Thread: Harry Potter: Flora Riddle 2 - Sa13+
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Old 02-19-2012, 09:38 PM   #11 (permalink)
Ivana R
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Default 3. Hogsmead
Portuguese Hippogriff Harrys Schokofrösche

Narcissa Malfoy taught Flora and Felipe how to reduce the size of their belongings, to be able to fit everything into just a small suitcase. She promised to take in the dogs as soon as they were released from the quarantine imposed by the custom officers of the International Airport. Felipe didn’t let Draco Confund the officers to release the dogs because he didn’t like to take advantage of his powers to force anyone. Of course, the children protested otherwise.

Getting to Platform Nine and Three-Quarters at King's Cross Station hadn’t been much difficult, because Scorpius had been forbidden to play tricks on his cousins by Draco. Draco began wondering whether maintaining contact with his cousins was for the better or not, because Scorpius’s obstinacy and playfulness was increasing on every day they spent together.

Draco gave Felipe an old and crumpled kettle, and explained that it was a portkey which would take them straight to Hogsmead. It would start to work two minutes after the departure of the Hogwarts Express, which was still half an hour away.

The platform was already crowded. Noisy and cheerful students were everywhere. Parents were trying to get something more than just "hasty goodbyes" from their children. Their advice and recommendations went into the air. Flora found it all very amusing, proving that both, parents and children are alike everywhere in the world.

Her eldest son had already said goodbye even before he had been through the platform wall. He intended to avoid those "mommy little kisses" in front of his future school-mates. His sister who was more free in expressing her love than him had thrown her arms around her mother, as if to delay the departing time a little. Once on the platform, Ricardo got into the train as fast as he could. Once inside, he waves with one hand while with the other, he playfully mimicked horns glaring behind Scorpius’s head. Draco’s son turned to his Brazilian cousin and instead of starting a discussion smiling, said "Just wait and watch."

Then, Harry Potter came there and said to Draco that he’d never seen Scorpius behave like that before. If it wasn’t for the hair, he would have said that he was a Weasley. Draco looked back in his eyes and said:

“Don’t exaggerate, Potter. Here, you aren’t my boss.”

Flora and Felipe observed how the comment annoyed Draco. Flora couldn’t contain herself and so tried to ease the things:

“I think Scorpius has been contaminated by the Brazilian mood. He and Ricardo have really gotten along with each other in these days they spent together.”

“Flora, Felipe. How are you?” Harry asks, pretending not to have seen them yet.

Ginny gets near them along with Ron and Hermione.

“Your son has become one of my best customers in the recent days. And no use in asking me to not to consider the orders via owl mail, for I am above all, a businessman.” remarked Ron Weasley. Smiling, he greeted Flora, Felipe, Draco, and Astoria who put on her brightest smile to greet him back.

Hermione stepped forward:

“Do you remember me? I’m Hermione Granger. I’m going to spend a few days working in Hogsmead next week.”

“I hope that by then I would already have a house to call you for a cup of tea. I’ll never forget any of you. We had very strong experiences together.” Flora said. Seeing Harry clear his throat she continued, “During my first and hopefully my last battle.”

All agreed that it would be the last one. They heard a noise and looked at the large clock on the station. The train would be leaving in two minutes. Lia said goodbye to her parents, but not knowing what to do next, she simply kept on looking around the big train. Right then, Lily Potter, Harry and Ginny’s daughter, held her hand and took her inside the train.

Flora turned to Ginny and smiling, said:

“It’s very kind of your daughter. Lia is a little scared, but doesn’t want to show that, because just like me, she doesn’t like to back off from her decisions. You see, she was the one who had asked us to let her go to Hogwarts. But, Ricardo, on the other hand, has no problem to adapt to a new place. He makes friends easily.”

Then, Draco signaled that the kettle was changing colors, transforming into a portkey. So it would take them to Hogsmead. They quickly said goodbyes to each other. Flora held Yan tightly against her body and, at the last moment, noted the green eyes that looked deeply into hers. Harry’s.

When they arrived in Hogsmead, Neville and Hannah were waiting for them. They invited the guests to visit their new house near the post office. The beautiful house stood in a side street. In front of it was a wrought iron gate with small tendrils and flowers that gave the house a very delicate and cheerful look. The light green gate matched the vines that covered the low walls round the house. The house itself was a darker shade of green. It had large windows and a small balcony in the front. Hannah asked them all to come in, but Flora was looking at the house next door that had a board saying it was for sale. It was a one-story pink house with white windows and a flowery garden in the front. Low walls surrounded it too and made it appear an extension of Hannah’s house. Hannah noticed Flora’s interested gaze and said:

“This is the house that I mentioned to you and Felipe. As you can see, it seems to be waiting for you. How about having a look at it after lunch?”

Flora and Felipe agreed. The little Yan ran around the Longbottoms’ house, trying to spot Hogwarts castle. At the back of the house he could see from behind a hill high towers pointing to the sky. He immediately said:

“If there’s any room at the back of the pink house, it’s gonna be mine!"

They craned their necks over the wall (that were higher at the back of the house than in front of it) and saw two trees, possibly an apple tree and a large pine one, planted in a large lawn.

“WOW! Felipe, this house is perfect. The dogs and the children will love it.”

“I know THEY will love it, darling. But after lunch we can decide on that, right? I am starving now.”

Felipe hugged her fondly. Sometimes his wife did not seem to be older than a seven-year-old child.

Hannah had prepared a simple, but very tasty lunch. After the meal, Neville, Felipe and Yan go out for a walk. Besides learning more about the village, they chatted with the owner of the neighboring house. Flora helped tidy up the kitchen for giving Hannah some rest. Both women talked as easily and freely as if they were long lost old friends.

But those green eyes don’t leave her mind. She doesn’t understand why the head of the Aurors could still be somewhat interested in her. He should have realized that Flora was honest and not a threat. She thought of mentioning this to Hannah, but then brushed the matter aside, remembering her mother’s words:
"He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin." Maybe it was better to keep her mouth shut lest she be misunderstood.

The men came back bringing the pink house key with them. Flora was so excited that she forgot to take off her apron before running off to meet Felipe at the front gate. There he said:

“You better like it, because there are no other houses for sale in the neighborhood.”

“I have no doubt that I will. Besides, it is pink, Lia's favorite color.”

“Speaking about that…” she looked at the clock. “Hannah said that they should be midway.”

The house was much more than everything that Flora had imagined. The previous occupants of the house had left some old furniture behind as well as a piano, which made it even more charming if that were possible:

“Is it real, Felipe? Can it be ours? It has one room for Lia, another one at the back for the boys, and a very charming one with flowers in the window for us. It seems to have been customized to my dreams!”

Her husband nodded his head in agreement. She knew he’d liked it too. Yan came running from the yard, having fun with a gnome that hung from his cap.

“Mom, look at that!"

Neville said that maybe afterwards, he could teach them to stop the infestation, but Flora thought it wouldn’t be necessary because the gnomes seemed harmless.

They spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking and tiding up the house. Felipe told Flora that he had done the deal even before seeing the inside of the house. As their only option, they had to make sure it was them, and make the necessary changes along the time.

Later in the afternoon, Neville went to school to welcome the returning and new students. Hannah had her Brazilian neighbors over for tea. They suggested that they all eat on the back balcony of the house from where the school could be seen. Maybe, by seeing it, they could symbolically take part in the magic moments that happened in their children’s lives.

Last edited by Ivana R; 02-22-2012 at 10:47 AM. Reason: Beta-reader corrections
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