Thread: Harry Potter: Flora Riddle 2 - Sa13+
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Old 02-17-2012, 04:15 PM   #5 (permalink)
Ivana R
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Default 2. Preparing to be born again
Portuguese Hippogriff Harrys Schokofrösche

Flora and Felipe had long talks about leaving their jobs and home to move to a new world. Both agreed that it was like being born again. They would try it.

Since Narcissa Malfoy had assured her of the legal origin of her heritage, Flora decided to accept it. She felt at peace with the wizarding folks, once she had taken part in her uncle and the other Death Eaters’ arrest, who still had archaic ideas of pure-bloods, as well as contempt for the Muggles. And the Malfoy Manor break-in had frustrated the attempt of the return of darkness. Actually, it was quite hard to give up heaps of galleons. It wasn’t even necessary to know how much they were worth in real, dollars, pounds or euros to know that they topped a lottery prize ... Surely there was enough to start a new life without sacrificing the family's savings.

Before leaving, they had little time to pack some clothes as well as a few objects having sentimental value, get permission to take their dogs on the trip, and say goodbye to friends and relatives (her husband had many brothers). As most of the dear persons they’d be leaving in Brazil were Muggles, they told them that they had been offered an irresistible working opportunity in UK. Later on they could think of how to get around possible visits.

They threw a great farewell party, but Flora didn’t even have time to talk to her witch friends. She had an incredible urge to share about the wizarding world with them, but felt that it wasn’t the time yet. Once things had settled down, they could invite them over for a visit

Just a week after they had left England, they were back at her aunt’s home, who wouldn’t let them stay at the Leaky Cauldron, however much they insisted. In some visits to Diagon Alley they had bought the whole list of school materials for Lia and Ricardo. The children couldn’t keep their excitement to themselves. They soon became faithful customers of George and Ron Weasley’s store, the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. There wasn’t a single trip to the alley that didn’t result in pockets full of jokes and tricks. Though their cousin Scorpius liked going there the most, his father wouldn’t let him go to this store at will. So, he could only buy things when he sneaked there.

Flora was happy to be able to walk around Diagon Alley without being recognized or suspected as Voldemort’s heir. That was possible because Harry Potter had stated in the paper that there had been a misunderstanding concerning her. It was better to leave it like that. Few people still looked strangely at her, but they no longer shunned her. Those who knew the truth wouldn’t openly talk about it so as to not embarrass her, so she was very comfortable. She’d have personally thanked Harry, if it weren’t for Draco and his insistence that she not do that. Her cousin had assured her that Potter didn’t need anything else to have his ego inflated. She realized that her cousin and she had very different ideas about Mr. Potter. However in deference to his cousin, she didn’t contact the head of the Aurors.

Felipe was increasingly becoming attached to Draco, who had taught him many things, including flying on broomsticks. Felipe seemed to have been born to fly, as well as his sons Ricardo and Yan. They abused the risky maneuvers in midair, which left Flora with her heart pounding especially when they flew in a "v" shape, such as wild ducks, as they always did before performing these exercises. Flora and Lia liked the ground better and enjoyed learning domestic spells from Aunt Narcissa, especially when she fumbled with them. Because of the number of employees she had, she hardly ever had to use them; so they were quite rusty.
One afternoon, while Draco, Scorpius, Felipe, Ricardo and Yan were practicing their flight, Narcissa commented:

“You’d have learnt a lot more with my sister.”

“I thought my mother was averse to housework. The little I heard about her tells that she didn’t like it at all.”

“No, not Bellatrix…I'm talking about your other aunt, Andromeda. We haven’t spoken in years. I think I'm getting old, I can’t see any more sense in our distance, I shouldn’t have been so frivolous but…”

Astoria, Draco's wife, had been quietly listening to the talk until then. This silence was because she didn’t feel at ease with Flora, because since Flora’s arrival, her mother-in-law had put her in the background. Yet, she ventured a guess:

“The choice of a husband talks a lot about the person; you shouldn’t blame yourself like this.”

“Well, I think we should always review our positions, especially when they concern our family. Sometimes
we make hasty judgments, especially when we're young. The good thing is that as long as we are alive, we have a chance to change.” said Flora.

Astoria grinned. But she was a bit miffed with Flora's remark. Flora’s aunt agreed with her niece:

“Yeah, you’re right. I’ll think about that. Is everything ready for the start of the school year?”

“We’ve already bought the school books, uniforms, and the owls… but in fact, Felipe and I aren’t ready yet to stay away from the children for so long. Perhaps, it’s exactly for this reason that the kids are so excited... If I can remember correctly, when I was their age I too would have loved to live away from my parents, and take some risks once in a while.” She smiled.

“You’ll soon get used to it. Anyway, from what I understand, you do intend to settle in Hogsmead, don’t you?

“Yeah, it’s the closest to them as possible. When I was at Hogwarts I talked with Professor McGonagall about the possibility of me studying a little in the school library. The idea then was to do it during the holidays, because at that time I really didn’t think we would be moving here. It seemed more of a wish than a real possibility.”

“I’ve never heard of any parents ever have free access to the school. However, yours is a special case.” Astoria apparently encouraged Flora. However, deep down she was trying to do just the opposite.

“If I don’t try, how will I know?”

Narcissa noticed some uneasiness in the air and interrupted the conversation, announcing that the tea was ready.

Flora's family went to bed early, right after dinner; Draco, Astoria and Scorpius too went home straight away, since next morning Scorpius, Ricardo and Lia were going to catch the train to Hogwarts and Hogsmead.

Last edited by Ivana R; 02-24-2012 at 04:29 PM. Reason: including the corrections from beta-reader Nups 21
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