Join Date: May 2010 Location: Iowa , United States
Posts: 141
Second Year |
Chapter 14
Disclaimer: Everything Harry potter belongs to Jk Rowling.
Ella wiped a stray hair from her face. To say it was cold in the basement was an understatement.
“Oh for the love of ….!” Ella stopped staring at the broken machine. “Oh I knew this was going to be one of these days.”
“Ella, could you please come here.” Madame Rosmerta’s voice could be heard from the stairs.
“Ok one minute!” Ella still banging on the washer machine, yelled.
“Ok, I am seriously behind on my work, I almost have that machine fixed” Ella said rubbing dirt of her arms.
“Well, we will have Wendy tend to the laundry; you’re needed in your room.”
Ella gave Rosmerta and odd look. “Excuse me?”
Putting a not so steady hand on Ella’s shoulder, Rosmerta murmured “Please Ella, just go.”
Turning away, Ella felt her breathing getting short. So many questions ran through her mind.
Reaching the door, she almost didn’t unlatch it for fear. Finally, after a few seconds she stepped in.
Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape were sitting there quietly.
Glancing up towards the frantic looking Ella, Dumbledore spoke softly “ Ella my dear.”
“What is going on? Did something happen? My family?” Her words were getting mumbled.
“ My dear, I fear its….” Ella couldn’t help but to cut him off again.
“ What tell me.” Putting her hands on her hips, Ella was getting frustrated because Snape and McGonagall wouldn’t even look at her.
“Severus ,please.” Dumbledore said nodding to Snape.
Getting up, in a float like matter he handed Ella the Daily prophet.
Opening the fold, Ella’s heart fell.
A Trans- Atlantic Secret
By Bronson James
Author’s note --Ella R. Greene--- You should have talked.
For the past couple of months, I have been staying at the historical Three Broomsticks inn in Hogsmeade village. On assignment for the prophet, I was excited to seek out all truths regarding the incident in which Ministry worker, Delores Umbridge was attacked. When initially appearing in Hogsmeade, I was ecstatic to run directly into Ella Greene. Upon meeting her, I was shocked. She was smaller in size, long jet black hair, and daunting eyes. The words strikingly beautiful come to mind. Walking me to the Inn, I felt a sense of ease. How could this girl viscously attack a seasoned witch like Delores?
That question might be answered later in my article.
The best thing, about Hogsmead, other than being one of the only all wizarding towns, is the flow of information to and from Hogwarts. I learned that Miss. Greene had been expelled. Yet, she was still in the village. When I awoke the next day, I was surprised to see Ella in an apron. Not only did she work here, she had taken up residence at the inn. This being my breakout story, I was happy at my predicament. But I will say, I have to give Miss. Greene some credit, she was silent and cold. Every day, I asked her to give information regarding her expulsion and every day she ignored. But, readers when a student is expelled , is it appropriate that Head Master Dumbledore , to still make professors tutor Ella? I mean she did attack a teacher, how could she be trusted? Oh did I say professors? I mean one professor.
Every day, sometimes more than once, Professor Snape made his way to the village to help Ella with her studies. Now, after a couple of weeks of observing, I don’t know if Madame Rosmerta’s pumpkin juice soaked in , but I began to see a sort of resemblance between Miss. Greene and Mr. Severus Snape. The same jet black hair, the glass like complexion, and those daunting eyes. I couldn’t have been the only one to notice this strange new observation?
The following interviews are transcripts. All of which are on record. If anyone wants these records please contact the prophet for all evidence.
I first asked Madame Rosmerta.
“ Do you see a resemblance between Professor Snape and Miss. Greene?”
Her response was sudden and suspicious.
“ I , well I never really saw it before , but you shouldn’t say things like this out loud Mr. Bronson. “
A Hogwarts student by the name of Draco Malfoy is a frequent visitor for Miss. Greene. He was the closest to Miss. Greene. Often times, I could see them giggling in the corner, trying not to be seen. One afternoon Ella was running late for their date, so I asked him the same question I did Rosmerta. His answer was shocking.
“Yes, I have. You should see them brewing potions together. They move in sync. Kind of Scary, If you ask me.”
