Post #1 - Pygmy Puff Diaries ♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# *SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK*
Pixie was going crazy rolling around in Amelia's hand. It was rather scary, because it made the Hufflepuff girl scared that her Puff would roll out of her hands and onto the floor. "What's gotten into you, Pixie?" she asked her Puff as soothingly as possible as she reached her bed and sat down on it. "Please stop fussing." *SQUEAAAAK SQUEAK SQQQQQUEEEAK*
Of course she wouldn't listen to her when she asked it to do something; Pixie was agitated and needed Amelia to calm her down. It might have been the lesson that got her like this. Pixie seemed to not really like being bowled across the floor and made to knock down pins. She had to make sure not to let that happen ever again.
As it was, she started to stroke her Puff affectionately while humming a song to her. Was it even a her? "It's alright, Pixie. I'll get you calmed down and then I'll brush your fur out so that you look all nice and clean." She'd also try to give her Puff something to eat -- hopefully not snot, as that would be very disgusting. :/
Noticing that the humming and petting seemed to calm Pixie down, Amelia got up from her bed and got a comb. "You're gonna look your pretty self in a few moments," she told her. She started to gently brush out the fur, making sure to get out all of the dirt and other bits of stuff.
After a few minutes, she was done. "That wasn't so bad was it, Pixie?" *squeak squeak* |