Join Date: May 2007 Location: Gotham
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Hogwarts RPG Name: TBD Gryffindor Hogwarts RPG Name: Zara H. Bunbury-Foster Slytherin Fifth Year | SORRY FOR NOT POSTING SOONER! :( You guys rock; sorry if I missed anyone!!! Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB Quote:
Originally Posted by CJP Annabelle felt sorry they didn't get a chance to discuss but she agreed what her partner said. "Hmmm i think i want to know, what is the rarest color a pygmy puff can be? and what is the most common color?" "Also a good question," William mused. "I think there are white ones, but I have never seen a black one. So perhaps that is the answer to your question." He nodded back to the first girl. Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Laura looked at the Professor and smiled. "Do they eat cars, and busses and things made of metal?" She had seen a film where this small create ate things like that and so she decided to guess. "No, no, and no," William just shook his head. "They do have weird diets though." But no, they definitely weren't carnivores who ate metal. Quote:
Originally Posted by CJP Flippert seemed excited to meet a new friend, he made some squeeky chattering noises. And shook his fur, Olivia thought he looked like he was showing off again.They are so cute!
Olivia thought this was a good questions. Can there be black or white pygmy puffs? she asked, and she also brought out the notes she was taking earlier I think we half to go down this list and discuss it Olivia said holding it up. She could tell just by looking at Flipert that he was male, his fur was brighter and longer then squishy's. Olivia picked up her pygmy and squeezed at the corners of it's mouth like a snap dragon, yup Flippert had a short tounge.What does squishy's toung look like?Olivia asked Annabelle.
In responce to the professer's question Olivia said over her sholder, They eat lots of things other then boogers, they eat dust and little bits of food off the floor. They might also eat flys Olivia guessed the last one, but it seemed like it might be right.[/QUOTE]
"I've never seen a black puff," William responded, "although yes, white ones are possible. They're like the albinos of pygmy puffs."
He nodded at her answers about boogers and dust. "Good guesses. I'm sure they'll eat a fly if they're hungry enough." Quote:
Originally Posted by hpluvr037 "Professor Williamson, me and Ella didn't talk about this, but I think it makes sense that they would eat similar diets to Puffskeins. I mean, they were bred from Puffskeins and share many of their qualities, so it makes sense. Since Puffskeins are scavengers and aren't particularly picky about what they eat, I would assume pygmy puffs also have a wide variety of foods they will consume." "I agree, good." Williamson flicked his wand at the wall of notes and ones about a pygmy puff's diet appeared instead. "You wouldn't BELIEVE some of the things these little guys will eat." Everything but the kitchen sink, apparently. Quote:
Originally Posted by jujune29th "Professor, we tried feeding our Pygmy Puffs and wrote down what they ate and did not eat." She looked at Jory, indicating the parchment where he had been writing the list, then back at Professor Williamson. "We tried Chocolate Frogs, chicken, wheat bread and..." What was the other thing again? She looked down at Jory. "Oh yeah! An apple!" Which was the thing they ate ADORABLY! "They didn't seem to like chicken and wheat bread, but they ate the chocolate frog and the apple!" Sophie nodded while she spoke. Then she looked curious. "Does that mean that these Pygmy Puffs don't like these things or that aaaall Pygmy Puffs don't eat chicken and wheat bread?" As in, do they have different gastronomic taste or something? Well well, looked like the Hufflepuffs were good at using the scientific method to discover things!
"Excellent, excellent!" Williamson clapped his hands at the results from the tiny Hufflepuff. "I would say that pygmy puffs are, for the most part, vegetarian. They also tend to have a sweet tooth, as far as I know, but food preferences can vary from individual to individual." Just like in humans! Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 Alyssa waited while the others made their presentations and when nobody else answered, she raised her hand and presented what Taylor and her had come up with.
" Professor, Taylor and I, both came up with a list of food that we thought the Pygmy Puffs would most likely eat, and like Keefer said, we assumed that since they were related to the Puffskeins, that they might also have the same similar eating habits. This is the list that we've worked on so far.
