Thread: CoMC Three
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Old 03-15-2012, 04:41 AM   #60 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Zara H. Bunbury-Foster
Fifth Year
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB

Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
'We're going to be working with dangerous creatures today? Cool' Alyssa thought to herself. Then she thought about the possibility of facing a creature that she wasn't familiar with. Alyssa thought for awhile before slowly raising her hand. "Professor I know my first tendency would be to head in the opposite direction, like run. But I've heard that sometimes running makes the creature more angry. So I guess my first move would be to figure out what it intends to do. Maybe it is just taking a walk and means no harm at all." 'Yeah right' Alyssa thought to herself.
"Yes, good." William nodded. "You should NEVER just flat-out RUN from an approaching dangerous creature, UNLESS you're in a situation where you can see it from a distance, but it can't see you, so you still have time to make a safe getaway."

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Kurumi cocked her head to the side when he turned her answer around and asked her another question. How had she reacted? Well, she had silenced a Hufflepuff for being loud for one, but that wasn't exactly creature related. "To be entirely honest, professor, I panicked. It is one thing to read about creatures in a book and then be put in a safe environment to interact with them like we have been with creatures in class, such as with dealing with hippogriffs last term." Which she had also encountered this term too...and it hadn't returned her bow or even seemed interested in following typical hippogriff protocol. "But...when you are not expecting it and they appear suddenly and attack you because they are looking for a meal...your mind sort of goes blank and instincts take over." Truth. Honest to Merlin truth. "My hand was on my wand and casting Stunning Spells before I really realized I was doing it. I didn't want to harm them, but I didn't want them to eat me either." She swallowed. "The Acromantula spoke with us though..."

She trailed off there, not sure if NOW was the time to go into such details. Might set everyone in the class into a panic.

Catching Professor Williamson's glance, the Gryffindor smiled weakly. She really WANTED to keep the pygmy puff, but she physically couldn't. Not when she had a certain feline back in the dorms. Maybe she could work out something else? Volunteer to help care for them or something so that she could still be a part of Momotaro II's life? She would be sure to speak with Professor Williamson after class. Yush. There might even be cookies involved not that the man didn't already deserve cookies.

Notes notes note and more notes. Kurumi attempted to keep up with all the little tidbits and explanations Professor Williamson gave as he addressed each student individually. Her quill movements froze when he spoke though.

When you come face-to-face with a dangerous creature like some of the ones we're going to see today

Well, THAT was a cheerful and encouraging thought. Was HE the one setting all the creatures loose on the grounds? He had seemed all excited about the thestral and hippogriff...been suspiciously missing while she and Kennedy assisted the Headmaster and Professor Scabior with the Acromantula and Chimaera. Hmmm....interesting...

Pausing for a moment again, Kurumi raised her hand. "When I encountered creatures on the grounds," where they ought NOT be spotted to begin with. "...I wondered just WHY they were there instead of their natural habitat. So...when I could, I tried to observe what was going on in my surroundings for a clue as to why they were there. The same could be said for the blast-ended skrewt. first move is to have my hand on my wand, just in case, and eyes on the creature observing."

"Well, panicking is not a good thing," Williamson frowned at Kurumi. At least she knew it was bad, now, and had a better plan for action... or so it seemed. He found it mighty suspicious that SHE just HAPPENED to be at the scene of all these creature 'attacks' though... hmmm.... what was that saying about the perpetrator being present at the scene of the crime....?

Anyway. "Yes, so, your new strategy is much better." He forced himself to refocus back on the Gryffie prefect. "Wand in hand, ready, and WATCHING. Always keep your eyes open."

Originally Posted by grangerfan8 View Post
"No....?" Arya seemed to be questioning this as well as she thought for a moment on those encounters, head tilting to the side a bit. "I was here at Hogwarts for all but the dragons. There was a bit of running from the acromantulas," And spell casting and giggling, she was sure there was giggling. "And the kappa.... he was totally under control, so was the sphinx I... think." Though now that she REALLY thought about it, something terrible could have happened.

Grinning, a shrug rolled off her shoulders. "Someone that was skilled in handling those creatures was around so I was more fascinated by them than frightened. Mostly. I still didn't do anything foolish since there were very dangerous." And hungry some of them. "But I'm not one to panic around creatures in any situation..."

Oh they were going to see more today? Awesome!

The prefect seriously considered his question, though her eyes were on the forest now as her hand went up and back down. "I wouldn't draw attention to myself, and would make sure I had my want to protect myself." But she'd also stick around for a minute or two just to admire. "For my first move." It was like, a combo move or something. Heh.