This is all I needed. Did I run into something I shouldn’t have? I was uncovering something big. After coming to this sudden realization, I did some traveling, in search of some answers about the real Ella Greene. I went to America, I learned that only American wizards can obtain birth certificates. But to my delight, the nurses were very nice and understanding to my situation. When the charge nurse came back empty handed and with a puzzled look on her face. I knew something was up. What she told me next was very interesting indeed. She told me that Ella Rae Greene’s birth certificate was requested by Ella herself. To top it off, she requested it last year. Ella was attending Hogwarts last year. Why would she need her records? But wait there is more! I decided to travel to the small Ohio town of Munson. Here I found a good friend of the Greene family.
“Did you know the Greene’s?” I asked .
“Of course, very nice people, horrible thing to happen to Jennifer. She was a wonderful young lady.”
At this point we stopped to sip our lemonade.
“ Did you know Ella?” I then asked.
“ Oh , Ella yes.”
“ Was she different than her family? I guess did she fit in?”
“ Well, Mr. James. Ella suddenly appeared. No one even knew Deb was with child. She made up a big story about how she was older, and she didn’t know if the child would even live. The subject of her sudden appearance was brushed aside well until she began to grow up.Everyone thought as she grew up she looked less and less like Ed and Deb. She didn’t quite fit.”
I had to make my move fast, because I could tell this source would not want to touch on the subject at hand.
“ Please explain, I am confused.”
“ I asked Deborah, why Ella didn’t look like her other daughters. She blew the question off and changed the subject. Ella became close to Jennifer and would dress and do hair like hers. In our minds, they started to look like each other, so everyone just stopped talking. But Mr. James you see, I always knew. “
After my last glass of lemonade I decided to take my leave. Readers of the prophet, I dare say there is something strange going on, and I tend to seek only the truth. If what I think is true, then Ella is a skilled and dangerous weapon forged from her father Professor Snape.
Keep watch for my next installment
Bronson James
Ella dropped the newspaper on the floor.
Staring at the floor, she murmured “ What happens now?”
“ You will live with the order.”
“ For protection?”
“ He won’t stop.” Ella said.
“ I will talk to Mr. Bronson and the minister himself.” Dumbledore spoke in an authoritative tone.
“ He already planted the story.”
“Remus Lupin will help you with your studies.” Proffesor Mcgongall looked at Ella with such kind eyes that Ella began to cry.
“ I just got my routine down. I love this village, and now I have to leave. “
“Everything happens for a reason.” McGonagall whispered.
Turning around so not face her teachers she began to pack her belongings.
“I should of told him my side of the story. That way he wouldn’t have been snooping around.”
“I blame myself. I gave you that advice.” Snape said trying to give her peace of mind.
“ No, it’s my fault. I have a temper, if only I would held back. I don’t want to leave.” Ella knew she was acting childish, but she didn’t care.
“ There is no other choice.” Snape said
“ Well there is one.” Professor Dumbledore stood there eyeing Ella’s every movement.
“ What?” Ella said turning around to face him.
“ Your grandmother is still alive.”
Ella turned back around and began to pack “ No. I am not running away back to the States.”
“ Well then you must live with the order.” Snape said, he had hoped Ella would move back to America for her protection.
“ I can protect myself.” Ella said in a haughty manner
“ You’re a teenager.” Snape said in a fatherly tone.
“ I am well equipped to fight back.”
“ Your talking like a fool, and that is not how my daughter will act.”
Ella fell silent. Holding her tongue was hard for her, but she knew she should.
McGonagall stood. “ You could live as a muggle. In a teenage home”
Ella stared at McGonagall.
“ I will go to the order. But I will not , be under their watch and supervision. I don’t want to be anyone’s burden.” She took a breath “ I am almost of age, and I will not need a babysitter.”
Ella heard a knock.
“ Oh Remus ,just in time.”
“You knew, I would make this decision.”
“ How?”
“ Miss. Greene, you never back down from a fight. Living with the order, you will receive information that if you ran and hid you wouldn’t know. Your nosy, temperamental, intelligent, kind, and everything that defines an order member.”
“ I don’t know how you do it.”
Dumbledore smiled.
“Goodbye Miss. Greene.”
“ Goodbye Professors”
Ella looked over at Snape, who looked tormented. He had to of been out all night. His face looked worn.
“um, I forgot something.” Running back to the room, she grabbed her ring and put it on. She was a Snape now, and although she wouldn’t broadcast it, she wouldn’t deny it.
Glancing behind her, she swore she saw a tear fall from Snape’s eyes.
Last edited by newtscholar8; 04-17-2012 at 08:49 PM.