Join Date: Apr 2004 Location: Vaes Dothrak
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Takeru Asakura Third Year
x5 x7
| ★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★ Quote:
Originally Posted by natethegreat Nate raised his hand and said "The true heir of slytherin was Tom Riddle. When it was open the basilisk started to rid the muggle-borns from the school. One of them happened to be moaning myrtle who was found dead in one of the stalls. Then he blamed hagrid for killing all the muggle-borns because he hid a giant spider in a chest. So he said the spider was doing all the damage." "Right, basically you summed up everything perfectly." He nodded. SPOILER!!: Myrtle Answers Quote:
Originally Posted by Macavity Gideon simply nodded as Professor Scabior commented on his answer, proceeding to listen to his classmates and the man as he commented on the others that spoke up with their own ideas. When the conversation was brought further into the heir of Slytherin and the happenings when it was opened he involutarily shivered. It had never been good when it was. "Tom Riddle was the heir," he answered after raising his hand once more. That he knew from history books and lessons as well as family stories. It was well-known information especially if you were a member of a wizarding family like his own. "And there was a death the first time it was opened....Moaning Myrtle to be exact." Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Ella copied down the new notes in her notebook quickly and then put her quill down, thinking about the next question. She had read in her text about the Chamber and tried to remember what was said. She raised her hand and tried to explain what she had read. "Professor, the heir was...was Tom Riddle and he got into the chamber cause he could speak that snake language." What was it called again? "Well Tom let the-the basilisk out and it killed..." Then she looked around, noting where they were. "It killed Moaning Myrtle." She finished with a nervous glance toward the toilets, expecting Myrtle to pop out of a stall or something. Quote:
Originally Posted by Katergirl Angelina raised her hand and said, "Professor the heir of Slytherin was Tom Riddle or also known as Lord Voldemort." She knew a few things about the Chamber of Secrets. "The chamber is known to have a Basilisk inside. Riddle sent the Basilisk to this bathroom. With the Basilisk out and around here it ended up killing a student of Ravenclaw, now known as Moaning Myrtle." When she finished Angelina looked around a little at her classmates and back down to the floor a bit. Quote:
Originally Posted by midnight_thestral
Violet quickly jotted the notes down that the professor had created on the board and raised her hand for his next question. Of course, she knew most this history lesson so far. Her great grandparents had been affected by this event during their years at Hogwarts. "Professor, the heir was Tom Marvolo Riddle, or was also known as Lord V-v-vol." Violet couldn't utter his other name so she spoke quietly, "the-the Dark Lord sir and then a girl named Myrtle died in this very washroom that we are sitting in right now by the basilisk." Violet uttered the last part of her answer in a soft whisper. She scanned the washroom stalls to see of Moaning Myrtle was around to listen to the professor's lesson as well. Quote:
Originally Posted by Pinky Mortimer raised one hand before wiping his nose, again, with the other. "Tom Riddle was the heir of Slytherin, sir. And when the chamber was opened the first time Myrtle was killed and also the bit about spiders fleeing from the basilisk was discovered." The Acromantula and all that. Heh. Quote:
Originally Posted by hpfan18 Belle took down the notes the teacher wrote on the board into her notebook "Professor wasn't the heir Tom Marvolo Riddle? When the chamber was opened many of the muggleborns were petrified or even killed. Moaning Myrtle was one of the victims if i am not mistaken. The snake went through the pipes of hogwarts to try to get to the victims and harm the muggleborns. It even created havoc that some students fled from hogwarts." That was all Annabelle knew for now. Quote:
Originally Posted by tomewitch Surely, the class was spinning so fast. And it seemed like Professor Scabior was a bit in a rush for he was giving out his elaboration on their answers quite swiftly. Looking at the board and writing down notes, Beezus quickly tried copying everything that was said and written there. Yet, it was difficult. Writing and analyzing what you've written was a hard task.
Shaking her hands, Beezus listened for a while as her classmates gave out their answers to the next question. The heir of Slytherin eh? "The heir was Tom Marvolo Riddle, a Slytherin student by that time and the one we all know as Lord Voldemort. He discovered that he was related to Slytherin and that triggered his plan to purge the school of Muggleborns and Half-Bloods, all except himself." said Beezus after she raised her hand. "And he was the one who opened the Chamber of Secrets, waked the Basilisk inside which caused the death of a certain muggle Ravenclaw student whom we know as Moaning Myrtle," Wonder if Myrtle was there? And probably listening to their discussion. "As for other events, Riddle blamed Rubes Hagrid for Myrtle's death and he was expelled." Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥ And another easy question! Amelia raised her hand immediately. "The Heir of Slytherin was none other than Tom Riddle aka Voldemort himself." He seemed like a nasty person, and Amelia was so glad that she hadn't been alive during his time. "The Basilisk killed a girl named Myrtle. In this very bathroom." Which was kinda creepy when you thought about it. "She's Moaning Myrtle." And everyone knew who she was. Quote:
Originally Posted by lazykitty "Slytherin's heir was Tom Riddle. When he opened the chamber the first time, a girl, Moaning Myrtle, died," Sky answered. She started checking out of the corner of her eye to see if said ghost girl was going to pop up. Hey, this is Hogwarts stranger things had happened. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassandra Taylor raised her hand, "Sir wasn't Tom Riddle aka Lord Voldemort the heir?" She wasnt afraid to say his name because that was ancient history and he is dead after all. To answer the second question she said, "Didn't the baslisk kill or stun some people?" Tay didnt know the specifics/ "Yes, Tom Riddle was the heir." But Scabior wasn't impressed, he just stared at the girl. "I just said that the Basilisk can kill people." Was she not listening or did she just need to clean out her ears? SPOILER!!: Hagrid answers Quote:
Originally Posted by Hermione Lily Potter
Lily made sure to copy the notes down before raising her hand to answer the next questions. "Well, Tom Riddle was the heir and opened the chamber. And the first time it was opened it proceeded until a muggleborn died, right in this very bathroom." Lily paused looking around at the room. "And Tom ended up blaming Rubeus Hagrid for the incident, who then was expelled from the school." Lily felt bad for this Hagrid person, because it wasn't even his fault that the chamber was opened. Quote:
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict Selina knew the answer to this question, every child born in the wizarding world had to know this answer. People always heard the stories of Harry Potter and his evil counterpoint Lord Voldermort. Therefore, she knew that the heir of Slytherin was Lord Voldermort. The redhead rose her hand and said, "The heir of Slytherin was Tom Riddle or, erm,V-Voldermort."