"I'm glad to hear that you don't panic around any sort of creature, Arya." Perfect. She could be his first volunteer for today's lesson, then. Heh. "Keep your head down and your attention to yourself, yes, good."

Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
Still thinking about how Daichi had already brought up the idea of if they could keep the pygmy puffs they'd bonded with over the week, Stella had honestly distracted herself from really answering Professor Williamson. Besides, everyone else seemed to have much more interesting stories when it came to their puffs, and she hadn't really encountered any dangerous creatures in her sixteen plus years of life. Not if you didn't count her ex and the part-veelas at Beauxbatons, and she was fairly certain the professor wouldn't count them. So most of her knowledge came from what she'd read. Her head had snapped up as the professor had mentioned staying after class to talk about keeping their puffs, though. Maybe there was still a chance she could keep Nuage, although he really seemed like he didn't want it mentioned again. Pestering the professor wouldn't work, then, but she could wait.

Her hand slowly raised as the discussion had continued, though. Hesitantly. considering the professor was looking out at the forest as if he expected something to come out and meet them at any time. "If I found a blast-ended skrewt coming up the path towards me, the first thing I'd do is make sure I had my wand ready to defend myself. There is always the possibility that I could just avoid confrontation, but creatures like that don't generally care if you're running or just standing there. I don't think so, at least. But, in the same respect, I'd only be able to Stun it, or do any damage at all, if I hit it in the belly, right?," she said, checking her information a little at the end. That only was in reference to skrewts, though. The wand thing would be important with any dangerous creature.

Wand ready? "Good answer," William flicked his brown eyes toward the Ravenclaw briefly."Let's not talk about spells just yet.... but yes, in the case of a blast-ended skrewt, if you have ANY chance of doing ANY damage to it at all, you HAVE to his the armor-less section of its stomach."

Originally Posted by Gabrielle View Post
Th-they where going to see?? Glenn's hands started shaking so she folded them in her lap and tried to keep the tremble out of her voice as she answered the question, " away or hide?" She had done that before. Her brother and her would go walking through the forest by their house and sometimes a creepy creature would come out and they would run away from it. Not so Gryffindorish behaviour.
"Neither," William winked at the poor, nervous Puff. Hehehehe.

Originally Posted by Hayden View Post
Never before Hades had paid so much attention in class that he didn't even stop writing down the notes. Merlin! Could Williamson go any faster? If he did, Hades might have to give up on the notes. He hadn't used his hand to write for quite a while which was why he never submitted his homeworks. Williamson's following question was interesting. What if dangerous creatures were heading their way? Putting down his quill on his lap, Hades raised his hand. "It depends on the creatures. If it's a Blast-Ended Skrewt, as you said, the Impediment Jinx can come in useful. But for the younger students, example, who don't know the jinx, my suggestion is run for your life." Not that he had came across any. If it was a werewolf, then Hades might have some ideas...
"Right, but I asked what you personally would do.... so would you fight or take flight?" He cocked an eyebrow at the boy.

Originally Posted by Dead_As_You View Post
Sarassi thought hard and long about such a scenario until finaly saying Well due to the nature of the blast-ended skrewts, it wouldnt be very safe to run for the heels as it could capture you from behind and um hurt you. If the skrewt became hostile and you were a skilled witch or wizard you could peform the Impediment Jinx on it. But I wouldnt attack unless it attacks first, it could be just getting some fresh air, not harming a soul and all of a sudden it gets attacked for looking scary.
"YES! Good!" William might have been just a little too enthusiastic in his response to that answer. "Do not attack unless a creature attacks you first. Write that down, everyone!"

Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF View Post
Daichi nodded his head vigorously when the Professor told him to speak to him after class and after quickly placing Ducky Duck with the other puffs and sat down he grinned.

As the first question came, Daichi raised his hand. But everyone was talking almost at the same time that he couldn't get through and had the feeling he was being ignored when the second question came.

As the minutes flew by, Daichi became a bit uneasy as they began to talk about dangerous creatures. Why dangerous creatures? Why not stick with the adorable fluffly ones?! Or have a lesson about ducks! Those are creatures too, he would literally pay all the money he had to get a lesson about those cute widdle duckies.

But it seemed it would never happen... siiiigh. Daichi shifted a little where he was seated and nervously bit his lip when the talk got to the blast ended skrewts. He had heard about them... they had fire. Daichi didn't like fire. In fact, he was terrified of it. Having Pyrophobia is not something he wished to show in class. He'd already lost his cool in DADA but back then it had been dark in the classroom. Now they were in the open for everyone to see his pale face.

