Pygmy Puff post #2 Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict Fairly certain that Lyra wasn't about to attck Nuage, Stella had thought about leaving both of them in the dorms when she went to the library to do a bit of early studying for exams next term. After a moment, though, she decided that might not help her argument if she really did want to see if Professor Williamson would let her keep the pygmy puff after the homework assignment was complete. Plus, they were supposed to be caring for it, and obviously that wouldn't be happening if she'd left it with her cat. Lyra couldn't feed it if it got hungry or anything. Therefore, Nuage came with her, perched on her shoulder again and humming quietly as she headed down one of the aisles to look for a particular history book.
Finding it halfway down the row of shelves, she carefully retrieved it, not wanting to dislodge the puff from her shoulder, then simply slid to a seated position on the floor. She could have gone back to the study tables, or looked for a chair elsewhere, but as long as she wasn't blocking anyone, she figured she wouldn't get in trouble. The library was pretty quiet anyhow. Opening the book, she found the page she needed, then started reading. Only to stifle a giggle as Nuage moved down her arm and planted itself squarely on top of the book so she couldn't read, before making a tiny sneezing sound. "I know. It's kind of dusty, but I need to study," she whispered, setting the book in her lap long enough to stroke the puff before picking it up and setting it on the floor next to her. "Just let me read a bit longer, then we can play." Once she picked the book back up, Nuage scaled her leg and settled in her lap, but didn't seem like it wanted to interrupt anymore. Maybe it actually understood me, she wondered, going back to stroking the soft fur while continuing to read.
__________________ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees 
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥ ♥ ♥ |