And a fact? "Didn't Professor Hagrid who was an ally of Harry Potter in the Great War get expelled for the accusation of the murder?" Quote:
Originally Posted by 2111jen Jen raised her hand
"Hum... um...didn't the former gamekeeper of Harry's time get framed?"
What was his name? Hem forgot
"Um....the heir was Tom Riddle? Yes"
Jen couldn't believe she didn't know her own house  Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Listening intently as Professor Scabior addressed everyone's responses, Kurumi jotted down notes here and there. It was rather difficult to take EVERYTHING in while writing, but hopefully she hadn't missed any of the important points and that her chicken scratch handwriting would be readable in a few hours time when she sat down to review her notes.
When the next question was asked, Kurumi HAD to pause and bite her tongue so that the first thing that came to mind did not escape her lips. Doing so would have earned her a one-way ticket to detention and Merlin knew what else. Once the image of Professor Scabior opening the Chamber of Secrets left her mind, the prefect raised her hand. "The true Heir of Slytherin was Tom Riddle. His mother belonged to the Gaunt family who are decedents of Salazar Slytherin." Which meant that the man had married and actually produced children. Frightening. "When the basilisk killed Myrtle, Riddle used her death to create a horcrux in the form of a diary." It seemed like the Gryffindor was learning how to control her answers. "Right, good job mentioning the Gaunt family." Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 Alyssa thought for awhile carefully thinking out her answer before raising her hand. "Professor like the others have said Tom Marvolo Riddle was said to have been the Heir Of Slytherin. He discovered and opened the chamber back in 1942, when he was a Fifth Year student. He was able to take control of the Basilisk as he was the Heir and using that power, he unleashed it on the school, injuring many.
When the last student was killed, they threatened to close down Hogwarts. Riddle didn't want to return to the orphanage, so he framed a third year student, Rubeus Hagrid. Unfortunately, Hagrid was found taking care of an Acromantula and Riddle managed to convince Headmaster Dippett that it was the Acromantula that was responsible for the killings. Hagrid was subsequently expelled from Hogwarts and had his wand broken, while Riddle was awarded a trophy." So much information. "Great to know that you can regurgitate your textbook Miss Potter." Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Laura looked at the Professor, well since he wasn't playing nice to her she wasn't going to play nice to him. "It was Slytherins, great, great, great oh so many great grandson." Laura smiled, she wanted to say it was the Professor in this room but knew she'd be in trouble if she did. "Oh and the snake killed this girl in this very room, she used to hang out around here." Scabior nodded. "Yup. Good job mentioning that they were related as well." Quote:
Originally Posted by Jessiqua Zhenya knew a bit of the answer but she had another question, so she raised her hand and said "Professor I think the heir was Tom Riddle, and he unleashed the basilisk and it killed someone. But I'm curious, Tom Riddle did open it, but was the Basilisk unleashed at all before that? I don't remember reading about it but couldn't one of his other ancestors opened it before Riddle?" Oh, good question. "Well there isn't any recorded information about the Basilisk being released before. So it may have been, but there would be no way of us knowing." Quote:
Originally Posted by cheeseStrings "Well, if I remembered it correctly," Janice started, knitting her eyebrows, "the heir of Slytherin is Voldemort, or Tom M. Riddle if you prefer to call him that way. He used that freaky snake language to open the door--"she emphasized the quotation marks by forming them with her hands"--and killed Moaning Myrtle, in whose bathroom, not so coincidentally, is currently being held a class in." "Freaky snake language?" Scabior just chuckled. Quote:
Originally Posted by weasleytwinsROCK Daisy nodded along as Scabior spoke to her and the other pupils, scribbling down notes, not just for work, but because this sounded like it could be an interesting lesson and she liked what she had learnt so far. Resisting the urge to suck her quill again in thought - it kept making it all icky, and she didn't really like the taste of feathers - Daisy raised her hand.
'Wasn't the heir Tom Riddle, you know, Voldemort,' she began, 'and didn't his monster kill a girl, but he framed another student?' She said, straining her brain for the details. "Right." He nodded. ------------ "So the chamber was first opened by Tom Riddle a decedent of Slytherin who is better known as Lord Voldemort." He paused just incase any students were taking notes. Even if the students did all say this. "Some students were petrified because they didn't look it directly in the eye, and one girl, you lot know her as the ghost Moaning Myrtle, was killed and Riddle got away with it by blaming someone else." Rubeus Hagrid. But Scabior wasnt going to to into that because other students had explained this. Scabior looked over to the stalls, trying to rush before Myrtle decided to pop up.
Everyone had explained things great so far, so he was happy that he did not need to go in detail too much. "After that he decided it wasn't safe to be opened again while he was at school, so he created something known as a Horcrux which allowed him to put a piece of his soul into a diary." They didn't need to get into details about Horcruxes. "That diary became a key part to the second opening of the Chamber. Why is that?"
__________________ {act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure}  {i'll show you} |