Thread: CoMC Three
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Old 03-15-2012, 05:02 AM   #61 (permalink)
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Text Cut: Now you see it, now you don't
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Listening to her classmates' answers, Kurumi jotted down a few points of notice along with some other ideas that their comments sparked when she thought she heard something. Snapping her head around, Kurumi's violet eyes searched the grass for the source of the distraction, but was unable to see anything other than sticks. Although...something did look a little bigger than the average stick...but it was too far away from her to tell.

Just to be safe, Kurumi picked her feet up off the ground and crossed her legs on the bench she was sitting on. You know, in case the noise was actually something and it wanted to nibble on her toes.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Jory raised his hand. "Well, the first thing your instinct will tell you to do it run. But some may just draw their wands and wait to see what the Skrewt will do and then the persons will try to defend their territories,'' he said.

As he spoke, Jory thought he saw something move in the grass, but when he looked he could see nothing. Just to be safe, he pulled his feet closer to himself. He didn't want anything to jump on them or even take a bite.
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
Alyssa noticed something move from the corner of her eye. She glanced in that direction and couldn't see anything except for the slightest rustling of the grass. Could it be the wind or were they no longer alone??
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF View Post
As Daichi waited for the Professor to speak again. And hopefully say they weren't going to deal with skrewts, he gazed towards the place where the pygmy puffs were and even though he couldn't see Ducky Duck anymore in it , he still smiled at the thought of maybe getting her back after class.

Out of the corner of his eye he thought he saw something moving and turned his gaze away from the Pygmy Puffs towards the grass. But as he looked he didn't see anything so he figured it must have been his imagination.
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥ View Post
Amelia started to look around the area while absentmindedly petting Pixie when she heard a sound. Curious, she turned her gaze to where she had heard it and saw nothing other than the sticks on the ground. One stick looked a little suspicious though, and she raised her brow, seeing that other students were also looking. Clearly she wasn't hearing things in that case.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Ella was listening to her classmates answer Williamson's question when she could have sworn she saw something out of the corner of her eye. She shook her head, thinking all the talk about skrewts was just making her a little nervous. It was probably nothing...
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Sierra caught a movement out of the corner of her eye and quickly jerked her head to the side. Nothing. If it was something, it was gone now...
Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Laura suddenly saw something out of the corner of her eye, she was going to keep an eye on this thing and maybe this was why the Professor was telling them that they had to be prepared, because well this whatever it was might attack them, though she was sure that it wouldn't do any damage, whatever it was actually looked cute.
Originally Posted by Hayden View Post
As he was writing down notes, Hades thought he saw something at the corner of his eyes. He quickly looked at the direction. Nothing. Strange... He was sure that he saw something. It wasn't his imagination for sure because there were also other students who looked at the same direction. Hades looked around the area suspiciously before he continued with his notes. What was that thing?

The Bowtruckle felt eyes peering down at it. Perhaps it had scuttled a bit too fast through the blades of grass.... But the children wouldn't know what it was they were looking at.

Because he hopefully wasn't going to let them have a good look at it. No. He just wanted to lash itself onto that large tree in the distance.

Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
It was just as William was about to ask his next question that he noticed something scurrying across the grass. He didn't think much of it, though, and just assumed that it was a harmless field mouse or something. So, time to move on!

"Okay, so you see the skrewt, and you THINK it sees you, so you whip out your wand and stand up in a defensive position." William jumped into place and flicked his wand holster on his left arm, which was where his wand ALWAYS was.

Only today... the wand wasn't there. "Huh," the man murmured to himself. "I could have SWORN I remembered to put that there this morning....."

No matter, he could carry on anyway. "Uh yeah, uhhhh, you all should stand up and do this with me." The professor nodded to himself and quickly snatched (what he thought was) a twig up off the ground, transferring it to his left hand, his wand hand. "So you're standing there, you've got your wand in your hand, you're facing the skrewt but remaining MOSTLY still, and NOW what do you do?"[/color]

Except fate got in the way, as the Bowtruckle felt itself being snatched into the air, it wriggled to get free and finally sunk its teeth into some juicy flesh. Take that, evil human.

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