Thread: Harry Potter: Hermione's Battle - Sa16+
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Old 03-09-2012, 11:58 PM   #69 (permalink)

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Chapter Ten: Part Two
The Wedding Ceremony

As she felt the dizziness washing over her, she grasped her father's arm and felt herself sinking down. Not long after that, she felt someone scooping her up into their arms and walking quickly. She was trying to keep her eyes closed and focus on her breathing so that she wouldn't faint. She felt someone propping her upright in a car and opened her eyes. She was in the limo again, and she bent forward to put her head between her knees. That helped her breathe, and she focused only on that.

After a few minutes someone handed her a bottle of water, and her medication. She drank all the water, and took her medication before looking up to see her father and her bridal party in the Limo with her, all looking at her concerned. Well, except for Luna who was smiling at her.
"Hermione, how do you feel?" her father asked.
She frowned and blinked a few times before sitting up straight. "I think I feel okay dad," she replied.
"Do you want to sit down for a while before we do this?" he asked.
"No, no I'm fine. This is my life, I can't hide from it," she said. If she did faint walking down the aisle, then she knew Ron would be there to catch her. He always caught her when she fell.
Four pairs of hands helped her out of the Limo and surrounded her as she walked back to the beginning of the aisle she would walk down. It had been set up by Fleur and the Weasleys with her mother's directions. There was a Red carpet going down the aisle with perfectly spaced Long-Stemmed red rose bushes lining it. The hanging Willow Trees provided such a sense of being with nature that she felt truly peaceful. Lucy walked down with her basket in her hands, throwing red and white rose petals everywhere. Idina walked closely behind her, making sure she didn't start picking the roses off the bushes. Luna glided down the aisle with her warm smile on her face, and stood next to Idina, who had the giggling Lucy in her arms. Ginny gave her a quick hug and wink before she walked down the aisle.

Hermione had been looking at the rose bushes and then she heard people rising to their feet, and a lovely Xylophone playing a wedding tune she thought was lovely. Oh wow, it was finally time. She looked to her father who was smiling encouragingly, and tugged her arm through his, holding it firmly. He would know if she was about to faint. He leant over and gave her a kiss on her head before saying "Ready?"
She nodded, feeling a smile spread over her face. She started to water at the eyes. Taking it step by step, slowly and slowly, she walked down the aisle. She heard the many sniffs of women who had started crying, the gasps of her beauty, and the Awe of the crowd. She looked up and saw Ron standing there, in the middle, wearing a perfectly tailored set of Black Dress Robes. She laughed her warm laugh as she remembered his disastrous Dress Robes in their fourth year. She had been half hoping he would be wearing them today. He smiled brightly at her, and she heard a laugh escape his mouth too. Hermione couldn't wait to get to him, she just wanted to be with him. Have him forever.

After what seemed like a year of walking, she reached out and took his hand. Her father pulled back her veil and kissed her on her cheek, and gave Ron a big pat on the shoulder, before sitting back down with his wife. Ron helped Hermione up to the platform where, "Kingsley!" Hermione gasped, smiling at him. He was wearing his usual attire, and was smiling warmly down at the couple. The next 20 minutes went by in a click, as Hermione and Ron stood, never taking their eyes off each other. Before she realised what was happening, Kingsley had said "I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Weasley, Husband and Wife," to the crowd, before turning his head slightly at Ron and saying in his low voice, "You may now Kiss your bride."

They both looked at each other and giggled, before Ron pulled her in gently to give her a long kiss. There were lots off wolf whistles in the crowd, and when they parted lips they looked up, laughing at the crowd. This was Hermione's favourite moment on earth.

always on the move

Last edited by Jessiqua; 01-08-2013 at 11:43 AM.
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