Thread: Harry Potter: A Marauder Named James - Sa16+
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Old 03-08-2012, 10:06 AM   #36 (permalink)

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Meeting Santa Clause: Chapter Five
Part One: Christmas Eve

24 December, 1971

"So why aren't you going home Evans?" James asked Lily. It had been a while since the incident with James and Severus, but since then Lily had been angry at James. He didn't know why.
She looked up at him and said "Because I don't want to see my sister," she said.
James frowned. "Why don't you want to see your sister for Christmas?"
Lily went red and her nostrils flared, "That really isn't your concern," she said, and went up to the girls dormitories.

"I don't get it!" He said to Sirius. "She still believes Snivellus that I was the one who hexed him!"
"Well stuff her," Sirius replied.
"But I want to be with her," James said, flopping next to him in the chair by the fire.
"So why aren't You going home, James?" Remus asked.
"Er... well mother and father are just getting a bit sick, and they thought I'd have a better Christmas with my friends," he replied, having known the other boys in his dorms would be staying behind. "Why are you staying home?" he asked the rest of them.
"Well my parents are travelling," Remus said.
"I would rather spend Christmas down the loo," Sirius said, seriously.
"I... um.. my p-parents want-ted me to-to stay with my f-f-friends," Peter said.
"Oh I know Alice is staying behind, and thought I'd get to know her a bit more," Frank replied, smiling brightly.

They all went down to see everyone else off on the Hogwarts Express before going to eat their lunch in the Great Hall. James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Frank, Alice and Marlene sat along the Gryffindor table, with students from the other years. Lily, on the other hand, walked in and went to the Slytherin table, where Severus was sitting alone.
"Obviously none of the Slytherins are staying behind," Sirius said, elbowing James.
"What! I don't believe she is sitting over THERE!" James hissed, "That pratty prat Snivelling Snivelus," he ranted, making his house mates laugh.
James hardly ate anything for lunch, and went back to the common room alone. He sat down in front of the fire and closed his eyes.

"Potter?" a gentle voice asked. "Potter?"
Something was poking James, and his eyes snapped open. "Oh," he said, sitting up in the chair, running his hand thorough his hair, "Hi Evans."
"Look, I'm sorry about everything. Remus actually told me the story, and I confronted Severus. He said that you were being really rude and that he was actually the one to hex you," she said, turning red. "I'm sorry I was angry at you. I just want you to understand that Severus is my best friend. He... he called me his friend when my ow-own sister called me a f-frea-k," she said, with a breaking voice.
This was the first time James had heard anything about her sister, calling her a freak? He was outraged, and she was so upset. Now he understood that she didn't want to go home because she didn't want to be with someone who thought she was a freak. At least staying at Hogwarts, she could be around people who understood her. Nobody at Hogwarts thought she was a freak.
"Oh Lily, I'm sorry. I didn't know... What do your parents think?" he asked.
"They are very proud of me. But not 'Tunia," she said, sitting down next to him.
"Severus told me to stay away from you," he said, wondering if she could explain it.
"Oh did he? Well he shouldn't have," she said. "I never told him to say that! He was probably just being protective, that's it," she said.
James just looked into the fire. Seriously, how could she still be friends with a lying snivelling prat like him? "Will you go for a walk with me tomorrow night?" he asked, looking back at her.
"Christmas night?" she asked, frowning, "What about dinner?"
"After dinner. I have a special cloak, we can hide under to go to the grounds. I just, I want to get to know you more, without everyone around," James said.
Lily smiled and said "Sure, Potter, I'd like that," then turned to look into the fire as well.

always on the move

Last edited by Jessiqua; 04-20-2012 at 04:46 AM.
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