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Old 02-16-2012, 06:25 AM   #34 (permalink)

PhoenixRising's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: in my head [GMT-6]
Posts: 58,905

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Amelia Adara

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Emma Montmorency (#301199)
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kartik Ishaan Joshi (#3112da)
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kara Walsh (#aa1506)
First Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Tiffany Rose
Third Year

x12 x8
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Kurumi only slightly registered that Treyen had sat down next to her and his initial greeting went entirely in one ear and out the other. It was only when he asked her if she was alright that it really sunk in that he was there. All she could do was shake her head and look back at her parchment.

She usually loved Arithmancy. One of her favorite subjects...but not today. Now she wished she had stayed in bed with the covered pulled up high over her head and Walnut attempting to cheer her up by purring on the pillow beside her head.

When Professor Hadley officially started the lesson and asked what sort of families there were. Kurumi nearly lost it and shut her eyes tight for just a moment, passing it off hopefully that she was just thinking. She needed to think of something far and away from what images the word family brought to her mind. She couldn't even look Professor Hadley in the face right now.

Slowly...she raised her hand, eyes still on her parchment and waited for her turn to speak. "A family is a taxonomic rank," she said softly, lowering her hand as she finished.
A taxonomic rank? Well then, someone was bitter clearly when it came to discussing families. "Perhaps true, but a family is also one of the best taxonomic ranks you'll have." Even if they didn't appreciate their family now, which many didn't, they would.

Originally Posted by Walrus View Post
Travis put his quill to his upper lip, giving himself a nice feathery moustache. He had completely ignored the instructions, finding the different styles of moustache he could make with a single feather quill extremely interesting. It seemed the everyone else was being busy, while Trav remained in his imagination. He started to picture himself in the 1400s with nice tights, and fencing sword, and a strong gentleman like moustache accent. Moustaches are so cool... why couldn't his facial hair grow faster?!

Oh wait, class, questions stuff. With the feather still at his upper lip, Travis called out in a a rather shaky gentleman accent. "Well, My dear, there is a dysfunctional family."

Wait... He probably shouldn't have answered like that. Oh Well.

Back to his Gentleman fantasy. OOOH! A Pipe. He should also have a pipe... or not, pipes were later gentlemen, right? Who cares... he gets a pipe anyways.
Dysfunctional family? Yes, she'd go for that one. "In some sense... I think that every type of family is dysfunctional. It doesn't matter whether it's step family, adoptive, biological.... there is dysfunction to families. And I also think that it's this dysfunction that makes ... families more ... real."

Originally Posted by Squishy ♥ View Post
Amelia had the weird feeling that Professor Hadley wasn't in the best mood today, so she decided not to do anything that might press her patience.

She raised her hand to answer the question. "There is the Nuclear Family. It's basically the parents and any of their children."
"Nuclear family. Or in other words, the biological family." The main sort of family, in some sense. You've got the mum, dad, and kids.

Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
Alyssa thought for a moment before raising her hand. "Professor, there is the single parent family, where there's only either a Mom or Dad, taking care of the household."
"Yes. That is definitely a type of family. It can be a single parent family for any number of reasons too..." Maybe one parent had a job traveling all the time. Or their parent died. Or their parents split up. Who knew?

Originally Posted by alchemist_18 View Post
Well.. Types of family? Raven didn't know much about family. But she tried to answer. She raised her hand and answered.

"Well.. How about extended family, Professor." she said.
"Extended family...yes... Because it's not just your immediate family that is family." Your aunts and uncles were family too, even if sometimes you wished they weren't.

Originally Posted by LilFox06 View Post
Types of families...

Anya listened to several examples before she raised her hand. "There's adoptive families." she offered. Like hers.
Adoptive. Yes. For some reason or other, that actually made Hadley think on Hogwarts family. "Like your family here, at Hogwarts. In some sense or other, your Hogwarts family is like your adopted family." Truth. Really.

Originally Posted by Team ronmione View Post
"A.. childless type of family. The parents may have had kids but didn't want them for the long run so either they do live with their parents and are greatly ignored... " Adam stopped himself as he said that, but he gained his speech back and continued, "Or the parents rely on other family to actually take care of their children."