Shaking his head, Daichi tried to answer the question though as he raised his hand. But only a soft mutter came out before he lowered it again. He didn't think he was going to like this lesson if real skrewts showed up...

"Daichi?" William swiveled his head toward the boy when a sound like a whimper came out of his mouth. "You all right there, bud?" If he could read minds, he would definitely say something was frightening the boy....already...

Originally Posted by Squishy ♥ View Post
Amelia smiled as she started taking notes on what the Professor was saying. She thought it was a good idea to have this all written down so she could remember it in case an evil creature came for her. Or for Pixie. She wanted her Pygmy Puff to be safe too. Pixie was hers and no one else's. Pixie had been her Christmas present from her parents. D:

When the scenario of the blast-ended skrewt was presented, she raised her hand immediately. "I'd make sure that everyone was inside to be safe and have my wand at the ready. I wouldn't attack it until I knew if it was actually trying to do harm instead of just walking by. You wouldn't want to randomly blast an oblivious skrewt because then you'd definitely be dealing with an angry creature."
Aww, what a noble puff. "Yes, great point. Let's not give the creatures a REASON to attack by angering them, right guys?"

SPOILER!!: Silly Puff, calling for Jenkins. HA.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Ella sighed when she didn't get a chance to share her experience with Barny but her diary notes had been detailed so Professor Williamson would hear all about it anyways.

The small badger's eyes grew wide when Williamson said they would be seeing dangerous creatures today. WHY? She didn't want to meet anything dangerous, she'd much rather have another pygmy puff bowling lesson! Then the Professor had mentioned the skrewt and Ella gave a start, remembering the 'incident' on the pathways...was Oakey here in class too? She raised her hand. "Professor, er-I encountered a skrewt on the pathways and kind of er-it came at us so I ran to find a Professor while the other two, classmates of mine, stood with their wands at the ready..." Which had been quite unsuccessful. "It um-well I returned with Professor Jenkins, he was the only one I could find, and he tried to handle the situation but the skrewt charged us!" Ella gave a shrudder thinking about the experience. "So my classmate levitated it off of us and then the skrewt kind of just it was called away or something..." Which was STRANGE. "Professor, I clearly don't know what one is supposed to do in that situation..." She said sheepishly, hoping they wouldn't be meeting that same skrewt!

She ran for Oliver Jenkins, of all people? Really, Ella??? William let out a loud chortle before he was able to clap a hand over his mouth. It took him a few seconds before he regained and control and was able to nod seriously at her answer.

"Well, at least that... worked?" He shrugged. "You were able to get to the soft underbelly of the skrewt, anyway...." Something was nagging him in the back of his mind about why the skrewt was supposedly called away.... but he couldn't recall it anymore.....

Originally Posted by cheeseStrings View Post
"Don't panic?" Janice said, not quite surely after raising her hand. "And you should not underestimate the Blast-Ended Skrewts or any pther dangerous creature you're facing. Better leave them to the experts to be handled, unless you are an expert yourself."
"Perfectly said!" William smiled at the Hufflepuff's concise answer.

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Jory raised his hand. "Well, the first thing your instinct will tell you to do it run. But some may just draw their wands and wait to see what the Skrewt will do and then the persons will try to defend their territories,'' he said.

As he spoke, Jory thought he saw something move in the grass, but when he looked he could see nothing. Just to be safe, he pulled his feet closer to himself. He didn't want anything to jump on them or even take a bite.
"Also well said," he nodded the next Puff. Short and succinct answers were always welcome in his classroom. Ahem.

Originally Posted by Walrus View Post
Trav nodded, he hadn't thought of that. The moustache was starting to peel off. He quickly adjusted it... and went back to nodding in agreement.

He then took a breath when mister professor moved onto the next person.

Then they were talking about fiery buttocksed skrewt. OOOH! OOOOOOH! Trav knew how to answer this one. He quickly raised his hand. "Uhmmm...Ughhh.... I lost it..." He said slowly. "Oh Wait... you could bring it out a glass of lemonade and hope to befriend it... or if it's winter then bring it some hot cocoa." yup. Make friends with the mean old buttocks and it will all be okay... "then it will become your best friend, and when you're in trouble it's save you're life, and you will all live happily on the coast in a log cabin... just you, the boom buttocks skrewt... and that weird-o named Jeffery that just wont leave your house."

Why was Jeffery so weird?
Smiling to himself as the boy's mustache started to peel away from his face, Willy tilted his head at his answer. "Sureeeee......... you're welcome to always TRY that approach, but let's be honest here, Mr. Mustachio.... that's highly unlikely to work. Good luck though."

