you?” The smile on Bellatrix's face chilled Rita down to the core of her soul.

“No I didn't.” Rita said through clenched teeth.

Bellatrix smiled and clapped her hands like a girl at play. No one was fooled with her display. “See there. Now we can all be friends.” She looped her arm around Bobbi's shoulders and Rita's shoulder pulling them both under her arms. The doors to the classroom opened and students started filing in. Rita made to move, but Bellatrix held her back. For a wiry Black, she was a strong one. “Now ladies I could honestly strangle you both as you sleep. That is how much I car about you. However you both are Slytherins and we have to stick together. So I must tolerate you by default. But in the future if you let this ugly side of Slytherin show again in front of another house.” She pulled them both closer, her thin arms cutting off their air slightly. “I will make you both sorry the day your mother weaned you.” She released them both and Rita was glad that she wasn't the only one that was left gasping for air.

Rita staggered back a bit. Bobbi regained her footing first and threw Rita a glare before following Bellatix into the classroom. Rita swallowed hard and hurried after her housemates.

History of Magic was easily the most boring and tedious subject Rita had ever been forced to sit through. The only bright spot had been the appearance of Professor Binns. Though he had mispronounced Rita's name and called her Mosquito Street. That brought a fresh peal of laughter from the masses. Binns' droning lecture soon drove the mirth of his roll call right out of the room. Not even Bellatrix's perfectly fluffed hair and rosy cheeks could retain their shine as the lecture went on and on. Rita was ready to drive a quill through her own ears by the time the sands in the hour glass ran out and the bell tolled.

A classroom never cleared so fast.

Professor Binns didn't notice. He was still lecturing about the great Goblin Rebellion that founded Gringotts. It was his most exciting lecture if anyone bothered to ask him. No one ever did. And he didn't care. He just floated back to his favorite chair in the staff room by the fire.

Potions was next and with that came a color change. The Ravenclaws were replaced by the Hufflepuffs and Rita was ready for some cheering up. Especially since they were heading back down to the dungeons. What a poor choice for a common room, Rita thought as her footsteps thudded on the stairs. She wasn't stupid enough to share this with anyone. She heard about Roman torture methods, she wasn't keen to experience one.

The potions classroom was simply teeming with billows of smoke as they walked in. Rita had to nearly punch her way through to an empty seat. She sat down and a little Hufflepuff girl who surely couldn't have been of legal age to be in Hogwarts as she was hardly four feet tall sat down in the chair across from Rita.

“Hi, I'm Mackenzie. Everyone just calls me Pixie.” She was positively bubbling with excitement over sharing her nickname.

“Rita Skeeter.” Rita offered. Pixie bounced in her chair happily and started to unpack her things. A few other students drifted over, but Rita found herself in a sea of yellow and she wasn't fussed about it. It was a welcomed change to her day.

“Alright, alright. Settle down now.” Professor Slughorn's face was flushed and his cheeks looked like they could have led Santa's sleigh all on their own. “Welcome to Potions. I am Professor Slughorn. Let's start off light and go with a babbling beverage shall we.” He pointed at the chalkboard and a recipe began writing itself on the board. It wasn't a terribly long list of ingredients nor a complicated brewing process, but Rita was sure that something had to be complicated. This seemed a tad too easy.

She really hated it when she turned out to be right.
♣♣To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower♣♣

♣♣Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour♣♣
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