He hated the idea of a irresponsable parents having kids and then not doing what they had decided to do and nurture and have their children grow. Why put someone through the pain if they knew they wouldn't be willing to attempt it.
Why did the Gryffindor Prefect seem soo.... depressed when he talked about that? What was up with BOTH Gryffindor Prefects actually? Were they neglected children? For whatever the reason, Hadley couldn't put her finger on it.

But she nodded. That was a type of family, after all. Both types. The neglectful parents and then the childless parents.

Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
Taylor raised her hand, "Isnt there groups of numbers called families?" She asked. Tay didnt want to do the obivious family is people answer especially since they were in Artihmancy of course. Taylor had a half grimace, half nervous smile on her face.
Well then. Someone was ready to start working on numbers. "There are. There are also plants called families too." See! Herbology and Arithmancy WERE linked! If nothing else than the fact they both had families in common!

Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
Alex wrinkled his eyebrows. He wondered what HIS family was classified was certainly not your typical, average family. Not even close. He raised his hand anyways and decided to give it a guess.

"What about your step-family? That counts, right? Since you ARE related by marriage and everything," he said.

Wait, weren't they supposed to talk about numbers in this class? This was why Alex never did well in here. He had no idea WHAT they were talking about.
"Step-families are a type of family, so yes," Fina said, nodding at the Hufflepuff, curiously wondering about that too.

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
How odd that today's lesson was about families when so much had just recently happened with Sierra's own family. At first, she didn't realize what the professor was talking about, though. Types of family...members? What?

Then she heard some of the others answering and raised her hand. "There's families made possible through adoption," she suggested, and then she lowered her hand. Really though, adopted children, like Sierra, usually ended up seeing their adopted parents as their real parents. So in a way, if you looked at it like that, adopted families were more like traditional father-mother families.
Adoptive families. Yes. Someone mentioned that already, so Fina just nodded about that.

Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose View Post
Types of Family's? Oakey pushed his hand in the air to answer. They're are Foster Family's Yeah he could have said the typical Family or whatever but he went with what he grew up with.
But foster families. Now that on the other hand, was slightly different from adoptive. Kind of the same idea, but not. "Yes, foster families is a type of a family."

Originally Posted by SilverDragon View Post
Families? Strange, thought Silvia. What do families have to do with arithmancy? Unless they were going to calculate the life path number of the people in their family, but that still didn't explain why they were discussing types of families.

She raised her hand. "I think one of the most common types is when you just have the parents and children living together, no aunts and uncles or grandparents. I think it's called a...a nuclear family?" Just like her family; just her mom and dad and her brother.
Most common, yes, was probably the nuclear. "But that doesn't mean that the other types of families don't exist." Besides someone mentioned nuclear family already.


Right then. Now that they had some ideas and views about types of families that existed in the world .... "Family comes from the Latin word, familia and in essence it is a group of people affiliated in some way or another, either by co-inhabiting the same residence, biologically related through marriage, or sometimes even friendships can be construed as a family." Hadley paused a moment. "Families, yes, while traditionally speaking they are a mother, father, and children.... as your basic nuclear family, can be anything. They can be your role models. They can be your teammates. Your housemates. Your neighbors. Your pets. Family is, really anything you want it to be. It's not just about living under the same roof and sharing DNA, but it's about affiliation. Connection. Mutual love and respect for one another."

She paused again, looking around the room. "So before we get to the calculations involved in today's lesson, I want you to write your own surname down on your parchment and come up with a word or phrase for each each letter in your surname. In an acrostic style. Something that you think is important to you or your family. I'll put an example of my own name on the board."
An Italian
Deliberate in actions
Lovely. Most of the time.
Even can relate to you.
Your turn now!

ooc: so yea, do a line-down acrostic with your surnames and traits that YOU think your character's family holds. No numbers .... yet. You'll have ... until sometime tomorrow, the 16th to work on this. At least 8 hours ....

___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror.
________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem
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