So far we've from what we've been feeding them, we have noticed that they tended to like to eat some of the stuff us humans, or the other creatures would eat. But there were some stuff that they wouldn't eat and it makes sense because we wouldn't like eating them either. We haven't gotten round to seeing whether they liked eating nose boogers, even though that's what Puffskeins are known to like, because neither of us had any nose boogers to spare right now. We also ran out of food to give them but we'll continue with our food taste once we replenish and get access to the dead rats in your creature food supply cabinet." "Very, very good, Alyssa." Williamson nodded at their list, please with it of course. He found it funny how neither of them had any nose boogers on them at the moment. "You'll have a homework assignment that allows you to explore this further, but good job for now." Quote:
Originally Posted by hpfan18 "Hmm well professor i know my pygmy has a habit of eating a lot of dust and that is a huge help in my house for my mom with allergies. " Annabelled raised her hand to answer the question. "Good!" William laughed. He had never thought of a pygmy puff as a help, but what a good idea! Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassandra Taylor took down the notes. She listern as Alyssa told the professor their discoveries. Tay tried to resist (but fail horriblely) to not wrinkle up her nose in disgust at the rats and snot. She had made up her mind to not test those two things because 1.rats are gross and carry diseases.... especially dead ones and 2. the snot was also gross but also indecent. She wouldnt have any problems testing anything other than two things though. When Alyssa was finished talking, Taylor added, "They seem to plants a lot..... maybe that is because plants are natural? or maybe it helps soothe their upset stomaches kinda of like what grass does for dogs?" She wasn't sure if that was right or not so it came out a little bit like questions. "This is a good question," Williamson made a hmm sound. "I think it could be both. Pygmy puffs generally do stick to eating non-meat-like things," he was sure there was a word for that, although he couldn't remember it just now, "so the plant angle makes a lot of sense! Good job." Quote:
Originally Posted by Jessiqua Zhenya hadn't thought of this question at all, but she was quite excited to test out what activities they liked. She had a quick thought and raised her hand, "Professor do they eat little insects, like ladybugs, flies, cockroaches and things? Or do they live on a more herbivore diet of things like grasses, and leaves, and vegetables and fruits?" she didn't know, so she thought she would ask whether they were omnivores or herbivores. Well, she didn't think they were carnivores. Ah, no. "Not really," Williamson tilted his head, scratching at the green ball of fur that Nerf idly. "They tend to like sweeter things and more veggie-like, organic things, as you mentioned." Good guesses all around today. Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Then the class was talking about food and Ella became hungry. Why oh why did that always happen at the mention of food? Her and Keefer hadn't discussed that topic either but she was curious about something. "Professor, I was wondering if there is anything that pygmy puffs shouldn't eat. I mean are they allergic to any foods? My dog can't eat chocolate because it makes her really sick." "Nothing that I can think of!" William answered cheerfully. Great question, Ella! "Other than things that humans can't eat, obviously, they really have no dietary restrictions." Quote:
Originally Posted by iBeJenn "I put my pygmy puff in a basket of bread once. Kent didn't eat a bite of it. He started to eat someone's snot."
Yup. True story. What a waste of bread. Now... back to eying the professor for COPYING her pygmy puff balancing ways. He had to bite his lip to keep from laughing at that answer because, quite frankly, he could just PICTURE the pygmy puff loving prefect doing EXACTLY that.
"Maybe Kent was trying to watch his carbohydrate intake," he pointed out, somehow managing to keep a straight face. Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana "Maybe the Pygmy Puff's eat types of plants," Sierra suggested, raising her hand. "Lettuce, maybe...or other plants." Anything with leaves, pretty much. "My partner has some tomatoes and lettuce in her bag." She gestured toward her partner. In other words, could they test the theory now?! "Yes, very good," Williamson nodded. "Would you mind demonstrating for us all, Sierra? Show us if the pygmy puff will eat your partner's..... lunch." Because why else would her classmate have tomatoes and lettuce in her bag???! Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Jory examined his 'Puff. He was likely to think Furballl was male. He was very bright in colour and quite fluffy.
Jory raised his hand. "Professor, they seemed more inclined towards a plant based diet, I think. Although Sophie and I didn't get to try a lot of food,the 'Puffs really seemed to like apples and to an extent, chocolates as apposed to wheat bread and chicken.'' "Very good!" It seemed a lot of the class was getting the same results, at least as far as bread and meat was concerned. Though William was still wondering where they had gotten all the food from... he sure didn't keep chicken out here. Only live chickens in the barnyard, child please. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Suddenly, Momotaro II began to bounce in her hands, its big eyes locked on something near Kurumi. SQUEEEEEEEEK! SQUEEK SQUEE SQUEEEEEEEEK!
