Join Date: May 2007 Location: Gotham
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Hogwarts RPG Name: TBD Gryffindor Hogwarts RPG Name: Zara H. Bunbury-Foster Slytherin Fifth Year | *waits for more answers before revealing THE answer* :D Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB SPOILER!!: Hermaphrodites HEHEHEEE Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen Hmm, how do they figure out what gender a Pygmy Puff is? Vickers angled his head as he looked at the purple creature resting comfortably in the crook of his arm. He picked Hendrix up and turned it around gently in his hands. He named the Puff Hendrix for the practical reason what it looked like it had an afro, not because he knew it was male. He tried to examine the creature a little further to find discernible features if it was male, but he couldnt really tell. He leafed through his textbook-- it didnt say anything about how to determine gender, whether it was for Pygmy Puffs or for Puffskeins. And yet, as history has recorded, pygmy puffs do breed. Tentatively he raised his hand and replied "Professor, perhaps Pygmy Puffs are the type of creatures that are asexual, maybe they dont really have a gender that is recognizably male or female, and thus perhaps their breeding methods are more similar to certain amphibians and plants, where they can self-fertilize or maybe just 'clone' themselves." Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Handing in the notes from the summary that she had given earlier on the discussion between her and Vickers, Kurumi returned to her spot in the hay and thought about the question at hand when Vickers spoke up. He took the words right out of her mouth and offered him an encouraging smile. See, he WAS capable of speaking up in class.
After a few more moments, Kurumi raised her hand. "I actually had the same thoughts as Vickers did in regards to pygmy puffs and their genders," she said. "I have read about some species of mammals that use over fifty percent of their metabolism for reproduction and that they are born pregnant and, given the proper conditions, could be capable of producing a litter of ten in twelve hours time." Which, over a period of a few days could cause a MASSIVE amount of fur and trouble. "I thought that perhaps pygmy puffs were duel sexed and not either or." Quote:
Originally Posted by HOPEendures Jezz shrugged and said raising her hand, "I just gave my Pygmy Puff a gender neutral name, Quibbles. Isn't it possible that it could be like the hermaphrodite snail?" In which case she could not give it a gender based name. Quote:
Originally Posted by iceblossom22 Picking up the Puffskien that was being passed around, she hugged him close to her. He was just like a teddy bear! Responding to the Professor's question, she smiled. "I don't think they have a gender, professor," she replied, patting the adorable! puffskein. "Maybe they're just... Both?" she finished, passing the puff to the next person.
Shrugging, she wrote some more notes in her doodle-filled notebook. Not like identifying puffskein genders was her specialty or anything...
"Actually... they DO have genders," Williamson told the class, glancing at the few who had thought pygmy puffs have both parts or no gender at all. "There are subtle differences in appearance, which I will go over in just a second, as well as more... ah, internal differences which become apparent when one dissects a deceased pygmy puff, for example."
Not that, you know, he had ever dissected one. He had just studied about them in university. Quote:
Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh And there was now a puffskein being passed around too, it looked just as cute and as fluffy as a pygmy puff, just a bit bigger of course. Nessie once again got distracted as she looked at the Professor again. Why did he have to be so good looking? She couldn't stop staring, but luckily this time she actually heard the question he had asked the class. Gender? that was exactly what the two had done, well tried to. She slowly raised her hand. "Pro..ff.ess..or I wetriedthat." She was mumbling again...which was all because thats what happened to her when she was around really good looking boys. "' theyactdifferently?" Going bright red from all her stuttering and mumbling, she moved her gaze off from the professor and looked at Lewis for some sort of help. He could say he's part if he wanted, even if she did think it was wierd it was better than her mumbling answer. He turned and tried to listen to the stuttering Hufflepuff, but it was hard to make out what she was saying through all the starts and stops in her speech. Er. Will ended up just nodding at what she said and took a minute to pause and translate.
"They act differently.... yes! Yes they do. You all might not have noticed it yet, particularly if you're a new pygmy puff owner, but male and female puffs DO act differently, especially during mating season! Good job!"
He smiled gently at the Huff and looked to her partner. "Do you have anything to add, Lewis?" Quote:
Originally Posted by Jessiqua Zhenya looked over at Ira and shrugged, holding her hand up.
"Professor, we discussed the issue of training them against eating snot! I thought that a good strategy would be perhaps to make up our own food that looked and felt like snot, but see there could be extra nutrients added to it, and I guess somehow you could find out how to make it taste like snot too. That way, they wouldn't have to eat body produced snot, but they could have this snot replaced formula as a meal," she suggested.
Turning to Ira she whispered, "Did you want to add anything?" And ah, another group had had a discovery too, though this was one not related to gender! "That is..... a really good idea," he remarked after a thoughtful second. "You should definitely experiment on that, perhaps in the potions lab, and then sell your results to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. You two could have a few good galleons coming your way!" Williamson was willing to bet loads of little witches would line up to buy that product.
The professor looked to the rest of the class.... "Anyone else have anything to add about pygmy puff genders?"
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |