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Old 02-21-2012, 12:16 AM   #55 (permalink)
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Vaes Dothrak
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Takeru Asakura
Third Year

x5 x7
★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★

Originally Posted by Katergirl View Post
Angelina raised her hand, she didn't know to much about this lavatory but she knew one thing, "Professor is it because the girl Myrtle died in here?" She knew a bit more about it all but she thought she could just say that for now.
"Well that is a reason this washroom is deemed important, yes." Good guess? Or perhaps she had actually opened a book?

Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Laura gave the Professor a cold hard stare, seriously she had her looks to think about, even though she was just a first year she did care about her looks even though she didn't wear make-up or things like that.

Laura leaned against the wall next to a Slytherin Boy, see she wasn't the only one who didn't want to sit down on the dirty floor, she then listened to what the Professor said. "Well this Bathroom hasn't been used for ages because this ghost likes to cry in her and so it's normally flooded." Laura was sure she had heard something about that.
He looked around. "This bathroom is still very much used. If it wasn't it would have had a sign at the front. Just because it is flooded a lot does not mean it is not used." Oh, and also. "Five points from Hufflepuff for not taking a seat on the floor. Either you sit down, or you get out." Simple.

Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF View Post

That was the first thing that run through his mind as the Professor spoke to him and told him to sit on the floor. He really did not want to and the Slytherin was about to protest when he saw the gaze that was casted towards him and a few others who refused to sit down.

Gulping slightly, Daichi let out a sigh and slided down the wall and sat on the....ground....ewww! He wrinkled his nose in disgust. He knew the floor was clean but just the made him shiver.

Hearing the question, Daichi raised an hand in the air to answer. "Professor, isn't this the bathroom where a girl died?" It was more a question than an answer but it was better than nothing right?
"Correct, a girl did die here."A girl who was now a Hogwarts ghost.

Originally Posted by Squishy ♥ View Post
Amelia raised her hand immediately when the question was asked. "This bathroom is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. It's also where Moaning Myrtle died." She nodded now. She knew quite a bit about the Chamber of Secrets. Or at least she liked to think that she did.
"Correct." Both answers were said before, but Scabior was in a good mood, and technically she was right.

Originally Posted by Pinky View Post
Mortimer nodded in greeting to the professor and then bounced in his seat a bit as he raised his hand. HE HAD READ ALL ABOUT THIS PLACE! "This is where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is... was... IS? located," he said and then lowered his hand. HOW EXCITING! They were in MYRTLE'S BATHROOM and it was GROSS and dirty. Best. Lesson. Ever.
"Is" Scabior's answer was simple. It just meant that Mortimer was correct.

Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz View Post
Sure, sure, entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter, and all that. But Aspen, being an avid reader, had a soft spot for the fall of one of history's best fiction writers. Aspen was seated on her knees, trying her best to keep the majority of herself off the floor, despite the historical signifigance of the room. She didn't want any history on her skirt, or skin.

One could get an infection that way.

She pondered if Mr. Scabior knew?

Anyway.... before getting too lost in thought, Aspen stood on her knees and raised her hand, "This is the last above-ground room Gilderoy Lockhart was sane in."
Ravenclaw's did like to have their own...special answers...Scabior just looked at the girl, trying to hold back a laugh that was threatening to escape. "That is one way of thinking. You are correct of course Miss Odessa. This lavatory was the last place above ground, that witnessed a completely sane Gilderoy Lockhart."

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Setting her parchment on top of her textbook so that her writing would be at least somewhat readable, Kurumi titled her parchment and jotted down a few notes as students answered before raising her own hand to answer. "Myrtle, who others have already mentioned, still....resides here.," she said. She knew how sensitive this particular ghost haunting may cause her to wail or something. There was a history of this, exorcism included, but Professor Scabior most certainly did not look like he wanted long explanations at the moment.
He nodded. "That is something to note as well. The girl who died, still resides here."

Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
SPOILER!!: Mo and Prof Scabior

Sit on the floor? But but but its the floor. And they're in the loo. To him, that makes it exponentially more disgusting save having to eat lunch in the toilet cubicle.

Dejectedly the Ravenclaw inched his way back towards where the rest of the students were, quickly scourgifying the spot next to Mo (and maybe Mo himself) before he settled down. But it was obvious on his face that what they were doing was ICKY. And that he may have been holding his breath so that he wouldnt have to breathe the toilet AIR.

Then the first question was asked, and now he had to choose between holding his breath and answering it. Urgh, curse his Ravenclaw propensity for wanting to answer everything "It where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is located. This is also the place where Hermione Granger was brewing her Polyjuice potion to help Harry Potter and Ron Weasley infiltrate the Slytherin Common Room."
Well at least the boy had made up for the fact that he hadn't initially listened to orders by his answer. "Good on you for mentioned the Polyjuice potion."

Originally Posted by Kimalia View Post
Kimalia raised her hand, "Well, this is where Moaning Myrtle died at by the means of a basilisk.."
"Stating the creature too..." He raised a brow. "Good job."

Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post
Evelyn couldn't keep the scowl off her face as she glared at Scabby. Twenty points! She lost twenty freaking points and...he doesn't even bother to find out what happened to the lobalug that was 'rightfully his'. Oh, yeah. She wasn't really happy with her surroundings either. Haunted bathroom? Scary.

And then, he proceeded to ask a question to which she knew the answer. For a change. Evelyn raised her hand and said, "Well, this is where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is located..isn't it?"
He nodded. "That it is. And you should see me after class Wellington. Bring the Headboy if you can manage to find him." He had long since stopped attending his class

Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
"That's good to hear." He said contently as he settled in to his spot on the floor but before the matter of Professor Scabior's son was finished the man said that the young boy had wanted to give Auggie something. That was awesome! "Oh alright Professor I will be here." He wondered what it could be.

Hmm...what was so important about this bathroom? August looked around the place for any specific markings or perhaps a shrine of some sort which would give away the answer to the Gryffindor. He had never heard anything about a bathroom, at least nothing he remembered.

"Is it the cleanest or newest bathroom in the Castle?" like a add-on. Who knew...wait WHAAAA? A girl died in here!? There's some chamber hidden in this place?! August had a look of horro on his face as he looked around at the other students who had given these answers.
An add on? Really now? Scabior shook his head."You should crack open that history textbook of yours sometime soon Mr. Goldstein, its on the required list of books for a reason." Being raised by Muggles did not give anyone an excuse to be ignorant.


Scabior pulled out his wand and began to write a list of everyone's answers in mid air. Once he was finished the most basic answers levitated beside him.

- Enterance to the Chamber of Secrets
- Where a girl named Myrtle died
- Last place were Gilderoy Lockhart was seen sane
- Polyjuice potion made by Harry Potter and friends

"As you can see-" He jabbed his thumb at the list. "-There are loads of reasons as to why, this specific lavatory is important to Hogwarts history. All of which, relate back to the Chamber of Secrets. To make things simple, can you guys explain what the chamber is? Not what is inside it, or who made it, or any of that but actually what the Chamber of Secrets is. Explain in the most basic form." The question he was asking could be answered by a five year old, and he would know. He asked one before.

{act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure}

{i'll show you}
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