He wouldn't be responsible if the kid got his eyebrows singed off in the process of 'befriending' a skrewt anyway.

SPOILER!!: Nother Puffer
Originally Posted by jujune29th View Post
Ooooo, so there was a chance they could keep the Puffs? Sophie liked that possibility! She even felt happier now and sat up straight.

She watched as Professor Williamson stood up and looked into the forest. Her eyes followed in the direction he was looking and... wait... "dangerous creature like some of the ones we're going to see today"??? Say what, professor?? Sophie's eyes widened. He wasn't going to put them in any dangerous situation, was he?? She blinked a couple of times. No... that was Hogwarts! The professors wouldn't do anything that could hurt them... right? Just like in DADA! No harm!

Sophie slowly raised her hand before answering. "We... stand still?" Frozen with fear! But also because it wouldn't scare the creature, so it wouldn't attack or anything... right????

'We stand still?' William chuckled at that answer to himself but did nod anyway. "Yes, try that first to see if the creature just passes by you without doing anything." It couldn't hurt to give peace a chance, could it?

SPOILER!!: Lissy Lou-Who
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
Alex had to stop himself from physically rolling his eyes at some of the answers people were giving. Did they WANT to end up a char-broiled mess of flesh when they met something dangerous like that? Sure sounded like it. He raised his hand and cleared his throat before answering what he thought was the ONLY logical answer.

"Well, first and foremost, you need to remain calm. If you're freaking out, you won't be able to think rationally and might end up doing something that causes you harm or scares the creature into hurting you. So your first step should probably be to stop, take a few deep breaths, and just THINK about what you'd do in this situation," he said.

Yeah, he didn't like animals, but he liked to think he had least knew how to react like a rational human being around them.

"Perfect way to put it, Mr. Greingoth!" William beamed over at the Hufflepuff. "You'd be surprised how many people forget that they OWN a BRAIN."

Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Laura looked at the Professor well that was an easy question. "Professor you have to phone the police if one of them is walking upto your door, because someone wants you dead." Laura was sure that one of them wouldn't be able to walk upto your house on their own, so surely someone behind the animal doing it.
Like this one. "Er.... Laura," poor child, "I don't think the Muggle poolicemen are going to be of much help to you in this situation." He shook his head. "But huh, if you're considering a career in Magical Law Enforcement... well you sure do have the Auror-suspicious-thinking-style down pat...."

SPOILER!!: Yeah I'm still lookin' at you, KID
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Well, they could always question who else they could toss into the line of fire to help them get away from the creature. Surely there'd be a willing Hufflepuff and a non-willing Gryffindor nearby. Sierra didn't think that answer would go over too well with WWW, though. Especially seeing as she sprt of, kind of, maybe forgot to turn in his homework assignment...

"I think it'd be a good idea to flick your wand out your holster," Sierra suggested, raising her hand. Then, like, Puffer Brother said over there, "Using your brains wouldn't hurt either. Not all creatures are approached in the same way, so you need to figure out what's best in that situation." A few seconds of silence passed as the wheels in Sierra's head continued to turn. "But you know, if...say, a Nundu was coming after you, I think it should be socially acceptable with everyone to just throw all caution to the wind, turn around, and make a run for it."

Sierra caught a movement out of the corner of her eye and quickly jerked her head to the side. Nothing. If it was something, it was gone now...

"That would be a good idea," he smirked at the way she acknowledged her sibling, "and it depends on how far away the Nundu IS, because you know, they are pretty quick creatures." Just sayin'.

Originally Posted by BOWTRUCKLES! View Post
Scampering quickly across the grass, the bowtruckle was stealthy. It saw what it wanted way in the distance and no human child was going to get in its way this time.

It was just as William was about to ask his next question that he noticed something scurrying across the grass. He didn't think much of it, though, and just assumed that it was a harmless field mouse or something. So, time to move on!

"Okay, so you see the skrewt, and you THINK it sees you, so you whip out your wand and stand up in a defensive position." William jumped into place and flicked his wand holster on his left arm, which was where his wand ALWAYS was.

Only today... the wand wasn't there. "Huh," the man murmured to himself. "I could have SWORN I remembered to put that there this morning....."

No matter, he could carry on anyway. "Uh yeah, uhhhh, you all should stand up and do this with me." The professor nodded to himself and quickly snatched (what he thought was) a twig up off the ground, transferring it to his left hand, his wand hand. "So you're standing there, you've got your wand in your hand, you're facing the skrewt but remaining MOSTLY still, and NOW what do you do?"

yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________

__________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
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