Pygmy Puff post #3 Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict After studying in the library for a few hours, Stella herself had felt a bit like she'd wanted to sneeze like Nuage had ages ago. It wasn't that the library was really that dusty, but after reading several old books she just felt like she was dusty. Plus, she'd promised her pygmy puff that she'd play. She didn't want to disappoint the little puff, but she also hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. Therefore, a trip to the Great Hall was necessary, and besides, she imagined it was probably hungry too. Nuage wasn't acting like it, back humming on her shoulder, but she knew it hadn't eaten all day either. Food would be a good idea before they thought about playing. Granted, most ideas for activities with the pygmy puff consisted of her petting it while it rolled around, but still. There was no need to starve.
Of course, she wasn't exactly sure what her pygmy puff liked to eat quite yet, as it had pretty much just stole a bit of Lyra's cat food the night before and there wasn't exactly cat food at the house table. At least she could get food for herself in the meantime, and she served herself some roast chicken and mashed potatoes while she watched the puff. She really ought to figure out if it was a girl, just to straighten things out in her own head. It was pretty pale in color, and wasn't quite as fluffy as others she'd seen in class. She didn't quite know about the length of its' tongue, but her eyes widened as that suddenly became known. As Nuage had rolled right into the middle of her potatoes and started licking. I guess you're a girl, then. And I'm not getting any mashed potatoes tonight either, she thought wryly, finishing her chicken and idly taking her spoon for one bite of potatoes from the dish in the center of the table. And then fishing her pygmy puff out of the potatoes on her plate, flicking a few stray potatoes off her fur. Time to head back upstairs.
__________________ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees 
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥ ♥ ♥ |