Sarah thinks I'm cute | Shan's safe space. Chapter Three 'I hope I'm clever one day.'
School’s a lot harder than I thought it would be and I feel like I’ve been here forever, which is a really good thing because I’m not homesick or anything but I still keep getting lost. And I shouldn’t be by now, I should know my way around; everyone else seems to, but my old school had ONE floor and not that many classrooms and Hogwarts has SEVEN floors and lots of classrooms and bathrooms and common rooms and grounds and loads more stuff that I probably don’t even know about yet. It’s still exciting though, finding out the new stuff, like the secret passageways and things. But usually when I’ve found one, I can never find it again which kinda sucks.
Everyone’s really nice here, too. No one’s mean like Ryan was and I think I’ve got friends. I know I’ve got Brooke but sometimes I don’t think we see each other as much as we used to. In Primary we were in the same class and lived around the corner from each other and now that we still go to the same school and we NEVER EVER leave we should see each other more but we don’t because I’m in Ravenclaw and she’s in Slytherin.
I know that Ravenclaw’s for really clever people but I don’t know why I’m here – I’m not really clever, I think I’m really UNclever because I have to try very hard to focus and to get stuff right and that hurts my brain. Maybe the Sorting Hat got it wrong. Or maybe I will be clever one day. I hope so because if I’m cleverer than I am now I can get a good job and have lots of money. And being clever’s cool. Everyone’s really clever here and they wiz around casting spells and being cool and I can’t really do that many spells yet. I don’t really know what Slytherin’s for, but I DO know that they were green which is the best colour ever and that Brookie’s there, so they must be awesome, too. Their Common Room is in the dungeons though and it’s really creepy down there and I always feel a little bit scared when I go down there, but I’m not going to tell anyone that. I like our Common Room though, although it takes so many stairs to get up to that it hurts my legs and takes AGES because I don’t know any shortcuts but it’s still cool and sparkly and I can see the lake and the grounds and stuff from the window.
People still look at me funny when I introduce myself, though. When people ask my name I’m so used to saying ‘Darwin’ because people knew me as that, but now here I’m called Damon and sometimes I don’t say it quickly enough and then I get weird looks. But I suppose they’re not as weird as the looks I’d get if I told people I was really called Darwin so they don’t bother me. Only Brooke calls me Darwin still, but that’s okay because she’s still my bestie-for-life-with-no-takesies-backsies-or-swapsies. As long as no one else calls me it then it’s fine.
My spelling’s getting better, too and I think that’s because I bought a special Spell Checking Quill from Diagon Alley. But it doesn’t always work I don’t think because sometimes it just doesn’t do anything and then someone else points out that something’s wrong which can be really annoying but I don’t let it bother me too much. I more bothered about my answers being right because if they were wrong then that would be seriously embarrassing and I don’t enjoy getting embarrassed.
Some of the portraits talk aswell which is super weird. Some are really nice and helpful and will tell me where to go if I get lost or something but some are really rude and I don’t like them so I try to avoid them.
I don’t know what else to write about Hogwarts because everything is super exciting and I think I could go on forever, and I have to write a letter to my mum and Oskar and Emiline and one to my dad and so I think I’ll go and do that.
We have to send the post by owl and there’s millions and trillions of ones that I can borrow from the school and it’s brilliant. I do wonder how they know where to go, though, and if they look weird flying in daylight because usually they don’t wake up until night time.
__________________  ⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