Akkkk Hunger Games RPG I must join
District 3 girl please I will edit bio soon
SPOILER!!: Evvie
Hi my name is
Evaligna Marieh Dare
Everyone calls me
Evvie with two v's
I am
16 years old
My birthday is
June 12th
I am a
I live in
District 3 but want to be in District 8
My hair is
dark brown
My eyes are
I have
fair skin
I am
5'6" tall
My mom's name is
Marieh Dare not Marie
My dad's name is
James Dare
I have two sisters
Krislyn and Katie Dare
I own a wand that is
10 inches oak with the core of a unicorn tale
I happen to have a boggart of
bugs not Voldemort unlike people in my district
My patronus is a
I am an anamagi of a
I have quite a
I am a fun and outgoing person who lives in the completely wrong district. I am not scared of Voldemort. I am quite a rebel and will do anything to rebel against him. Voldemort is a mean person. I am also very protective of my sisters because I am the oldest and that is my job.
history is quite interesting:
I am the oldest of three girls and the only one in my family, and district for that matter, who isn't afraid of Voldemort, I want to show Voldemort that he is a big meany and doesn't own me at all. I have lived in District 3 my whole life and hate it here, because everyone is such scardy cats. I plan to move to the rebel district 8 as soon as I can leave.