Kurumi's eyes widened a bit. Looked like she didn't need to search for its...whatever... SQUEEEEEEEEK! SQUEEEEEE SQUEEK SQUEEEEEE SQUEEK SQUEEK!* *pygmy puff translation: Laaaaaaaaadies! How YOU doin'? Whoa whoa whoaaaaa. What in Merlin's beard was going on here? "It's not mating season," Williamson announced loudly, giving Kurumi's pygmy puff a stern glance. Anyway, weren't they supposed to hum at a pitch too high for humans to detect? This one's squeaking was definitely detectable, the little playa. Quote:
Originally Posted by affy7ann Tayla raised her hand. "I know they like eating bogies, Professor" - Ick! "I fed Teacup an owl pellet and she ate a little of it...but I don't think she liked it much. She does like my chocolate truffle though. She finished the whole piece I gave her." Tayla realized she had been referring to her pygmy puff as female, and though the squeak of her pygmy puff was high-pitched, Tayla wasn't completely sure about Teacup's gender yet.
Tayla turned her head towards the loud squeaking sound. It was coming from Kurumi's pygmy puff. A moment later, Teacup was squeaking, too. "SQUUEEEEK! SUEEEEEEEEEEK!" Not as loudly as Kurumi's but definitely higher in pitch. "Definitely female..." Tayla thought. She watched as Teacup gave one final squeak, it's eyes looking straight at Kurumi's pygmy puff. "Er...Professor? What's going on?" Yeah. "I've noticed that too," William continued with class, ignoring the squeaky male puff. Sometimes if you just ignore the undesired behavior, it will go away on his own. That was the theory he was working with anyway. "Pymgy puffs obviously have well-developed taste pallets." Who would choose an owl pellet over chocolate, you know?
As for the squeaking.... "Just ignore that," the professor stated loudly, again with another glare at the squeakers. "It's just puffs getting excited about the other gender. No big deal." Nothing to see here. Move along, move along. Quote:
Originally Posted by iceblossom22 Pulling a ziplock bag from her bag, she looked at the Professor for a moment before holding a brightred baby tomato in her left hand. "I'm vegetarian," she shrugged, as if it explained everything. At least she wasn't part bunny...
Looking at the WWW, she raised her hand. "They're vegetarian!" she giggled before groaning in pain as the fluffball grabbed her hair again. "Professor, why's it yanking -ouch!- on my hair?!" she moaned in frustration before covering her ears to shield them from the high pitched humming that seemed do come from Honey.
Oh, Merlin! Well that did explain some --- or a lot --- about why the girl had vegetables in her purse. Still.....
"Yes, pymgy puffs are vegetarian in a way, good....." As for the hair thing.... Robbie tilted his head. "Is your pygmy female? The puffs tend to nest when mating --- ALTHOUGH IT IS NOT MATING SEASON RIGHT NOW," he had to keep repeating that for some reason, "so yours MIGHT be wanting to make a nest."
Again, now was NOT THE TIME for humming, folks and puffs. Why were all of his students searching for their.... organs now??! MERLIN THIS CLASS WAS GETTING WEIRD. Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Ella looked around as many of the pygmy puffs started to squeak. That was weird, why were they squeaking? And why wasn't Barnabus joining in? Was he broken or something? Ella almost shook him before deciding that was a bad idea. She frowned at him and whispered softly, "What's wrong little guy? Don't want to join in?" She then raised her hand, curious. "Professor-uh are they squeaking cause they're like...I don't know attracted to another pygmy puff in the room or something?!" Was it mating season or were the pygmy puffs just starting a mutiny or something? She returned her gaze to Barnabus and whispered. "Don't try anything funny." "Yes, yes Ella, that would be why," Williamson sighed in exasperation. "Try to get them to quiet down, if you can?" Everyone????! Quote:
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict Selina rose her hand when their Professor asked what the little cutey puffs ate. Honestly, Selina knew what Owen ate, as to everyone else's puff...? Well, she could not be sure of that. Owen was sort of like his owner... he ate everything in sight. So Selina rose her hand and said, "My little guy kind of eats everything. I would have to say that the only thing I can be sure of is that puffs just sort of like food." At least this one was quiet. "Yes." He smiled a bit. "Well said, Ms. Skylar." Well said. Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen Oh wait... there was another question posed by the Professor wasnt there? "Uh Professor, since Pygmy Puffs are minature Puffskeins, would it be safe to assume that they would also share the same diet? Puffskeins are not picky eaters and would eat just about anything, including uh... nasal mucus." Yeah try not to disgust half the class with something so unhygienic. "Yes, very good, Vickers." William nodded. "They're scavengers, they sure are."
Now then, it was DEFINITELY beyond time to move on. "OKAY," William raised his voice again in a last ditch effort to gain the class' attention. "Let's have another group share their results. Anyone. About anything. And if your pygmy puff is squeaking, kindly take it outside, calm it down, and come back in please."
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |