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| Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<# Meeting Snivellus: Chapter Four 2 September 1971 The boys were all awoken early. Too early. James groaned loudly, and said some bad words. He didn't like waking up early. He, and the other boy, got out of bed, all half asleep, and got dressed to go down for breakfast. It wasn't until he entered the Great Hall that he realised what happens when you get dressed in the dark. His pants were undone, his shirt was on inside out and the buttons didn't match up. He had put on his robe upside down, and his shoes were on the wrong foot. Sirius, Frank and Peter weren't much better, but Remus looked neat and tidy. James just shrugged and sat down next to the other people at the table and started eating.
A few moments later Professor McGonagall came to find the first years to hand them their timetables.
"Oh Potions next!" James said happily.
"YAY! Potions with Slytherin," Lily said happily and the marauders looked up to see her running to class.
"I don't get it!" James said. Honestly, he was much better looking than that weird snivelly guy.
"Well obviously she thinks more of a grease-ball than you, mate," he said, smiling at his friend.
James rolled his eyes and stood up, suddenly not feeling like eating. The rest followed him as he made his way down to the dungeons where Potions was being taught. Outside, waiting, were Lily - the only one in Red and Gold, talking to the Slytherins.
"Hi Lily," James said, smiling at her.
She turned around and saw him and gave him a small smile. "Hello," she said. "Oh, Severus, this is James, Sirius, Peter and Remus. And Frank," she said.
Severus just looked at them all, and glared at James. His jaw turned up at one corner for just a second, before he turned back to talk to Lily. She looked so happy, and James was more puzzled.
"He is a greasy git. And look at that nose!! You could invade it," he said.
Sirius roared out laughing and said, "Snivellus!!" and the rest of the Gryffindor's laughed.
"Hello everyone!" said a Professor with a big stomach. He looked nice and happy, which they were all pleased about. They all realised that he was the Slytherin Head of House, so he would probably favour them. "Please come in, take a seat, and get your things out on the desk," he said, and walked in. James and Sirius sat in the table right behind Lily and Severus.
"Now, you will all notice a small label in front of you. Please take the next 20 minutes to put your name on it and decorate it however you would like. You will then make a Potion to pour over it to make it ceramic, and then we will affix a small pin to the back of it. This will be your name tag for you to wear to every Potions class," he said, and laughed. He took out his wand and waved it over the tables, and a big bucket of markers appeared.
By the end of the lesson, the boys had happily realised that just because he was the Slytherin Head of House, didn't mean he favoured them. Lily was clearly his favourite student, as she had finished her potion perfectly before everyone else. Most people had to use her potion as theirs was disastrous. Like Peter. But Severus was also gifted in Potions, which made their jaws clench together.
After lesson they all walked towards the History of Magic classroom. "Oi," they heard behind them, and turned around. It was Snivellus.
"What?" James asked.
"I want to talk with you," he said, in a tone that suggested James was to listen only.
"Fine. What?" he asked, as Sirius had appeared at his side.
"ALONE," Severus said.
"It's okay," James said, and Sirius left.
"Stay away from Lily," he said to James.
"WHY? How can I stay away from her when she is in my house?" he asked, getting angry.
"Just do it. I've known her much longer than you have and... and, I don't want you to influence her. She is a good person and she is my friend. You are neither of those things," Severus said.
"Like you know! And what about you? You're a big giant fat head who tells others what to do. I don't think she would like to know that you have been telling people to stay away from her. She didn't know anyone when she came here, she deserves to find friends in her own home," he said.
"I didn't say she couldn't find friends I just said for YOU to stay away from her. And she was the one who said she wanted you to go away. She doesn't like you," he said smiling.
"I don't believe you!" James said, narrowing his eyes. "Why don't I just bring her out here and ask her myself?" James asked, and turned away. But then he found himself dangling in mid-air. "Hey... WHAT?" he said, unable to turn around and see Severus with his wand up. "HEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPP" he screamed, and before he knew it he was on the ground. He looked around but Severus wasn't there, and James yelled out a bad word.
He stood up, shaking with anger, and walked in to History of Magic. Everyone was looking at him. They must have heard him! He looked around and took a seat.
"The old batty hasn't even realised you're late!" Sirius said, indicating to Professor Binns.
James' eyes widened. It was a ghost!
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Last edited by Jessiqua; 04-20-2012 at 04:47 AM.