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Old 03-02-2012, 05:06 AM   #498 (permalink)
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Calif., USA
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Cristoffer Daniel Strand
Sixth Year

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Default CoMC Lesson#2 Homework: Post 3
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan

Alyssa sat down at the House Table to grab some breakfast. Nerfball immediately snuck his head out of her pocket and jumped onto the table. "So you're hungry too huh? Well I might as well feed you while we're both here. Hey I could finish up on the list that we started during class."Alyssa told Nerfball quickly pulling out the list that she and Taylor had created listing the kinds of food that a Pygmy Puff would eat.

Text Cut: List of Food that Pygymy Puffs eat

1. Cookies
2. Leftover tuna sandwich (check)
3. ants (check)
4. lettuce (check)
5. carrots
6. apples (check)
7. chocolate frogs (check)
8. nose boogers (definitely check)
9. spiders (check)
10. hay (check)
11. rats
12. leaves (check)
13. pencil
14. shoelaces
15. hair

16. paper
17. grass
18. jello
19. worms
20. pudding
21. pie

"Okay let's see we have pie, pudding, jello, carrot and cookies here. Let's see whether you'll eat any of them." Alyssa quickly got up and cut a small piece of pie, scooped some pudding and jello into a saucer, grabbed a carrot stick and some butter cookies. She then placed a piece of pie in front of his nose to let him sniff it. He sniffed and sniffed and then his tongue grabbed it and rolled back into his mouth. He chewed for awhile before letting out a low "Squeek". "You want more? Okay let's try the pudding and jello." Alyssa scooped up some pudding and jello into a spoon and let Nerfball sniff it. Without a moment's hesitation, his tongue slurped it all up, and started squeeking again. "SQUEEK..Sssquueekk".

"Okay, okay. I know you want more food. We know you love pudding and jello, let's now see if you would like bit of carrot stick." Alyssa broke off a bit of carrot stick and let Nerfball sniff it. He stuck his tongue out and touched it, slowly exploring it's taste and texture before rolling his tongue around and bringing it back into his mouth. He chewed for a couple of minutes. "Yep, that's kind of hard to chew huh. But I guess since you're not spitting it out, that's a check on that too. What about cookies, Nerfball? Do you like them." This time Alyssa broke off a bit of the cookie and then smashed it into crumbs before giving it to Nerfball to eat. His tongue played around with the crumbs rolling it around and Alyssa was going to remove it from him, when his tongue quickly swept up all the crumbs and stuck it back into his mouth."SQuuuueeeekkk....squeeek."

"Okay cookies it is. Now what else do we have here. You definitely need to drink. So I'm going to give you some milk. I hope you like it. Drink it while I look for other things that you might like to eat." Keeping an eye on him as he drank from the saucer of milk, she quickly reached over and grabbed some raisin and breadcrumbs. She placed the breadcrumbs inside a small cup and the raisins on the table. Once Nerfball was done drinking, she carried him up on the table and let him sniff the food. Nerfball sniffed both food before taking a bite from first the raisin and then the breadcrumb. "I can definitely add those to the list now. I don't think I'll find any worms and rats here, but I do have paper. Let's see whether you'll eat that."

Alyssa tore a piece of parchment from her journal and rolled it into a ball and gave it to Nerfball trying to trick him into thinking that it was a ball of fruit. He bounced towards it and sniffed it. His tongue came out and explored it, before putting the rolled paper into it's mouth. "PFTHEW!!!" the rolled up paper came flying out of his mouth and flew across the room almost hitting another Hufflepuff student. "I'm sorry." Alyssa yelled over to the girl. "Okay we definitely know that you don't like paper. Okay let's finish up breakfast because I have classes attend, Nerfball." Alyssa told him feeding him more raisins before cleaning up the food scraps and putting it into her plate. She then checked off the food that he would eat on her list and scratched off the ones that he didn't.

Text Cut: List of Food that Pygymy Puffs eat

1. Cookies (check)
2. Leftover tuna sandwich (check)
3. ants (check)
4. lettuce (check)
5. carrots (check)
6. apples (check)
7. chocolate frogs (check)
8. nose boogers (definitely check)
9. spiders (check)
10. hay (check)
11. rats
12. leaves (check)
13. pencil
14. shoelaces
15. hair
16. paper

17. grass
18. jello (check)
19. worms
20. pudding (check)
21. pie (check)
22. breadcrumbs (check)
23. raisins (check)

"I'll see whether I can find any worms, grass or dead rats when I go visit the Sanctuary later on tomorrow." Alyssa told him. "But for now, back into my pocket you go, Nerfball," opening her pocket and letting him bounce back into it. Then she finished up her breakfast before picking up her bag and running off to class.
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