♥ Slytherpuff ♥ dancer ♥ totally awesome :: Starkid lover
Isabelle carefully brought her little pygmy puff into the dorm room. She studied it a little bit. During class she hadn't bothered to try to figure out the gender and then a name for the little thing. "Hi there," she said holding out a piece of chocolate for the little thing. The little pygmy puff who was nameless at the moment took the chocolate from the girl with her long tongue and ate it quickly. Yum.
Isabelle studied the puff ball. It had a long tongue. Thinking back to class she remembered that that meant that it was a girl. "Ok, so your a girl. Now you need a name," Izzy stared out into the dorm for a couple minutes thinking of names. "Puffs, May, Minnie?" she asked the puff. Jump jump jump. The puff started jumping at the last name Minnie.
Isabelle looked up as the puffball started jumping up and down. "Ok, so Minnie it is," she looked at the pygmy puff and gave it another piece of chocolate. "Here you go Minnie, eat some more chocolate."
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