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Old 03-05-2012, 01:20 AM   #88 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Regina Circe Cho
Third Year
x12 x2

Selena flopped onto her bed, staring at Kent on the ground. She had placed the pygmy puff in a basket. Since the bread basket hadn't worked... the chocolate one HAD to work. Her legs kicked back and forth in the air as Kent continued to sit there. She was going to record her observations, of course, for the diary thingy. Tick tock, tick tock. Selena stared at her pygmy puff, waiting for it to EAT some of the frozen chocolate frogs in the basket.

"Keeeennnnnnnnnnnnttttttt. That's some gooooood chocolate," Selena sighed, rolling over and hanging her head off the bed so she could look at the pygmy puff upside down. "EEEAAAAAAT IT." Her parchment and quill were in her hands and she attempted to prod the pygmy puff with the quill. Nope. Not close enough. "Don't you know snot is disgusting?" Selena asked, pulling herself up.

Waiting for a pygmy puff to eat chocolate took forever. Selena rolled over and looked at the ceiling. Y'know, she was pretty sure she could balance a quill on her nose. Selena placed the quill on her nose only to feel Clarke bounce on the bed. REALLY!? The quill fell into her mouth and she quickly spat it out, sitting up quickly and glaring at the cruppy who was chasing his two tails. REALLY?! DO IT ON THE FLOOR CRUPPY. "WHAT CHU DOIN?!" She asked the cruppy who, as usual, chose to ignore her. Gee. Selena was trying to BALANCE a quill on her nose too. Hmph. Selena picked up the unresponsive cruppy and placed him on the floor. Psht. Where the cruppy BELONGED. Selena eyed the pygmy puff again. Nothing.

She closed her eyes for a moment. Just for a moment... but before she knew it, she had fallen asleep. It really wasn't her fault the pygmy puff didn't do anything. Besides... Kent was really boring right now. And Clarke was chasing his tails so there was nothing Selena could do. Well, she could do her homework... but who liked doing that?

It was a few hours later when the Slytherin woke up from her cat nap. Or was it a cruppy nap? Or Slytherin nap? Through bleary eyes she glanced over at the cruppy who was napping. Psht. And the cruppy didn't do that when she was AWAKE? "Keeeennnnt?" Selena asked, as she rubbed her eyes and looked at the pu- brown pygmy puff. Was he... covered in chocolate? Ewwwh...

Well... at least she had something to write now.

And was... Clarke seriously waking up at this time? And moving towards the pygmy- WAS CLARKE GOING TO LICK KENT?! AGAIN?!
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________

_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
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